Friday, January 20, 2012

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party ~

Image Courtesy:

Hello Everyone,
When I posted about my niece's tea cup and tea pot collection, which can be found HERE, I received a few emails inquiring about her Alice in Wonderland tea set. It was given to her as a gift, but she did a little research and sent me this link where it can be purchased from Cardew Design (click HERE.) She was excited to see she can order more pieces to add to her set, as well! I especially adore the tea pot!

They also have a teapot for one!

Photos courtesy: Cardew Design Online

Look what else I found: Alice in Wonderland cupcakes! Aren't they adorable? They look almost too pretty to eat...well, almost! I wish I could make cupcakes like this! Well, I admit I've never tried, but there's so much detail! I love them!

 Photo courtesy: The Cupcake Blog

 Photo Courtesy: The Cupcake Blog

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Until next time, remember:

"Be what you would seem to be - or if you'd like it put more simply - never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were, or might have been, was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."
( The Duchess to Alice in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

                  and Patti and Paula's What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants


  1. So cute! I have two humpty dumpty teapots.

  2. The teapot is so cute! I have some Cardew teapots, but they're tiny.

    The cupcakes are amazing. I don't think I'd ever have the patience to try making those.

  3. I love the tea pot and cup set... I have a set configured like that but it is a vegitable theme.
    The cup cakes are way fun! Cupcakes have come a long way from the days of elementary school birthday celebrations back in the day -lol-
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie
    P.S. Thank you for your prayers for B the Brave.

  4. What a fun teaset! And those cupcakes!! Seriously cute! Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday!! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  5. Hi Cindy,
    How have you been? I hope you have not had too much snow! It is snowing here as I write, but....we are not expected to get what Detroit is to get. Still we will be out shoveling in the morning! Good for the winter waist line. lol!

    This teapot is exquisite and so are those cupcakes. I don't think I could bite into one so cute!
    ♥ Jil

  6. Those tea pots are so cute!! And, those cupcakes, you are right, they look too pretty to eat!! Have a great weekend ;o)

  7. Hello Cindy,
    Love those cupcakes and the Alice in Wonderland teapots.
    Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment.
    Happy Pink Day!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  8. Oh so cute! I have a teapot but have not used it cause I am still trying to complete the set. Love the cupcakes too....Christine

  9. Oh my, that's one of my husband's favourite films! Together with The Maltese Falcon and Repo man. Lovely teapot.

    Gong Xi Fa Cai! Wishing you a prosperous, auspicious and joyous Year of the Dragon.

  10. super fun - I love Alice related Tea Parties and of course cupcakes! HPS!

  11. That can be an awesome birthday party theme! Oh how cute!

    I tagged you via post. Check it out if you would like to join the fun! I thought this is a nice way to know my blogger friends :)


  12. What sweet teapots and amazing cupcakes. Alice would be proud! lol Happy Pink Saturday. Grace

  13. what an adorable post! happy pink saturday Cindy! xo from michele

  14. Great tea pot, and those cup cakes are tremendously detailed.

  15. OMYGOSH!! These are just magical! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  16. These are too adorable!!! thanks for sharing the links.. wishing you a wonderful and blessed week-end, xo HHL

  17. Wow, beautiful selection of pink!

    My PINK is inviting you to come and see. Have a nice weekend!

  18. That cupcake tower is amazing! Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  19. What a fun Tea party. Thank you for sharing. Visiting via Pink Saturday!

  20. Oh WOW, how gorgeous this all is and I LOVE those cupcakes!!! Happy Pink Saturday, my friend.

  21. Cindy,
    I'm so glad you posted about this. I'm going to send Jess over here. She will love it, as Alice In Wonderland is a favorite of hers. The tea pot is so delightful, and those cupcakes!!! Thank you for the info. on the teapots. Have a good weekend.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  22. Love the tea sets! The tea for one is super cute!!
    And I'm with you Cindy, those cupcakes are almost too pretty to eat. Almost!!

  23. Good morning Cindy, A day late but life has been busy here with company for the past two weeks. Thank you for your visit on PS.

    I love the Alice in Wonderland teapot series. I hope your niece finds lots of pieces. I also love the cupcakes and the great quote.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  24. Happy Day After Pink Saturday Cindy, My daughter has one of Alice In Wonderland tea sets too. Those cup cakes look amazing. I'm off to read more of your blog. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  25. Such a fun post! Love the quote! Hope you had a great weekend!

  26. Oh my patience and beauty on those cupcakes. Too pretty to touch. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your Sunday.

  27. Still catching up on my pinks since I was away on Sat. This is unreal, Cindy. Oh my!!!! They are gorgeous and I'm glad you shared them. Wow!
    HPS...or should I say, HBPS (B for belated). ;)

  28. Hi, Cindy! I found your blog and am your newest follower, too! This is simply gorgeous! My husband is from Scotland and we are big tea-drinkers here. Tea pots, cozies - oh all the paraphernalia - fill several kitchen cabinets! I love the Alice in Wonderland items!

  29. Such adorable pots and cupcakes! I have many of my late mom's teapots, coffee sets, chocolate sets and lemonade sets - I guess we are "heavy" drinkers! ha

  30. I love teapots of all kinds! Wouldn't a cup of tea go great with one of those cute cupcakes?

    I'm so very late with my Pink Saturday visits but I hope you had a great one!

  31. I love anything Alice in Wonderland so that tea pot made me swoon! Thanks so much for sharing it with us at WIW, we loved having you and hope to see you again this week, too!


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