Sunday, June 2, 2013

Big Sur, California - Two Year Anniversary

Today, I've been thinking of when I lived in California. I lived in Sacramento for 17 years, but was lucky to be able to visit the central coast and the Carmel/Monterey/Big Sur area several times a year. To me, it's one of the most beautiful places in the world and certainly one of my all-time favorite places to visit. Since I was thinking about it so much today, I decided to repost my very first blog post, which was something I wrote about the Big Sur area. I looked back in my posts to retrieve it - and was shocked to see I wrote it exactly 2 years ago today!! So, today, is my two-year blogging anniversary and it snuck up on me! Call it coincidence or serendipity, but I think it's so crazy wonderful that I decided to repost this today! So, I hope you enjoy it...and the photos, too (which are mine, unless otherwise noted.)

Photo Courtesy:

It has been said that "Big Sur is as much a feeling as it is a place.” Along this stretch of Pacific Ocean coastline in central California, steep cliffs plunge into the sea and the surf beats endlessly against the rocks. In secluded coves, the sea gently washes in and out, as sea crabs scuttle across the open beach. The area is almost desolate and the only indication one gets of habitation is the occasional mailbox or rooftop peaking through the lush forest. Few homes or roads disturb the landscape, except for the curving Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) that in itself is a wondrous and breathtaking thing that seems "at one" with the beauty over which it journeys. The cry of seagulls circling overhead and the barking of a sea lion is often the only sound one hears to interrupt the constant roar of the surf. Such power...yet such peace. In the words of e.e. cummings: “for whatever we lose (like a you or a me) / it's always ourselves we find in the sea.”

 Photo Courtesy: Henry Miller Memorial Library,
Until next time,


  1. Oh Cindy, what a neat coincidence!

    Happy 2 Years Blagaversary my dear!

    I think these pics are amazing - def a place I would like to see but now that my daughter finally moved back to OHio aftrer being in Calif for 7 years, well, it probably won't happen now. We'll see.

    Hugs and prayers for you.


  2. Cindy, know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. I hope the results come back clean and all is well. The same miracle just happened for my sister last month, so I know the power of prayer. God is with you!
    Congrats on your blog anniversary! We started about the same time and here we are still going strong. Blessings and much continued success and health.
    Gorgeous photos!

  3. Happy Blogiversary! Beautiful photos, I took that trip maybe 20 years ago, time to do it again!

  4. One of my favorite places. Happy Blogiversary!

  5. I didn't realize you lived in CA for 17 years. Meet me there when I win the lottery.

  6. So beautiful! I love Big Sur, and the Central Coast is just amazing. I lived in California for much of my life, and the Pacific Coast (and my family and friends, of course) is what I miss the most.

    Happy Blogoversary, dear friend. and know that you are in our thoughts!

  7. Happy 2 year anniversary ;o) Sorry I am late! Cindy, you will never believe this! My brother lived in California for 3 years and he lived in Sacramento for 2 years and all he could talk about was Big Sur!!! When mom and I went to visit him, unfortunately we didn't go, but I can understand why, he talked about it so much! Big Hugs and Much Love ;o)

  8. I've never been there, but it sounds like an amazing place to visit!


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