Sunday, January 15, 2012

Theodore Haviland Limoges ~

I really wish I'd started collecting fine china teacups a long time ago! For a lifelong tea drinker, I can hardly believe I usually drank my tea from a sturdy ceramic mug, not a teacup! These cups add a whole new dimension to the "art of tea." Live and learn, right? Plus, not only are they beautiful works of art, but I'm finding that I'm fascinated with the history, as I research each cup I bring home. I've been so lucky with my finds, so far, and this is another fine example. I found this beauty at the same place, and for the same low price of $4.00, as my Russian Lomonosov teacup, which I posted about HERE. Today, I'm sharing a Theodore Haviland Limoges cup.

Of course, I've heard of Limoges (who hasn't, right?) but had never held one in my hands. I can't even begin to describe how delicate and paper-thin this china is - it's transparent when I hold it to the light. I sounds like a case of true love, right? Well,'re right! I'm in love with this teacup!

According to my research, the backstamp dates it to 1903.

It's in perfect condition ~ no chips or cracks. I love how the gold on the handle is lovingly worn, though, from years of wear. I like to reflect on "who drank from this cup?"  "Where did they live?" "What did she (or he) think about as they sipped tea from it?"  

I hope you've enjoyed seeing my new treasure. I found this quote during my research, "You can never be too rich, or too thin, or have too much Haviland."  If you're interested in reading the history of Haviland Limoges China, click HERE.

Until next time,
                    A Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life
                     Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups
              Teacup Thursday at Miss Spenser's Blog
                    Time Travel Thursday at The Brambleberry Cottage


  1. so delicate and so pretty. Enjoy your cuppas! Now you have to choose which cup set to suit the mood of the day. Decisions, decisions.... Now you need a matching teapot. $4 is so cheap.

  2. So beautiful!! Love the detail of the flowers! :):):)

  3. Cindy,your new (vintage) cup is so pretty,I can see why you love it.
    xx jeanetteann

  4. I love Haviland china. Enjoy drinking tea in these beautiful cups. xo

  5. Your new treasure is beautiful Cindy. I can see why you love drinking tea from it.
    Have a great week.

  6. That's why I love teacups too! I wish they came with a list of places and people who loved and used them! Limoges is actually an area in France where a lot of manufacturers were/ you are just scratching the surface!

  7. Pretty! Where did you find her? Have a great day. XO Cindy

  8. That is beautiful. I've been wondering if people actually drank out of those, since they're so beautiful and delicate.

  9. Wow Cindy, your new tea cup is just gorgeous :)
    I hope you enjoy your tea in that new beauty....


  10. Hi Cindy,
    No wonder you fell in love with your Haviland tea cup! Who wouldn't with such beauty and delicacy?
    And the prices you pay for these treasures just make me sigh!!!
    I'm glad you show the backstamps and tell about the history of the objects.
    It's one of my interests, too.

  11. So sweet and totally girlish... Wonderful tea cup set.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  12. Interesting post, this was really useful. thanks!

  13. What a great find Cindy! 1903 and in such great condition!! Amazing! Have a great day!

  14. Hi Cindy,
    congratulation to that find. The tea cup looks very dainty and I can imagine how thin it is. Tea tastes much better from such cups than from sturdy mugs. But I use mugs also when I sit with my computer. They have a better stand. Cups are more for the tea table and makes every occassion elegant. I wish you lots of fun with your pretty find.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  15. What a wonderful find!! Isn't it fun to drink tea from such a gorgeous cup?!! Haviland is one of my favorite chinas. Happy Tea Day!

  16. Hi Cindy,
    Your teacup is indeed beautiful! It looks very delicate and how wonderful that you found it!
    I too wish the teacups came with a list of previous owners and information. I always think about the tea parties they went to and the chatter they enjoyed.
    Thank you for sharing your pretty treasure with us. I'm sure it will enchant you for years to come.


  17. Cindy, Your tea cup is really delicate and pretty. Love it!
    Hugs, Beth

  18. Hi, Cindy
    I am so happy for you that you are finding your tea cups and saucers at bargain prices. I actually have sold some of my tea cups but have kept my better ones. No one can have too many tea cups!!!
    The Limoges teacup you found is stunning. So sweet with the spray of roses on it.
    Have a lovely week!~
    Teresa in CA

  19. Cindy you teacup is a beauty!! Thank you for sharing it with us!! ... I too wonder when I use one of my teacups who may have enjoyed it before it found its way to me..Happy Tea Time Tuesday...xo HHL

  20. So beautiful and delicate. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Your new teacup is very pretty. I think many of us wonder about the women that owned our new treasures before we found them.

  22. Beautiful! So delicate. You are lucky and such good price too!

  23. Hi: Haviland, Limoges are my favorite cups. You are right, you just have to feel them to realize how wonderful they are. Yours is beautiful. I too discovered tea cups later on in life. I am making up for it now! Hugs, Martha

  24. A very pretty tea cup and saucer. I wish I had kept collecting my self. These tea party's have inspired me. Pat

  25. Cindy, I totally can never have too much Haviland Limoges! There is a quality to them that makes them so wonderful to hold. Like you said, they are paper thin, and it does seem to make tea taste better, doesn't it?
    My most favorite cup is an old Limoges, it even has a tiny chip, but I love using it.
    Your cup has the most delicate shades of blush pink with a lovely shade of green. It is gorgeous! I am so glad you found it, and for a real bargain!
    Thank you so much for sharing with us for T.T.

  26. We're mug people too but this is lovely.

    Thanks for your purrs. Target is looking a bit better.

  27. What a dear little cup and saucer, so pretty and delicate looking. Thanks for posting.

  28. Hi Cindy,
    What a lovely tea cup and saucer. I know what you are saying about the mug thing. I have a tea room and I keep a mug that has a photo of a tea bag on the side for that special person who comes in each year and doesn't want to drink from a tea cup. Funny, but yes it does taste better from a cup.
    I don't think I have a Haviland Limoge, I would remember it being paper thin, hum I'll have to ask my better half. Thanks for sharing, hugs cindy

  29. How beautiful! I love the floral design. Thanks for sharing, Michelle

  30. Hi Cindy!!!

    Your teacup and saucer are gorgeous!!!

    I collect Limoge boxes.


  31. Hi Cindy .. Such a fine and lovely piece of china.... I imagine this delicate tea set is delightful to sip tea from... Don't you love finding treasures? Thanks for sharing...Hugs

  32. Your cup is SO very pretty! I look for limoges cups all the time, but I haven't had much luck. Just lovely!

  33. Love your new treasure! I have a Limoges covered dish that was my mother's... I should do a post on it, you have inspired me! And it looks a lot like your cup. :)
    Don't you love the inside, that the flowers are inside as well? So pretty.

  34. I know you have struck a cord with those of us who have come to treasure tea time. My first thoughts while reading were to reflect on what my friend and neighbor from England would insist - whenever she has her tea-she has to use bone china....
    You are correct - they are works of art and they do elevate the tea and tea time to wonderful heights! Your wonderful find is simply gorgeous - thank you for sharing with A Return to Loveliness,
    God Bless,

  35. Beautiful teacup. I love the shape, everything about it is so elegant.


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