Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The First Day of Spring



Hello everyone,
It's March 20th - the first day of spring...and I'm back! I missed my blog...and all of you! Looking out the window here in Ohio, it's a typical early spring day - that is, the sun is shining and it's snowing! That's no lie! It's downright cold outside - you would never know it's spring. But, that's how it is in the Midwest - unpredictable.
When I decided to take a winter hiatus from blogging, it was for two reasons: I was in need of a computer break, and I was feeling a little confused about why I was blogging in the first place. Has that ever happened to you? I'm a writer, so I'm at my computer most days, but between work, blogging, and staying in touch on facebook and email...I was beginning to feel like I had no life outside the internet. I had to find that "balance."
I knew very little about blogging when I started. I knew I wanted it to be another creative outlet for me, and I wanted to share some of the things I love with that's how "art, books, tea" came into being. After a while, though, I began to feel frustrated because I had so much more to say and show that had nothing to do with "art, books or tea" so I had to take a step back to figure it all out.  What I decided is this: I don't have to change what I've started - just expand on it. So, I'm back with a new look to my blog and in addition to art, books, and tea - you may find a little of anything here! I love travel and taking day trips...drives in the pretty tablescapes...and of course, let's not forget my cats :) They have their own blog, now, as many of you already know - but I'm sure I'll be talking about them here, as well. In addition, I hope to share some of the challenges and joys of being an "aging Baby Boomer" in an ever-changing world.  
I hope you'll find something here that inspires you, or makes you smile, or that you can relate to in some way. Right now, I'm anxiously awaiting the weather to catch up with the calendar - which says today is the first day of spring! Come on, blue skies and sunshine, I'm ready for lilacs, daffodils and tulips!!!
Until next time,



  1. This is beautiful, Cindy. I think all that you want to talk about fits in nicely with your title. After all, life is an art.

  2. Happy Spring!!! So glad you are back!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  3. Good to see you back am sure has been really busy for you with all your great successes. In the UK, spring tried to arrive but snow has arrived again and it is bitter cold. The daffodils are trying to burst forth but are struggling without the sunshine. As for tulips....not one in sight. So will be more than pleased to see the Spring and I know my old bones will benefit from some sunshine.
    Hugs Annette x

  4. Hey lady, missed you.

    I like how you think and know it will become exactly what feels right to you.

    AND since you like day trips so much try and be sure to put north Columbus on your agenda. We will have tea for two and hit historic Powell for some neat antiquing and shopping, deal?

    Happy First Day of Spring.


  5. Well I am glad you are back, I love tablescaping, birds, cats and collecting...I know what you mean about doing to much, best thing I ever did was cancel my facebook..emails and my blog is just enough...sure is hard canceling facebook, the logistics are a your pretty tulips...

  6. Welcome back Cindy, and a happy first day of spring to you ;)


  7. So glad you are back and going to be sharing even more of your ideas and good self... happy first day of spring and hope it arrives for real very soon
    T xx

  8. I'm right there with you...impatiently waiting for Spring to arrive for real. It's been cold & snowy for us too.

    I'm glad you're back & I understand your need to step back. I think that happens to all of us every now & again.

  9. Hi Cindy! I love tulips and happy first day of spring to you! ~ Alicia

  10. Hi Cindy!

    It's good to have you back! No kidding, I was just thinking of you tonight and popped over to see if you'd started blogging yet and...sure enough, here you are! :) I love your pretty pink background and I'm excited for all the great stuff you've got to share! I'm headed over to like your Facebook page now.

    I just posted the new Homemaking Linkup for this week and would love to have you join, if you'd like.

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  11. Happy Spring...glad to see you back!

  12. Hi Cindy. Glad to see you back! Love the new look of your blog. Looking forward to seeing even more of you and your ideas.

  13. Cindy, I have missed you, I am so happy you are back!!! Yepee! It's good that you took a break ;o) Sometimes we all need that ;o) I am with you and your blog, no matter what you talk about ;o) Your blog looks great!! I am thinking of joining pinterest, when I do, I will follow you ;o) I am not on facebook or twitter. Too much! I have to paint! LOL! Hugs and happy Spring ;o)

  14. So glad you are back. I was thinking about you today as a matter of fact and then you popped up in my email. Missed you lots. I think you are right, just carry on and write about what inspires you on any given day. I have felt the same thing before. I have 3 blogs as you know, even with that there is too much to write about and sometimes it just does not fit anywhere and so thats just how it is. I cant start yet another one. I am sure we all feel that way at times.
    Luv Janice

  15. So nice to see you again, Cindy! Happy Spring to you! :)

  16. Glad to see you back, Cindy. This new look is lovely. I'm so ready for spring to actually arrive too. At least we had some sunshine today. Best of luck with the new focus to your blog! Have a nice weekend!

  17. Hi Cindy... welcome back!!!!!
    Your new look looks great..and your new ideas sound very interesting......
    Barb xx

  18. wonderful post here today! I am smiling! Happy Easter!


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