Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cats on Tuesday ~ Snow Day!

Hello friends,
Buster, here. We did not write our special Cats on Tuesday post last week because our Mom did not let us near the computer. Gattina says our Mom is not a very good secretary! MOL!  But, I have to tell you what is happening here today - SNOW! Yesterday was very cold and windy and Mom said if we went outside the wind would probably pick us up and take us all the way to Kansas!!! So, of course we stayed inside. This morning, however, Rudy and me, Buster, did venture out for just a little bit. White stuff is still coming down and the ground is covered with it. Here is proof of the snow:

My paw print:

Rudy's paw print:

I think my print is most perfect one!!!

Sam did not go outside. He too shy and stay inside all the time. Here is Sam looking at snow out the window.
After we come back in house, Rudy gaze longingly out window. He hate when he can't go outside.

Best thing to do on cold day is sleep. So, we go take naps now.
Sam and Rudy on sofa. Nice pose, Rudy! MOL!

And here is cute picture of me, Buster, on best bed in the house - my Mom's pillow!

Stay safe and warm, friends! See you next time!
Buster, Rudy and Sam

UPDATE from ME, BUSTER: Friends, since I wrote this on Saturday, snow all gone now! Warmer now, but rain, so we stay inside...still sleeping! MOL! Happy Cats on Tuesday to all my blogging friends! Paws up!!
Linking this to Gattina's blog: My Cats and Funny Stories


  1. That stuff sure is cold and wet on kitteh paws ... it's better to stay inside. :) It's been quite cold here, too, but we have not had any snow. Stay warm, friends!

  2. I'm so glad to see all of you warm and safe inside. Kitty hugs and kisses to you all! :)

  3. I just love the snow, Cindy, although we don't see much of it here living in Southern California unless we go high up in the mountains. Everytime I see the snow, it's such a sight for me. I hope you're enjoying the weekend, my friend. Love those little paw prints.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  4. LOL! I love your cats! I love all cats! They have such great personalities! Great post my friend ;o)

  5. Awwwwwwwwwwww!! They are soooooooo cute!! LOVING their paw prints! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. when I saw 'snow' I had to come look. Well, lucky cats; what a safe haven and beautiful views thrown in.

  7. Cute as always! Yes Buster your print is the best! Snow, finally. Although since it didn't snow for Christmas I would have been alright without it. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  8. So cute, so lovely and gorgeous. Want to hug them ~.~

  9. when mum is away.. the cats will play.. on the snow!! And speaking of snow.. You just won my snowman ornament giveaway!!! Come by and see it!


  10. So cute. I just love kitties.
    Love the paw prints in the snow. Priceless.

  11. How funny! Cats really do have their own, distinct, irreverant personalities, don't they? xo Diana

  12. I love that~ MOL...Meow Out Loud!
    Your cats are so sweet!
    Just stopping by to say hello.
    Have a lovely week!
    Teresa in California

  13. Your cats are so cute!! Love Rudy's tummy picture.
    I think Sam was smart he stayed inside and kept his toesies warm.

  14. Love those paw prints. I am jealous that you had snow - we haven't had any and I want to take snow photos!

  15. Nice "crime" scene with paw prints, lol ! We didn't have any snow so far and all my cats have different reactions to snow. Arthur loves to play in it. Rosie puts a paw in and then runs away, Kim as always in somewhere and Pookie stays inside. She doesn't like snow.

  16. Me and mom LOVE your pawprint photos !
    Sorry to hear that it all have rained away again :(
    Tehehe you have the same sleeoing style as me Rudy :)
    Have apwasome tuesday !!

  17. I love your sweet paw prints
    and that tummy pose is adorable too

  18. Cold & snow get old quick when you're in it all the time. We were both strays for a while, so we're happy to look at snow through a window while hanging out around a warm vent.

    Why can't Rudy go out? Does he run away?

  19. There's nothing better than napping the day away when it's cold and snowy outside. We did, however, enjoy those beauteous snowy paw prints!


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