Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Confession and A Cup of Tea

Hello Everyone,
I have another teacup to share with you, but first - a confession! A few months ago, I visited a blog where the owner wrote about her love of collecting rocks. She had a goal of collecting a rock from every state in the U.S. I wrote to her and offered to send a rock from my state of Ohio. Well...I'm embarrassed to admit I accidentally deleted the email with her address and consequently forgot whose blog it was on. So, please - if you're the rock collector and reading this - or anyone knows who the lovely blogger is that collects rocks, please email me and let me know! Thank you!!

Now...on to my teacup! On one of my previous teacup blog posts, someone left a comment asking "where do you find these?" is a photo of just a tiny portion of the shop where I've purchased several (and at a very low price!) As you can see - things are piled on top of each other! It's not exactly tidy - but those are the places that are fun to explore!

This teacup was manufactured by Elite Works in Limoges, France. It has a delicate pink rose pattern, with gold trim around the rim and handle.

When the company first began producing porcelain in 1892, they simply used the mark "Elite France."
The backstamp on my cup says "Elite Works Limoges France" and is a light red color, which dates it to between 1900 - 1914. The company used the color green to mark pieces manufactured between 1920 - 1932.

"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea." Henry James

Now, it's time for a cup of tea and the SAG Awards! I have to see what everyone is wearing!
Until next time,

              Teacup Tuesday at Artful Affirmations
             Teacup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
                      Tuesday Cuppa Tea with Antiques and Teacups
                     A Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life

Friday, January 27, 2012

Mixed-Media Collages

Hello Everyone,
Today I'm sharing two mixed-media art collages I made this week. I've always loved this vintage photo of my Grandmother, so I decided to create a collage around it (using a copy of the photo, of course.) I've added vintage buttons and vintage lace, glittery pink seam binding, paper flowers and scrapbooking embellishments.

My grandmother was born in 1904, and I believe my Mom once told me she was 16 in this photo, so it was taken around 1920. Wasn't she beautiful?

This is my "Dream of Paris" collage. The Paris scrapbooking page is glued to a piece of chipboard. I then added bits of cheesecloth, vintage buttons, and a key. The Paris-Eiffel Tower torso tag came in a shabby chic art kit that I purchased from Cindy Adkins' Whimsical Musings Etsy Shop, which can be found by clicking HERE. The whole collage is lightly "frosted" with copper-colored glass glitter.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I'm linking this to:

Until next time,

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I've Been Tagged!

My blogging friend, Myric of Petites Passions recently tagged me in a blog post. This is a fun way for fellow bloggers, and new followers, to get to know one another. I'm such a fan of Myric's - her blog is beautiful and she's a very creative and sweet person. If you're not already a follower of her blog, I encourage you to give her a visit! But...back to the tag. I am first suppose to list eleven fun facts about myself...then answer the questions Myric created for me. goes:

Eleven Fun Facts About Me

1. I was born in Amarillo, Texas
2. I was named for both of my grandmothers. Cynthia was my Dad's mother's name and my middle name, Fern, was my Mom's mother's name.
3. I used to work at a television station (PBS) as a production assistant.
4. I HATE garlic!
5. I cannot sing. Really. I can't carry a tune at all.
6. I can follow a recipe, but cooking is not something I really enjoy doing.
7. My favorite flowers are tulips and pink roses.
8. I've traveled cross-country twice on the Amtrak train. A very slow, but scenic way to travel!
9. I love trees and I love to hug them.
10. I've never been hospitalized (except when I was born.)
11. I love making lists!!

Now, here are the questions Myric asked me:
  1. Where is your ideal retiring place?  Someplace near the ocean
  2.  Which food you do not see yourself eating? Garlic (see above!)
  3. If you have an opportunity to ask one question to your favorite celebrity, who and what question will it be?   I honestly can't think of an answer to this! 
  4. What do you think is the most romantic food? Champagne and strawberries dipped in chocolate.
  5. Who's blog do you visit the most? Cindy Adkins' Whimsical Musings and Mr.Puddy
  6. If you are to award one blogger who and what would it be? This is tough to pick one, but Mr.Puddy would get a SMILE AWARD for always making me laugh (cat fans will love his blog!!)
  7. What are you passionate of the most?  Animals/and animal rights
  8. What other foreign language do you wish you could speak? Italian (first) and French (close second)
  9. Which era in the history would you like to go back for a visit and why? The 1950s so I could see my parents again when they were young and healthy.
  10. Were you a member of a club in high-school? If yes, what was it? No, I wasn't...I did write for the school newspaper though.
  11. Do you prefer Savory or Sweet dish? Sweet...I love sweets (unfortunately my waistline doesn't!)
Well, I hope you've enjoyed reading this wee bit of information about me. I'm breaking the rules a bit, because I think I'm suppose to forward (or tag) others, but I've seen it on a few of the ones I've thought of sending it to already, so I don't want to overwhelm them!  Thank you again, Myric for thinking of me. This was fun!

Until next time,

Monday, January 23, 2012

Cats on Tuesday ~ Cats for Sale?

Buster here. Me and Sam been fighting!! OMC! I stalk Sam and jump on him when he not looking and then he come after me like a tiger!!  I never see Sam so mad before, so I strike back with two thumps to his head! We both are growling, and Rudy come running to see what going on! Mom had to break up fight and now she say if we don't behave she will sell us to highest bidder on eBay! HELP!!  So - if she want to sell me, I already find good box to ship me in - here:

But, I won't look at her...

Friends - you think Mom will really sell us?? 

I don't think so! I will send her this cute picture of me and she will change her mind! MOL!!  Until next time, friends...remember to purr loudly, eat much, and sleep often! fighting!

I'm only a cat and I stay in my place,
Up there on your chair,
Or your bed or your face.

I'm only a cat,
and we'll get along fine,
as long as you know,
I'm not yours, you are mine.

Poem from

Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Book Review "Do You Need a Hug From Heaven?"

My "same-name" good friend, Cindy Adkins, has just published a new book, "Do You Need a Hug From Heaven?" Many of you know Cindy from her artwork and blog, "Cindy Adkins' Whimsical Musings," but she's also a very talented writer, with several bestsellers on In "Do You Need a Hug From Heaven," Cindy shares her own angelic encounters and spiritual experiences, as well as those from others (including a story of mine.) This book is a follow-up to one of her previous books, "Angels at My Door." Whether for yourself, or as a gift, these books are so full of uplifting, positive experiences - the kind of everyday miracles that happen all the time, but are often overlooked. I promise you will not be disappointed in this book! It's available as an ebook for your Kindle or other e-reader. But, if you don't have one (and I don't!) you can still easily download a free Kindle app on your computer to read these books. Clicking on the images below will take you directly to Cindy's books on AND, Cindy is offering her latest book for FREE this Sunday and Monday!! So, hurry on over and grab it! In the meantime, if you're not already a follower, you can visit Cindy's blog by clicking HERE. She offers several free tutorials and seminars, including "Calling All Angels Seminar,"  "Amazing Art Adventure," and one for "Beginning Bloggers." ALL FREE!!  She's not only talented, but very generous with her time and knowledge of the blogging world.

Enjoy...and until next time,

Friday, January 20, 2012

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party ~

Image Courtesy:

Hello Everyone,
When I posted about my niece's tea cup and tea pot collection, which can be found HERE, I received a few emails inquiring about her Alice in Wonderland tea set. It was given to her as a gift, but she did a little research and sent me this link where it can be purchased from Cardew Design (click HERE.) She was excited to see she can order more pieces to add to her set, as well! I especially adore the tea pot!

They also have a teapot for one!

Photos courtesy: Cardew Design Online

Look what else I found: Alice in Wonderland cupcakes! Aren't they adorable? They look almost too pretty to eat...well, almost! I wish I could make cupcakes like this! Well, I admit I've never tried, but there's so much detail! I love them!

 Photo courtesy: The Cupcake Blog

 Photo Courtesy: The Cupcake Blog

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Until next time, remember:

"Be what you would seem to be - or if you'd like it put more simply - never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were, or might have been, was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."
( The Duchess to Alice in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

                  and Patti and Paula's What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I Won!!

Hello Everyone,
Isn't this an adorable snowman ornament? I won it from Myric of Petites Passions! How lucky am I? With the mild winter we've had so far, this might be the only snowman I'll see this winter, too!  He really is so cute and makes me smile. Thank you so much, Myric!!

Myric is a writer and a very gifted artist. This beautiful Seaside Tag is just one of her creations:

To visit Myric's blog, Petites Passions, click HERE. You'll enjoy your visit, I guarantee. I hope everyone is having a good week.

Until next time,

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Theodore Haviland Limoges ~

I really wish I'd started collecting fine china teacups a long time ago! For a lifelong tea drinker, I can hardly believe I usually drank my tea from a sturdy ceramic mug, not a teacup! These cups add a whole new dimension to the "art of tea." Live and learn, right? Plus, not only are they beautiful works of art, but I'm finding that I'm fascinated with the history, as I research each cup I bring home. I've been so lucky with my finds, so far, and this is another fine example. I found this beauty at the same place, and for the same low price of $4.00, as my Russian Lomonosov teacup, which I posted about HERE. Today, I'm sharing a Theodore Haviland Limoges cup.

Of course, I've heard of Limoges (who hasn't, right?) but had never held one in my hands. I can't even begin to describe how delicate and paper-thin this china is - it's transparent when I hold it to the light. I sounds like a case of true love, right? Well,'re right! I'm in love with this teacup!

According to my research, the backstamp dates it to 1903.

It's in perfect condition ~ no chips or cracks. I love how the gold on the handle is lovingly worn, though, from years of wear. I like to reflect on "who drank from this cup?"  "Where did they live?" "What did she (or he) think about as they sipped tea from it?"  

I hope you've enjoyed seeing my new treasure. I found this quote during my research, "You can never be too rich, or too thin, or have too much Haviland."  If you're interested in reading the history of Haviland Limoges China, click HERE.

Until next time,
                    A Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life
                     Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups
              Teacup Thursday at Miss Spenser's Blog
                    Time Travel Thursday at The Brambleberry Cottage

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cats on Tuesday ~ Snow Day!

Hello friends,
Buster, here. We did not write our special Cats on Tuesday post last week because our Mom did not let us near the computer. Gattina says our Mom is not a very good secretary! MOL!  But, I have to tell you what is happening here today - SNOW! Yesterday was very cold and windy and Mom said if we went outside the wind would probably pick us up and take us all the way to Kansas!!! So, of course we stayed inside. This morning, however, Rudy and me, Buster, did venture out for just a little bit. White stuff is still coming down and the ground is covered with it. Here is proof of the snow:

My paw print:

Rudy's paw print:

I think my print is most perfect one!!!

Sam did not go outside. He too shy and stay inside all the time. Here is Sam looking at snow out the window.
After we come back in house, Rudy gaze longingly out window. He hate when he can't go outside.

Best thing to do on cold day is sleep. So, we go take naps now.
Sam and Rudy on sofa. Nice pose, Rudy! MOL!

And here is cute picture of me, Buster, on best bed in the house - my Mom's pillow!

Stay safe and warm, friends! See you next time!
Buster, Rudy and Sam

UPDATE from ME, BUSTER: Friends, since I wrote this on Saturday, snow all gone now! Warmer now, but rain, so we stay inside...still sleeping! MOL! Happy Cats on Tuesday to all my blogging friends! Paws up!!
Linking this to Gattina's blog: My Cats and Funny Stories

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Shaving Mugs ~

I have a few childhood memories of watching my Grandfather stand before a mirror in the kitchen, shaving with a straight razor, shaving mug and brush. My memories are too vague to recall the exact type of cup he used, but I was so excited to run across one recently at the Goodwill for only 50 cents!

 In the days when hot water wasn't available inside most households, men used a shaving mug or scuttle to provide hot lather. Shaving mugs looked like regular mugs or cups, except they had a built-in soap holder. A scuttle looked more like a teapot, with a wide spout where hot water was poured in. Both mugs and scuttles usually had handles, although some did not. Below are a couple examples of scuttles, so you can see how they differ from shaving mugs.

 Shaving scuttles courtesy Google images.

Early shaving mugs were traditionally used with a hard block of soap (instead of shaving cream or soft soap,) and therefore they had drain holes in the soap holder. Later mugs didn't have the holes so they could be used with creams. Therefore my shaving mug must be old! It has no markings on the bottom.

Hot water would be placed in the "cup" portion of the mug. Then the shaving brush would be dunked into it to soak up the water. One would then take the brush and rub it against the soap (placed where the holes are) and excess water would drain back into the cup. When I did research for my previous post about mustache cups (which can be found HERE,) I learned that some people mistake shaving mugs for mustache cups. Here you can see the difference:
Mustache Cup

Shaving cup

I find both fascinating examples of a bygone era, and can't imagine most men of today using them!

Have you had any lucky finds at the Goodwill or thrift shops lately?

Until next time,

Linking to:
What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
Time Travel Thursday at The Brambleberry Cottage

Monday, January 9, 2012

Royal Vale Tea Set

Today I'm featuring photos of my friend's vintage Royal Vale tea set.

I think this is the perfect English tea set, with its' lovely thatched-roof cottage and flower garden scene. My friend lives in Hertfordshire, England, and knows that this set dates from at the latest the 1930s to the earliest the 1920s. It's stamped "Royal Vale, Made in England" on the back. My research of Royal Vale proved to be a bit challenging, but from what I can gather, the trademark was originally used by H.J. Colclough Vale Works (1897-1937) It eventually became part of the Ridgway Group of Potteries, located in Werrington-Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England.

No matter where it was looks as if it belongs here:

...or perhaps here...wouldn't you agree?

English cottage photos courtesy

"Life is meant to be enjoyed: sipped like a cup of tea."
Author Unknown

Until next time,

               Teacup Tuesday at Artful Affirmations
             Teacup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
                       A Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life
                    What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
               Teacup Thursday at Miss Spenser's Blog