Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Winter Hiatus

Hello everyone,
I'm taking a hiatus from blogging. My job, and other things, must take priority in my life right now, so blogging will have to wait until I have more free time. I truly value all the friendships I've made and thank you so much for following and your interest in my blog. I may return in the spring - perhaps with a new focus for what I wish to share and write about. But, for now, enjoy your winter, everyone, and stay warm (for those who live in cold climates, anyway!) I'm going to try to still visit all of your blogs, as time allows. For those of you who are on facebook, I invite you to join my page there: CindyAdkinsArt. I'll still be updating there and occasionally have giveaways of my art, etc. Would love to see you there! That link can be found HERE.
Until next time,
Cindy, Buster, Rudy and Sam




  1. Good luck to you, Cindy! I understand the need for a hiatus. I'm having a hard time getting into the swing of things in the blog world myself. Enjoy!

  2. Life can get pretty busy sometimes. I know how it is to need a break. Wishing you the best. Take care.

  3. We totally understand, Cindy! We will miss you, but hope you have a good hiatus. Be well, friend!

  4. Will miss you and your kitties, but sometimes we just need a break. I hope you stop to visit once in awhile.

  5. Cindy,
    I pray that your hiatus will bring good things and rest. Love to you,

  6. I'm not on facebook ;o( I will miss you my friend and I will miss your fur babies! Don't stay away too long! Big Warm Hugs ;o) Be well ;o) Stacy ;o)

  7. MOL..Cindy, you make yourself like a flower...Return in Spring : )
    See you when you come back

  8. Wow, I'm sad to hear that. Love seeing what the kitties are up to and think you do such an amazing, very impressive job.

  9. Opps, did something wrong and posted. Anyway, part two....all best with your time off!! Hugs.

  10. We'll miss you. Best wishes!
    We'll be waiting:)

  11. Hi Cindy....
    I just had a break for a couple of weeks due to my Mum being sick. She is well again, but I've scaled down the amount of blogging I do...blogging comes a little way down on the priority list. I'll check out your FB link... thanks for including it...
    Take your time and keep well...
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia


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