Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Book Review "Do You Need a Hug From Heaven?"

My "same-name" good friend, Cindy Adkins, has just published a new book, "Do You Need a Hug From Heaven?" Many of you know Cindy from her artwork and blog, "Cindy Adkins' Whimsical Musings," but she's also a very talented writer, with several bestsellers on In "Do You Need a Hug From Heaven," Cindy shares her own angelic encounters and spiritual experiences, as well as those from others (including a story of mine.) This book is a follow-up to one of her previous books, "Angels at My Door." Whether for yourself, or as a gift, these books are so full of uplifting, positive experiences - the kind of everyday miracles that happen all the time, but are often overlooked. I promise you will not be disappointed in this book! It's available as an ebook for your Kindle or other e-reader. But, if you don't have one (and I don't!) you can still easily download a free Kindle app on your computer to read these books. Clicking on the images below will take you directly to Cindy's books on AND, Cindy is offering her latest book for FREE this Sunday and Monday!! So, hurry on over and grab it! In the meantime, if you're not already a follower, you can visit Cindy's blog by clicking HERE. She offers several free tutorials and seminars, including "Calling All Angels Seminar,"  "Amazing Art Adventure," and one for "Beginning Bloggers." ALL FREE!!  She's not only talented, but very generous with her time and knowledge of the blogging world.

Enjoy...and until next time,


  1. Came by your blog to say hello and see you posted of our friend new book. I must get it for my kindle. Warm hugs Elaine

  2. Cindy, Thanks for posting about Cindy's new book and the free Kindle app. I went to Amazon and downloaded both. I read your story. How surprised and happy you must have been to find that card!
    Hugs, Barb

  3. Cindy is amazing! Thanks for the reminder about her book. I'll be downloading it for sure.

  4. That sounds like a real interesting and uplifting book. Thanks for the recommendation! :)

  5. Hi Cindy,
    Oh my gosh--thank you SO much for letting people know about the book!!! It was a true labor of love and I hope that it helps people know that they have angels around them. You are SOOOO sweet, my friend--thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  6. You're too sweet sharing Cindy's books this way, but she's a great friend who merits it. I've purchased her other e-books and this one sounds great too.
    Always good to visit, Cindy. Hope you have a gorgeous day.
    Much love!

  7. What a love you are for sharing Cindy's new book with your peeps.
    Have a great day!
    Always, Queenie

  8. This sounds like a great book! Thanks so much for sharing ;o)

  9. Hi Cindy,
    I just loved your story in Cindy's new book. Just amazing~~ And, I am so honored to share a little bit in it too. She is one wonderful and talented lady. So giving and generous. Love your post. I am featuring her book too with the link.
    Thank you for sharing your heart.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  10. Thank you so much for sharing this. I rec'd a kindle from my brother recently, so I'll check it out. Look forward to reading your story in it!


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