Thursday, September 26, 2013

New Fall Projects

Google Images Autumn Photo
A couple of things I want to share with you: I've been asked to be a blogger for a local website that's all about our town! I'm so excited about this opportunity! I'll post a blog twice per month for their website about places to visit in our town/county and the surrounding area. Since taking day trips is one of my favorite pass-times anyway, this is a dream job!

I've also been working on my shop and have added Autumn note cards and greeting cards that feature my paintings and photography. I've also designed several new iphone cases, as well. I'll be adding holiday cards soon, too - for those of you who still send out cards. (I should take a survey!) I admit, I don't send out nearly as many as I used to, and sometimes I miss sending and receiving them! Here's the link to my Zazzle shop and a sample of one of my autumn note cards:

 Autumn Note Card
Autumn Note Card by CindyAdkinsDesigns
Shop for a different greeting card template online at zazzle
I hope you're enjoying the same beautiful fall weather that we are in northwest Ohio. Have a good weekend!

Until next time,

Friday, September 20, 2013

Hometown Adventure

I recently took a walk around my town, specifically to take photos of some of the beautiful architecture and old homes, wrought iron fencing and gardens, etc. I'm on a quest to rediscover all my town has to offer and really look at things with "new" eyes. It's kind of amazing what's really out there...waiting to be discovered, if we just take the time to look. Here's some of what I found:

A "secret" garden

A "hidden" mansion

Downtown Architecture

The home of my town's first millionaire. Built in 1853, and now the site of the county historical museum.

Old cobblestones beneath the crumbled blacktop

...and one of the lovely, tree-lined streets.

I hope you enjoyed this short tour, and maybe it will inspire you to take a "new" look around your own hometown.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone! 
Until next time,

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Big Sur, California - Two Year Anniversary

Today, I've been thinking of when I lived in California. I lived in Sacramento for 17 years, but was lucky to be able to visit the central coast and the Carmel/Monterey/Big Sur area several times a year. To me, it's one of the most beautiful places in the world and certainly one of my all-time favorite places to visit. Since I was thinking about it so much today, I decided to repost my very first blog post, which was something I wrote about the Big Sur area. I looked back in my posts to retrieve it - and was shocked to see I wrote it exactly 2 years ago today!! So, today, is my two-year blogging anniversary and it snuck up on me! Call it coincidence or serendipity, but I think it's so crazy wonderful that I decided to repost this today! So, I hope you enjoy it...and the photos, too (which are mine, unless otherwise noted.)

Photo Courtesy:

It has been said that "Big Sur is as much a feeling as it is a place.” Along this stretch of Pacific Ocean coastline in central California, steep cliffs plunge into the sea and the surf beats endlessly against the rocks. In secluded coves, the sea gently washes in and out, as sea crabs scuttle across the open beach. The area is almost desolate and the only indication one gets of habitation is the occasional mailbox or rooftop peaking through the lush forest. Few homes or roads disturb the landscape, except for the curving Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) that in itself is a wondrous and breathtaking thing that seems "at one" with the beauty over which it journeys. The cry of seagulls circling overhead and the barking of a sea lion is often the only sound one hears to interrupt the constant roar of the surf. Such power...yet such peace. In the words of e.e. cummings: “for whatever we lose (like a you or a me) / it's always ourselves we find in the sea.”

 Photo Courtesy: Henry Miller Memorial Library,
Until next time,

Monday, May 6, 2013

Book Review: Hippie Boy: A Girl's Story

WINNER: 2012 eFestival of Words Best of Independent Book Awards (General Non-Fiction)

What would you do if your stepfather pinned you down and tried to cast Satan out of you? For thirteen-year-old Ingrid, the answer is simple: RUN.

Ingrid Ricks grew up in a dysfunctional Mormon family with an absent, freewheeling dad and an intensely religious mother who was desperate to ensure her family's eternal salvation. For years she yearned to escape the suffocating religion and poverty at home by joining her dad on the road as tool-selling vagabond. When her parents divorce and her mother marries Earl--a cruel authoritarian who exploits his Church-ordained priesthood powers to oppress her family--she finally gets her wish. At age thirteen, Ingrid begins spending her summers hustling tools throughout the Midwest with her dad and his slimy, revolving sales crew. He becomes her lifeline and escape from Earl. But when her dad is arrested, she learns the lesson that will change her life: she can't look to others to save her; she has to save herself.

I've been on a reading streak lately. It seems to come and go in spells - and quite honestly, as much as I love reading - a book must grab me at the beginning, or I tend to lose interest. Hippie Boy: A Girl's Story did just that! I thoroughly enjoyed this book by Ingrid Ricks (her first novel!) Described as a "coming-of-age story," it made me think about my own 13-year-old self growing up in a middle-class Midwest family, with our own share of ups and downs and difficult times. There's something about that time of life - in between childhood and young adulthood - that is so full of bittersweet memories, yearning and angst. Ms. Ricks captures it perfectly! Although the main character in this book is a 13-year-old girl, this is a very grown-up story - make no mistake about it. It's about the often complicated relationships between fathers and daughters, mothers and daughters and siblings. It's about a dysfunctional family, yes, but how many among us can say there wasn't some sort of dysfunction in our own family growing up? The older I get, the more I realize that almost every family has their own dysfunction in one form or another - and it doesn't mean they don't love each other and stand strong in their support of each other when the chips are down.

I loved the descriptions in this book of life on the road with Ingrid and her father and the joys and disappointments and heartache that ensues. This is an authentic story and I loved it and could (and probably will) read it again. A great summer read!

About the Author:
Ingrid Ricks started her career as a journalist, spent fifteen years as a marketing/PR consultant and is now embracing her writing/mentoring dream full-time. She is the author of Hippie Boy: A Girl's Story, a coming-of-age memoir; FOCUS, a memoir about her journey with the blinding degenerative eye disease Retinitis Pigmentosa; and A Little Book of Mormon (and Not So Mormon) Stories, a collection of short autobiographical stories.

Ingrid lives in Seattle with her husband and two daughters. When not writing, working with students, or leading seminars focused on embracing the moment, she can be found accompanying her family to soccer games, ice hockey games, or the beach. She also enjoys hanging out at her neighborhood jazz club or alternating between her two favorite coffee shops. For more information, visit

To order Hippie Boy: A Girl's Story from, click below:

Monday, April 29, 2013

Spring Photos

Hello everyone,
I've been absent from blogging and I have no excuse! The days seem to go by so fast and I've had "spring fever." April has been a crazy-weather month, but I think it's finally settling down. Now, the trees have tiny new green leaves and the daffodils and tulips have popped open. I love this time of year! I've started a new daily walking routine. The county just opened a new nature preserve near where I live and today was the fourth day in a row I walked there! Yay!! It has a 3/4 mile, easy trail - which is perfect for me right now. I got lazy over the winter, and I do mean lazy!! So, I'm starting slow....but at least it's a start, right? Walking in the woods is one of my all-time favorite things to do. So, here are some photos from my walk.

 Totem pole at the entrance to the nature preserve. It was hand-carved and hand-painted by a local resident.

Beautiful moss on the tree stump

Woodland Wildflowers 

I have so many projects lined up (aside from work); gardening, some furniture I want to paint (I'm going to try using chalk paint, I've heard so much about it,) spring cleaning, and hopefully a short trip to West Virginia with my sister next month. What have you all been up to lately?

Happy Spring,

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring in Ohio

Spring has finally arrived! Yes, I think we've turned the corner. I feel bad for those living out west (6 inches of snow in Denver...with more to come??!) Yikes...and I thought spring was late arriving in Ohio. Here's a photo of my crocus in full bloom:

...and another sure sign of spring - Rudy sitting in the open window!

I also want to share some photos of a little log cabin I found on one of my recent country drives. When I need to clear my head...or if I'm bored...or sometimes for no reason at all, except I'm in the mood to get out and explore, I take drives in the country. I remember, as a child, the whole family would pile in the car for a Sunday drive. Back then, it was a form of entertainment. How many of you did that as children, as well?  

You'll never know what you might find. I have no information about this cabin. It sits right beside the highway, just outside the tiny town of Melmore. Little house on the prairie? I'd love to know who lived there. Both of my parents lived in log houses for a short time when they were children...but that's a story for another day.
I hope you're all having a good week!
Until next time,

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cake Art

Occasionally, I like to share photos of amazing cakes I find on Pinterest or facebook. They fascinate me...and it's hard to believe some of them are actually edible! My sister is a wonderful cook and makes special cakes for her children and grandchildren's birthdays, and I've helped her with the decorating a couple of times. I think I could really get into it...I should consider taking a cake decorating class. Hummm...yet another hobby??
These cakes are perfect for spring and Easter. I've given credit to the artist for the ones where it was listed with the photo , but unfortunately some didn't say.
A pretty peacock
Ready for a spring holiday? How about a luggage cake by Charm City Cakes
This one is by Arty Cakes in the UK...she makes incredible cakes with all buttercream frosting! She can be found on facebook under  Arti Cakes.
Easter bonnet cake by Fifi's Cakes
How about a tea party?
Here's one for the fashionista in your life! I really wonder how they made that shoe? Or is it a real shoe??
Last, but not least, I think these two are my favorites - they're so, so pretty and spring-like!

Love the colors and the pansies!!
Are you a cake artist? If so, please share!
Sweet Dreams!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fiestaware Tablescape

Hello everyone,
I've recently started a new hobby...tablescaping! First of all, just let me say, I'm not the type of person who entertains a lot, nor am I even a very good cook. I mean...I CAN cook, when I'm in the mood and set my mind to it, but most days, given the chance, I'd much rather eat out than cook for myself Anyway, I'm getting off track. In spite of this, I've always loved pretty dishes and admire the creativity of the beautiful tablescaping I've seen on so many others' blogs. It really is a work of art. So, I decided to try my hand at it. I'm calling these tablescapes "Table for One, Please" (because I live alone...other than my 3 cats, and they're really much more interested in WHAT'S in their dish than the dish itself.) So, without further's my Easter tablescape. Be kind - remember it's my first real attempt.

I've also recently started collecting Fiestaware dishes, so this is a fun way to show them off! Finding myself in need of new dishware, I suddenly felt very drawn to Fiesta...addicted is more like it! I love all the different colors, and the artist in me loves playing with color combinations. This setting features the colors rose, (retired) yellow, seamist green and periwinkle blue. I've had the cute, little clay pot napkin rings for years and the white ironstone pitcher is a recent Goodwill find.

I also love that Fiestaware is made in the U.S.A. by the Homer Laughlin China Co. - more specifically in West Virginia, the state where my father was from and my ancestral roots run deep. This is another "quick" place setting I put together, using the same seamist green, yellow and rose dishes.

Happy Weekend, everyone.
Until next time,

I'm linking this to:
 Pink Saturday on How Sweet the Sound
Seasonal Sundays on The Tablescaper
What's It Wednesday on Ivy and Elephants
Show and Tell Friday on My Romantic Home.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The First Day of Spring



Hello everyone,
It's March 20th - the first day of spring...and I'm back! I missed my blog...and all of you! Looking out the window here in Ohio, it's a typical early spring day - that is, the sun is shining and it's snowing! That's no lie! It's downright cold outside - you would never know it's spring. But, that's how it is in the Midwest - unpredictable.
When I decided to take a winter hiatus from blogging, it was for two reasons: I was in need of a computer break, and I was feeling a little confused about why I was blogging in the first place. Has that ever happened to you? I'm a writer, so I'm at my computer most days, but between work, blogging, and staying in touch on facebook and email...I was beginning to feel like I had no life outside the internet. I had to find that "balance."
I knew very little about blogging when I started. I knew I wanted it to be another creative outlet for me, and I wanted to share some of the things I love with that's how "art, books, tea" came into being. After a while, though, I began to feel frustrated because I had so much more to say and show that had nothing to do with "art, books or tea" so I had to take a step back to figure it all out.  What I decided is this: I don't have to change what I've started - just expand on it. So, I'm back with a new look to my blog and in addition to art, books, and tea - you may find a little of anything here! I love travel and taking day trips...drives in the pretty tablescapes...and of course, let's not forget my cats :) They have their own blog, now, as many of you already know - but I'm sure I'll be talking about them here, as well. In addition, I hope to share some of the challenges and joys of being an "aging Baby Boomer" in an ever-changing world.  
I hope you'll find something here that inspires you, or makes you smile, or that you can relate to in some way. Right now, I'm anxiously awaiting the weather to catch up with the calendar - which says today is the first day of spring! Come on, blue skies and sunshine, I'm ready for lilacs, daffodils and tulips!!!
Until next time,


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cats on Tuesday - Hello from Kitties!

Hello everyone,
Rudy here. Mom still taking break from blogging...but I sneak on computer to say hello and hope everyone having pawsome time in winter! I have to hurry before Mom catches me on her laptop! MOL!!


We are all good and well. Sammy still sleeping and eating most of the time. See for yourself:

Buster still trying to be the boss of me. That's okay. He is a furry old cat, so I let him have his way most of time - except when he try to bite my ears! He think he is boss of Mom, too. One night she get ready to go to bed and find him on her pillow! He give her a look that say "don't you dare move me!"

We have crazy weather. First it was it's warm like summer. Here is picture of me sitting in window I a pretty flower?? MOL!

Well, that is all the news from here. I better go now before I get caught on computer! I hear Mom say she is missing blogging already, so she will return, friends. Don't worry. In meantime, me and Buster and Sam will keep you updated on everything. Stay safe and warm!

Until next time,

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Winter Hiatus

Hello everyone,
I'm taking a hiatus from blogging. My job, and other things, must take priority in my life right now, so blogging will have to wait until I have more free time. I truly value all the friendships I've made and thank you so much for following and your interest in my blog. I may return in the spring - perhaps with a new focus for what I wish to share and write about. But, for now, enjoy your winter, everyone, and stay warm (for those who live in cold climates, anyway!) I'm going to try to still visit all of your blogs, as time allows. For those of you who are on facebook, I invite you to join my page there: CindyAdkinsArt. I'll still be updating there and occasionally have giveaways of my art, etc. Would love to see you there! That link can be found HERE.
Until next time,
Cindy, Buster, Rudy and Sam



Monday, January 7, 2013

Cats on Tuesday - Buster's New Year's Resolutions


Hello Everyone,
Buster here. Is time for me to blog again for our special day, Cats on Tuesday. So much has happen in past month, I don't know where to begin. First, this is old photo of me, Buster, on computer. Mom say Blogger not working right and won't let us post new picshures.


 First thing happen was Christmas. This is time when humans bring trees inside house, which I think is very good idea. Only bad thing is we can't climb on it because after they bring tree inside - they hang shiny balls all over it!! So, when Mom not looking, I take a swipe at balls...MOL!  Is also time for presents and good food. Mom went to Aunt's house and come home with fresh roast beef and roast turkey for us! Personally, this my favorite part of Christmas.
Next thing happen was big snow come out of sky and cover everything!! OMC! Was so cold outside, would freeze my whiskers! Here is my paw print in snow on patio. Thank COD Blogger let us download this photo, so I can show you proof of snow! 

After big snow, come New Year. This part I don't really understand, but Mom say is brand new year and time for new beginnings. All I know is humans act crazy for one night, make lots of noise and kiss each other. Mom also say is time for new year resolutions, which is when you tell something you aren't going to do anymore, but most likely will never keep promise. So, this is my resolution: I promise to stop biting Rudy's ears and not eat so much roast turkey. Now, friends, you think I will keep my resolution? tee...hee...hee

Until next time,