Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Confession and A Cup of Tea

Hello Everyone,
I have another teacup to share with you, but first - a confession! A few months ago, I visited a blog where the owner wrote about her love of collecting rocks. She had a goal of collecting a rock from every state in the U.S. I wrote to her and offered to send a rock from my state of Ohio. Well...I'm embarrassed to admit I accidentally deleted the email with her address and consequently forgot whose blog it was on. So, please - if you're the rock collector and reading this - or anyone knows who the lovely blogger is that collects rocks, please email me and let me know! Thank you!!

Now...on to my teacup! On one of my previous teacup blog posts, someone left a comment asking "where do you find these?" is a photo of just a tiny portion of the shop where I've purchased several (and at a very low price!) As you can see - things are piled on top of each other! It's not exactly tidy - but those are the places that are fun to explore!

This teacup was manufactured by Elite Works in Limoges, France. It has a delicate pink rose pattern, with gold trim around the rim and handle.

When the company first began producing porcelain in 1892, they simply used the mark "Elite France."
The backstamp on my cup says "Elite Works Limoges France" and is a light red color, which dates it to between 1900 - 1914. The company used the color green to mark pieces manufactured between 1920 - 1932.

"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea." Henry James

Now, it's time for a cup of tea and the SAG Awards! I have to see what everyone is wearing!
Until next time,

              Teacup Tuesday at Artful Affirmations
             Teacup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
                      Tuesday Cuppa Tea with Antiques and Teacups
                     A Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life


  1. ...another sweetie teacup find; how delicate and pretty it is; you find some real treasures

  2. Another beauty of a teacup and saucer! You really do find some gorgeous and dainty ones. I do believe I would love to explore that shop!

    Hugs XX

  3. Pretty teacup. You are right though...those "junk shops" are always fun and usually have the best prices. xo Diana

  4. Hello Cindy,
    What a gorgeous teacup!!!
    Thank you for sharing with us.
    I hope you have a wonderful week!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  5. Lovely shots of a lovely tea cup. I think the search is almost as fun as finding a treasure.

  6. Another lovely roses teacup! Isn't it wonderful there's always a new one to discover? Your shop looks a treat! I bet you love shopping there!

  7. This is one delicate and pretty set! What a great find. I love rambling through stacks of "stuff" to see what treasures I can find in stores. Hope you have a nice Monday.

  8. Your teacup is beautiful Cindy.
    I would love to shop in that store.
    Have a great week.
    Hugs, Barb

  9. I absolutely agree. A place like that is usually where treasures are! And I that was so sweet of you to send rock for that blogger's collection! I hope you could find her :)


  10. What beautiful photos of your Lovely tea cup treasure. TFS!!!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and you'll have no problem doing a journal cover.
    I like to cover the insides too and sometimes add a pocket or two.
    Terri G.

  11. What a beautiful teacup. I have a friend that says tea taste better out of a vintage teacup.
    Thank you for your kind comments on my blog and drawing lessons. I look forward to knowing you more.

  12. No I am not "the rocl collector" but I am laughing as I spent my day yesterday exploring a beautiful valley with some friends and I could not resist picking up some small rocks. I filled my purse to the point of Lucille Ball and the trailer episode! Your tea cup is beautiful. Serene Sunday...

  13. What fun to send rocks through the post. I wonder what your postman will say :-)

  14. Pretty cup and saucer; it's amazing that delicate items survive to this day. Hope you find the rock collector or she finds you.

  15. I love that Henry James quote...I definitely agree with him!

    I also love browsing little shops like that and coming away with a terrific find. But, really, sometimes the searching is as satisfying as the finding, because you come upon so many other lovely treasures while you're looking.

    Your teacup is beautiful.

    Have a great day.


  16. Cindy, I would be afraid to break something in that shop! But, I do agree, it would be fun to explore! Love the tea cup! Beautiful find!
    I am thinking Crystal or Lee for the rocks? Does either of their names ring a bell? Take Care ;o)

  17. olá!
    vou desejar-lhe sorte ao encontrar colecionador de rochas!

    Quanto sua xícara ela é bela!

    maravilhoso local onde você consegue suas belas xícaras!
    aqui no Brazil também compro minhas xícaras em mercada da ladra / brechós!

  18. Cindy .. I'm swooning over your teacup and equally over the saucer ... I love going into places where the search is part of the anticipation of what may be buried... xo HHL

  19. LOVE that teacup ... the pattern is so beautiful. Good luck finding the rock-collecting blogger!

  20. Oh, beautiful, delicate Limoges! Lucky you to find this gorgeous set! The flowers are so pretty and the gold trim is perfect!

  21. Beautiful, just lovely.

    That shop sounds wonderful!

    Where is Ohio are you located?

    : - )

  22. Beautiful Limoges tea cup. The roses are perfect for Valentine's Day! Happy Tea Day!

  23. Hi Cindy,
    Your teacup is such a pretty one and I love the roses sprinkled about. The gold trim makes it very lovely. A wonderful find! Thank you for sharing it with us and have a beautiful day.


  24. What a beautiful teacup. It's so elegant. I hope you find the rock collector. It's so nice of you to help her out.

  25. Have you found the rock collector? Hope you are successful! Love the teacup! Limoges teacups are always so lovely!

  26. An oh-so-pretty little find you have there - such delicate flowers in a purely feminine teacup! And - I think we both might do some treasure hunting damage in a place like that! My favorite kinds of shops!!!


  27. Hi Cindy,
    your new find is beautiful. Oh, how I would love to shop in such a junk store. It is certainly a big fun to dig out there such finds. Thank you for sharing the photo and the interesting information about the maker.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  28. What a gorgeous tea cup and saucer!

    Angie @ Knick of Time

  29. What a delicate and pretty teacup. Lovely.


  30. Hi Cindy: My all time favorite cups are Limoges. I love yours. I have one cup that is signed the same way. Your is so beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing it with us today. Hugs, Martha

  31. Cindy, beautiful cup and saucer and I am pleased to learn a little about how it is dated! The art of "Tea Time" is such a lovely thing!

    Have a good day, Maki

  32. Hello, I hope whoever it is reads the post so you two can connect! Your teacup is adorable! It is such places we have to search to find lovely things! Thank you for sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  33. 1º gostei da sua visita ao meu blog!
    2º seu blog também é fantástico!
    3º sua xícara é belíssima!

    passei a ser sua seguidora de blog!
    abraços e volte sempre!

  34. What a lovely teacup set. Using beautiful china always makes me happy! ;)

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  35. Hi Cindy! What a lovely teacup!! I have a collection of teacups myself although I am currently not displaying them. When I first discovered ebay many years ago (before it was the monster site that it is) I went crazy when I found I could by all the lovely vintage and antique things I wanted, but could not find here in Arizona. My teacup collection was built almost entirely from ebay purchases!!

    Thanks so much for coming over for a visit. :) Have a lovely week!


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