Monday, January 9, 2012

Royal Vale Tea Set

Today I'm featuring photos of my friend's vintage Royal Vale tea set.

I think this is the perfect English tea set, with its' lovely thatched-roof cottage and flower garden scene. My friend lives in Hertfordshire, England, and knows that this set dates from at the latest the 1930s to the earliest the 1920s. It's stamped "Royal Vale, Made in England" on the back. My research of Royal Vale proved to be a bit challenging, but from what I can gather, the trademark was originally used by H.J. Colclough Vale Works (1897-1937) It eventually became part of the Ridgway Group of Potteries, located in Werrington-Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England.

No matter where it was looks as if it belongs here:

...or perhaps here...wouldn't you agree?

English cottage photos courtesy

"Life is meant to be enjoyed: sipped like a cup of tea."
Author Unknown

Until next time,

               Teacup Tuesday at Artful Affirmations
             Teacup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
                       A Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life
                    What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
               Teacup Thursday at Miss Spenser's Blog


  1. Hello Cindy! This is truly lovely! I think it could easily be at home to one of those houses - I would surely love to visit and have tea there! Hope you have a wonderful week,

  2. A really pretty tea-set Cindy; enjoyed your research. I think that makes the collecting even more interesting doesn't it; looking into the background. Enjoy the thatched-roof photos; very quaint.

  3. I dearly love the thatched cottages of England & the associated teaware designs. They are known in the trade genericly as Anne Hathaway cottages. That's such a pretty set!

  4. This is a beautiful set! I find that I am always partial to dishes or cups that show a sweet little cottage.

  5. I think the word 'quaint' was invented to describe the cottages of England, as they certainly are.
    Your tea set is very nice depicting some of these cottages.

  6. That surely is art on a cup! My mother in law collects antique creamer. Oh she is going to love this especially the stories behind them!

  7. Hi Cindy,
    Oh, I adore your teacup! The cottages of England are so very charming and quaint and I love seeing them on lovely pieces of china. They always whisk me back to another time.
    My uncle who hails from England regales me with stories of the great china factories in the Stoke-on-Trent area in Staffordshire. I could listen to him for hours!
    Thank you for sharing this delightful teacup with us today and have a wonderful week.


  8. Love the cup and saucer!! I collect cups and saucers like this one with scenes on them. I think the ones with an English cottage or pastoral scene are the prettiest!
    Thanks for sharing yours and the info, too.

  9. Oh your friend is so lucky to have such a set! I have seen the cup before, but never seen it in a set. It looks so lovely.
    Those cottage images are fab, and I have "Pinned" one of them on my English Cottage board at Pinterest. Did you take those pics yourself while you were there?
    Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

  10. Hi Cindy,
    this is truly a lovely tea set. The decoration with little cottages between roses is so charming. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tea set. Jane Austen would have loved it, too.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  11. Cindy, thanks for sharing your friend's lovely tea set. The photos of the English cottage are beautiful too.
    Have a wonderful day.

  12. Stunning pictures of the tea sets and the cottages!

  13. Cindy.. what a lovely teacup you have shared... I love the cottage scenery! and your right it looks like it could be any cottage ...truly magical. xo HHL

  14. Hi Cindy ... This is such an endearing teaset... I'm inlove with thatched cottages.... Thank You for sharing all the lovely pictures from England...They remind me of ' Anne Hathaways" famous cottage... Delightful post... Hugs

  15. Cindy~
    Your post is just beautiful! The tea set is so gorgeous, as are the cottage homes. Makes me want to live in one! Thanks for becoming a follower on my blog! Happy to meet you!

  16. Hi Cindy, just have to comment on that beautiful tea set, it is absolutely wonderful! I love the cottage and entire scene on the pieces. Thanks for sharing it and thanks to your friend, too.--------- Shannon

  17. Thanks for sharing Cindy, they are truly precious.

  18. What a beautiful tea set! And I agree ... it SO looks like it was inspired by those cottages! :)

  19. Cindy,
    Your royal tea set is lovely. You know, my favorite tea is the English Breakfast tea. I love the little charming cottage on them. It's like I'm there visiting.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  20. So pretty and they just soothe my cares away. TYFS!

  21. Hi Cindy,
    I have two of those cups. I got them at a thrift store awhile back and just love them. I didn't know they have plates to match. I'm using just white saucers for now. I'll be looking for more!
    Nancy @ Two Cottages and Tea.

  22. It could definitely be at home in one those houses! The tea set and the photos, both beautiful. I would like to stroll the gardens at those homes.

  23. You can't beat a pretty tea set (your's is a beauty) and a thatch cottage!
    Louise (another Hertfordshire gal) x


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