Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cats on Tuesday - Hello from Kitties!

Hello everyone,
Rudy here. Mom still taking break from blogging...but I sneak on computer to say hello and hope everyone having pawsome time in winter! I have to hurry before Mom catches me on her laptop! MOL!!


We are all good and well. Sammy still sleeping and eating most of the time. See for yourself:

Buster still trying to be the boss of me. That's okay. He is a furry old cat, so I let him have his way most of time - except when he try to bite my ears! He think he is boss of Mom, too. One night she get ready to go to bed and find him on her pillow! He give her a look that say "don't you dare move me!"

We have crazy weather. First it was freezing...now it's warm like summer. Here is picture of me sitting in window box...am I a pretty flower?? MOL!

Well, that is all the news from here. I better go now before I get caught on computer! I hear Mom say she is missing blogging already, so she will return, friends. Don't worry. In meantime, me and Buster and Sam will keep you updated on everything. Stay safe and warm!

Until next time,


  1. Thanks for keeping us up to date on everything Rudy!

  2. I miss you Rudy!! And, I miss Sam and Buster too! So happy you came on and blogged! I won't tell mom ;o) But, can you please tell mom, that her blog looks great!! I love it!! I changed mine around too ;o) Big Hugs to everyone ;o)

  3. I love the cat blog, my two Kidney and Leroy say hello.

  4. Hello to your kitties from the stray kitties who inhabit my back yard. They know they are safe there and come back every year to have kittens in our stacked wood pile. It gets rather interesting at times, and I do have to cart some off to the animal shelter which I hate to do, but they are not tame cats. And I am a cat lover! It is a yearly ritual as there are off-spring who 'run away' for a couple of years only to show up around spring to have kittens. If I had the time I would try to tame some of them, but it's kind of like being a caregiver for a lot of babies all at once!
    Your blog makes me smile!
    Teresa in California
    I am still writing a couple of novels...some day...some day they will be finished!

  5. Hi Rudy, you are an accomplished blogger and your mom probably appreciates you filling in for her here. Your black and white markings are quite good looking, but I am sure your mom and the other cats already told you that.

  6. Rudy you are a great writer and hope that you didn't get caught on Mom's computer... that Buster is quite the cheeky pillow stealer isn't he... hope you are staying cozy warm... and love to your Mom
    T xx

  7. Thanks for the great and informative update, Rudy! We sure hope you didn't get into to much trouble by the mom. :)

  8. Rudy, you are indeed a beautiful flower. :D Cute post.

  9. Hi Rudy.....Thanks for the update....lovely to hear from you ( hope Mum didn't catch you).
    Buster was a bit cheeky sleeping on Mum's pillow..
    I think you look lovely and relaxed in the window box...
    Have a good day
    Barb from Australia

    (say Hello to Mum for me)

  10. Ruby, Sammy, Buster !!!! hello HELLOOOO : )
    So happy to see you guys
    Hey, Buster..me is da boss of my mom too and of course, I took her..arr....my pillow now ; ) every nights like the way you do with your mom's pillow ; )
    And guess what ? She have to ask me for permission to share the same pillow with me. Yeah, and I am a good boy I can share. We have half, half of pillow every night ; )
    Have Fun you guys

    Ps : I saw your mom set up your kitties blog, you all are da boss you should make it happens ! Power of the kitties..Do It !

  11. Hey Rudy,
    Thanks so much for keeping us updated. Tell Mommy hello and we miss her.
    Now be a good boy and don't get caught!


  12. Hello Rudy
    My name is Shirley, I am a rescued neighborhood street cat.

    My new owner use to have an adorable pug and so she was really needing my love

    She named me Shirley, before we went to the vet and and found out I am a lovable male neutered cat. My name is still Shirley meow meow

  13. Hi Rudy!

    Thanks for the update! Let Cindy know we all miss her lots!


  14. So sweet kittens. Love their acts. Your table setting is great. Have a nice Easter and hope weather is good their.

  15. So sweet kittens. Love their acts. Your table setting is great. Have a nice Easter and hope weather is good their.


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