Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I've Been Tagged!

My blogging friend, Myric of Petites Passions recently tagged me in a blog post. This is a fun way for fellow bloggers, and new followers, to get to know one another. I'm such a fan of Myric's - her blog is beautiful and she's a very creative and sweet person. If you're not already a follower of her blog, I encourage you to give her a visit! But...back to the tag. I am first suppose to list eleven fun facts about myself...then answer the questions Myric created for me. Okay...here goes:

Eleven Fun Facts About Me

1. I was born in Amarillo, Texas
2. I was named for both of my grandmothers. Cynthia was my Dad's mother's name and my middle name, Fern, was my Mom's mother's name.
3. I used to work at a television station (PBS) as a production assistant.
4. I HATE garlic!
5. I cannot sing. Really. I can't carry a tune at all.
6. I can follow a recipe, but cooking is not something I really enjoy doing.
7. My favorite flowers are tulips and pink roses.
8. I've traveled cross-country twice on the Amtrak train. A very slow, but scenic way to travel!
9. I love trees and I love to hug them.
10. I've never been hospitalized (except when I was born.)
11. I love making lists!!

Now, here are the questions Myric asked me:
  1. Where is your ideal retiring place?  Someplace near the ocean
  2.  Which food you do not see yourself eating? Garlic (see above!)
  3. If you have an opportunity to ask one question to your favorite celebrity, who and what question will it be?   I honestly can't think of an answer to this! 
  4. What do you think is the most romantic food? Champagne and strawberries dipped in chocolate.
  5. Who's blog do you visit the most? Cindy Adkins' Whimsical Musings and Mr.Puddy
  6. If you are to award one blogger who and what would it be? This is tough to pick one, but Mr.Puddy would get a SMILE AWARD for always making me laugh (cat fans will love his blog!!)
  7. What are you passionate of the most?  Animals/and animal rights
  8. What other foreign language do you wish you could speak? Italian (first) and French (close second)
  9. Which era in the history would you like to go back for a visit and why? The 1950s so I could see my parents again when they were young and healthy.
  10. Were you a member of a club in high-school? If yes, what was it? No, I wasn't...I did write for the school newspaper though.
  11. Do you prefer Savory or Sweet dish? Sweet...I love sweets (unfortunately my waistline doesn't!)
Well, I hope you've enjoyed reading this wee bit of information about me. I'm breaking the rules a bit, because I think I'm suppose to forward (or tag) others, but I've seen it on a few of the ones I've thought of sending it to already, so I don't want to overwhelm them!  Thank you again, Myric for thinking of me. This was fun!

Until next time,


  1. Sooooooooo fun!!! I loved reading more about you! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. I enjoyed this. We have a lot in common!

  3. No Way!!! I was a production assistant too! Well sort of. I got my hands on training at productions but in writer's department but at the same time do some production assistance.
    And I've never been hospitalized except when I was born! This is so much fun learning things about you! Thanks for such sweet words. That was very humbling, and I love your blog too! One of my must visits :)


  4. Nice to read more about you! Valerie

  5. Nice to know more about you.
    xx jeanetteann

  6. Cindy it was nice to learn more about you. have a wonderful day.

  7. Congratulation on being tagged! Enjoyed reading more about you and finding things we have in common.
    Nancy @ Two Cottages And Tea

  8. Cindy, so nice to learn more about you. I love tulips and trees too.

  9. Cindy, excellent to know a little more about you ;o) Sorry, I love garlic! LOL! Have a great day!

  10. Champagne and chocolate covered stawberries... You wild woman ;o)
    Great answers all around!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  11. ok I can't get past the fact that you DON'T like garlic and you DON'T like to cook...oh well!!

    As for Mr.Puddy he is DEFINITELY a fave of ours!!!

    Hope you will visit us one day too!

  12. This was fun to read. I hope to retire someplace close to the ocean too. :)

  13. Hi Cindy This is my first visit. I found you on Sue's Beach Bungalow blog. I like what I see. I've got to get ready for work and don't want to be late so I'll be back later to look around some more. Your friend's book sounds really great. I'm always looking for positive spiritual books to read and I love tea and art!


  14. Hi Cindy,

    It's Sandy from the Delightful Eclectic Abode. I'm on my lunch break so I thought I'd drop you a quick note. Thanks so much for visiting me and becoming a follower. I'm following you back. I can't wait to explore your place more and see what you have written! I'm on my Ipad so I'll wait until I get home to sign-up and follow. I'm still a newbie and don't want to mess things up.

    We'll talk more.


  15. That is so nice to know a little bit of you. Happy weekend! And a new follower here. ^_^


  16. Thank you so much for visiting my blog ;). Love this post and your blog! What a charming person you are, I loved learning so many things about you!

    And your furry babies look sooooo cute! We have one cat and tried to introduce another one that got lost, but they kept fighting so we had to give up on the idea...

    Have a lovely weekend! x

  17. Thank you for following me. I now am following back. I really enjoyed that post and I do love my puddy cats.


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