Thursday, September 26, 2013

New Fall Projects

Google Images Autumn Photo
A couple of things I want to share with you: I've been asked to be a blogger for a local website that's all about our town! I'm so excited about this opportunity! I'll post a blog twice per month for their website about places to visit in our town/county and the surrounding area. Since taking day trips is one of my favorite pass-times anyway, this is a dream job!

I've also been working on my shop and have added Autumn note cards and greeting cards that feature my paintings and photography. I've also designed several new iphone cases, as well. I'll be adding holiday cards soon, too - for those of you who still send out cards. (I should take a survey!) I admit, I don't send out nearly as many as I used to, and sometimes I miss sending and receiving them! Here's the link to my Zazzle shop and a sample of one of my autumn note cards:

 Autumn Note Card
Autumn Note Card by CindyAdkinsDesigns
Shop for a different greeting card template online at zazzle
I hope you're enjoying the same beautiful fall weather that we are in northwest Ohio. Have a good weekend!

Until next time,


  1. Cindy! That is wonderful news - they were smart, indeed, for chosing you for that position. You are the perfect person for it.

    I am SO happy you are feeling better, be sure to let us know how the 3 month went, ok?

    You are always in my prayers.

    Get down here to visit me soon.



  2. What a wonderful opportunity, blogging about your town. I certainly always enjoy the photographs you show us.
    I hope all goes well at your check-up.

  3. How exciting to do that blog for your town!!!!! And glad to hear you are doing good!!!!! :)

  4. Congrats on the blogging feature! That is really exciting. Our local paper included an article on day trips in the area for quite awhile--it was a great way to learn about what we often forget is in our own backyard.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Glad all is going well and hope you continue to improve.

  6. Hey Cindy ;o) So much going on girl! I know your 3 month check up will be perfect ;o) I am confident ;o) Hey, are you painting anymore? I have to check out your zazzle store! I do send cards ;o) Love sending cards! I have been told, that setting up a zazzle store is very complicated, you must be good on computers! Congrats on being a blogger for your town! So exciting! Big Hugs ;o)

  7. You're a busy bee! Love your autumn pic.

  8. Hi Cindy! Congratulations on the new blogging job! Sounds like a perfect fit for you. Beautiful fall photo!

  9. great to see you back again and so active. WOW!!! I love it. Woo hoo

  10. That's so exciting about being a blogger about your town! The position sounds perfect for you. :)

    Glad you are feeling so well. We're praying that your three month checkup will go well, and that there will be no recurrence.

    Have a great weekend, friend!

  11. So glad you are back! What wonderful opportunities for you, I'm so happy, couldn't happen to a nicer person!
    I'm going to check out your new designs. Big hugs and well wishes!

  12. Good to hear you are doing well. Hopefully everything will be turn out clear. And congratulations on the new job, doing what you like best.

    Enjoy fall weather and colour.




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