Monday, April 29, 2013

Spring Photos

Hello everyone,
I've been absent from blogging and I have no excuse! The days seem to go by so fast and I've had "spring fever." April has been a crazy-weather month, but I think it's finally settling down. Now, the trees have tiny new green leaves and the daffodils and tulips have popped open. I love this time of year! I've started a new daily walking routine. The county just opened a new nature preserve near where I live and today was the fourth day in a row I walked there! Yay!! It has a 3/4 mile, easy trail - which is perfect for me right now. I got lazy over the winter, and I do mean lazy!! So, I'm starting slow....but at least it's a start, right? Walking in the woods is one of my all-time favorite things to do. So, here are some photos from my walk.

 Totem pole at the entrance to the nature preserve. It was hand-carved and hand-painted by a local resident.

Beautiful moss on the tree stump

Woodland Wildflowers 

I have so many projects lined up (aside from work); gardening, some furniture I want to paint (I'm going to try using chalk paint, I've heard so much about it,) spring cleaning, and hopefully a short trip to West Virginia with my sister next month. What have you all been up to lately?

Happy Spring,


  1. These are lovely woodland photos!

  2. Cindy, miss you my friend! Good for you walking! Love all the photos! This nature preserve is gorgeous! I have been doing tones of gardening, painting, and taking care of mom ;o) Hugs ;o) (Hope the fur babies are well!)

  3. I love Spring and I love your beautiful photos!

  4. Cindy, It was cold and gloomy yesterday, and today it's in the 80's. This weather is crazy. Oh, how I wish I could walk in the woods with you. My brother and I took a walk in the woods last spring and came home with ticks all over us. Lesson learned: Don't sit down on anything in the woods, and check your body when you get home.

  5. Great pictures, Cindy! I'm so glad spring is finally here. Walking in the woods is a favorite of mine too.

  6. Nice to see you and the kitties back in blogland again, my friend.

    Sure is nice it finally stopped snowing, huh?


  7. I was here yesterday and was about to email you......glad you are back. Great post, isnt it great to be outside again in the woods. Woo hoo its spring

  8. Such a beautiful place to walk! Good for you starting your regular walks again, Cindy!


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