Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Week

Hello everyone,
 I first want to tell all my friends and fellow bloggers who live in the path of Hurricane Sandy that I'm praying for your safety. I hope and pray it's not as bad as predicted, but the pictures I'm seeing on television look very scary. Here in Ohio, we're already having very strong winds, although nothing like the east coast, of course. Stay safe and well, everyone.

On another note, it's Halloween week and I want to share these appropriately spooky images I found online. What are your plans? Do you celebrate Halloween, and if so, how?  I used to have a lot of fun when I worked outside my home...usually everyone in our office would dress up. One year I was a kitty cat (big surprise there, I know!) and another year I was a....lady of the night. :) Somewhere I have photos and I should dig them out and post for you to see! These days, I tend to decorate more for autumn than Halloween. That way, I can keep the decorations out until Thanksgiving. I live in a semi-rural area and never get trick-or-treaters at my door either. I sort of miss that - seeing all the children in their costumes. So, please share what you do for the holiday.

I love this fence!

Until next time,
Linking to Seasonal Sundays on The Tablescaper. Click on the link to see an amazing display from the "Rise of the Jack O'Lanterns" at Westbury Gardens.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Visit to the Bluebell Woods

Hello everyone,
I want to introduce you to a special lady - Janice of the Bluebell Woods.  The pretty picture above is the banner from one of her blogs. Janice actually has 3 blogs, Bluebell Woods, English Spirit's Pretty Things and My Garden Journal. Janice lives in Michigan, but she's originally from England. On her blog profile, she says, "England will always be home to my heart, but I do love Michigan." I met her years ago on a now defunct social networking site for people over fifty called Eons. Janice was the manager of a group called "All Things British." Since I'm a confirmed Anglophile, I joined the group and she and I became online friends. Later, we also connected on facebook and through our blogs. I admire Janice very much. You see, a couple of years ago when her granddaughter was tragically killed in an automobile accident, Janice and her husband took in her young son to raise. At an age when most women are relaxing and settling into retirement,  Janice is dealing with potty training and preschool. So, she blogs about the joys and challenges of raising a toddler.  

This is Janice's adorable great-grandson, Tristen
She also blogs about nature and gardening...
...and her memories of growing up in England and all things British.

I would love it if you'd stop by Janice's blog and say hello, and she would greatly appreciate it, too! You can find it by clicking HERE or click on her bluebell woods banner above. I think you'll enjoy your visit! Thank you very much!
Until next time,
 All photos are from Janice's blog, Bluebell Woods
Janice is one example of a strong woman. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month and strong women everywhere, I'm linking this to Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Saturday on How Sweet the Sound.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Crow and the Owl

Hello everyone,
I'm updating this post that I'd previously done, so that I can enter it in the Artist's Play Room at Just Add Water, Silly. This wonderful blog belongs to Jennifer Mcclean and I've just recently discovered it. I'm loving her weekly theme artist challenges! This week's theme is Thanksgiving. Neither of these paintings are really "Thanksgiving" themed...more so autumn. So, instead of a turkey - I have a crow and an owl!

 Most of my paintings have a nature/animals theme, and some are more whimsical than others. This first one is "Crow at Sunset" on an 8x10 canvas board using acrylics. Jennifer had a sunset theme a couple of weeks ago and this would have been perfect - however that was before I discovered her blog, so she kindly said I could add it to a current challenge to share with everyone.

...and this is "Baby Owl with Pumpkin," painted with acrylics on a 10x10 board. I'm having so much fun painting owls lately! This one just landed in a pumpkin patch. I hope he finds his way back home! :)  

 Next, I'll be painting a more appropriate "Thanksgiving" painting to add to the challenge. This keeps me on my toes and helps keep the creativity flowing.
So, until next time, everyone have a good Sunday!
Linking to the following blog parties:

Friday, October 19, 2012

Sweet October

"The sweet calm sunshine of October, now
Warms the low spot; upon its grassy mold
The purple oak-leaf falls; the birchen bough
drops its bright spoil like arrow-heads of gold."

- William Cullen Bryant
It seems like the fall colors this year are more vibrant than ever! Or, is it as my sister says - one just forgets how beautiful it is until it comes around again? These photos were taken on a walk at one of our local nature preserves earlier this week. Perfect weather...perfect day.

I've also been having fun with pumpkins this year and tried some things I saw on Pinterest.
The glitter pumpkin is easy peasy. Just spread Elmers glue or Pod Modge on the top portion of the pumpkin, then sprinkle on the glitter. I used copper-colored glitter because that's what I had on hand, but orange or black would look awesome, too! If it's a tiny pumpkin, you might want to glitter the whole thing. For the other one, I painted the entire pumpkin black with acrylic paint. Let dry...then scrape it off to make the stripes. This is a little bit more difficult than it sounds - only because it's time consuming to get the stripes straight! I really like the result, though.

But...this is my favorite! I painted the tree and crow on the white pumpkin, using black acrylic paint. Then, I collected branches from the yard for the pitcher. I love the overall look! It's simple and doesn't scream "Halloween" so I can leave it up until Thanksgiving.

Would you believe I've found all of these white pitchers over the past year at my local Goodwill? The best part - they were just one dollar each! I love them!
I hope you're having an enjoyable October so far, too!
Until next time,
                           Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
               Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper
                              Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cats on Tuesday - Buster Goes to Doctor!

Hello friends,
Buster here. You will not believe what happened to me last week. OMC!! It was horrible time...but I need to start at beginning of story. I was not feeling so good and Mom start to worry about me. You see, I did not want to cuddle with her and when she try to pet me, I growl at her. I hide in closet and wouldn't come out. Then she notice I am drooling from my mouth (I'm sorry for gory details, but it is the truth!) So, next day she call the doctor and they say to bring me right in!!! Here I am in car getting ready to go to hospital.


We arrive at animal doctor. This is outside of building painted with woofies and kitties. Don't let those cute pictures fool you! They do evil things here!!!

Here we are waiting for my turn.

Looks like no one is here to me...I think we should go back home!!
Finally...we go back to little room to wait for doctor. Agony!!! I see the door...this is my time for escape! But, door is shut tight. I am trapped!
Next, doctor come in and examine me from head to tail. He listen to my heart and lungs. He check to see if I have fever...and I don't need to tell you how he do that, friends. It was so humiliating!!! Then he prick me and take my BLOOD! OMC! Can this get any worse? He try to look at my teeth, but I clamp my mouth shut.
 Then, you'll never guess what happened - Mom leaves and not take me with her!! Doctor take me in another room and next thing I know I'm out like a light. Well, guess what? I had bad tooth and while I was asleep, they took it out of my head!! After awhile, Mom come pick me up, and she all sweet and nice and say "oh, my Buster, I'm so glad you're okay." Stuff like that. Then, she give them some money and we finally leave.
This is me...right after we got home and I am free again.
It was horrible experience. Mom want to take my picture, but I would not look at her.
Between me and you, my mouth feel much better, but Mom should not leave me like that!! I was not happy with her, but don't worry - I will forgive her. So, friends, that was my horrible week. I hope yours' was much better than mine!
Until next time,
Linking to the following blogs:


Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Owl Painting

This is my latest painting - "Barn Owl on a Snowy Branch" painted with acrylics on an approximate 8x10-inch wooden plaque. I painted this for a niece of mine, who loves animals as I do and collects owls. This is the second owl I've painted, and I seem drawn to them lately (yes, I know they're everywhere this year, especially this fall decorating!) I've decided to do a whole series of owls. 

This is the first one I painted. It's quite a bit more "whimsical" than the barn owl.
 These mysterious creatures have represented many things in myths and legends. Everything from wisdom and protectors and bringers of prophecy, to omens of death, depending on the culture and the time in history. The Native American Hopi Tribe believed owls to be sacred, and the Burrowing Owl was a protector of all the plants and things that grow on the earth.  In parts of England, it's considered good luck to see an owl. Over the years, there have been lots of superstitions surrounding the birds, but since the beginning of the 20th century, owls have mostly become a symbol of wisdom.
"A wise old owl lived in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?"
For me - I just think they're beautiful creatures and make fascinating subjects to paint!
I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. It's a rainy, cool, very fall-like day in northwest Ohio. I sure wish I had a fireplace on days like this! Candles will have to do. :)
Until next time,
Linking to:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Book and a Baby Crow!

Hello everyone,
Well, I've been so lucky lately - I'm thinking I should play the lottery! I won two blog giveaways that I really, really love! The first is an ACEO painting from Stacy of MagicLoveCrow. What's really cool about this is that I collect Stacy's "baby crow" paintings, so I was so excited I won! She puts so much detail in her paintings and I find they always make me smile and bring joy to my day when I look at them. Stacy paints all kinds of crows - adults as well as babies :)

...and look at the adorable card she sent with it! You can see more of Stacy's paintings and cards on her blog HERE and in her Etsy Shop HERE. Thank you, Stacy!!
The second giveaway I won was this beautiful book, "I'll Never Be French" by Mark Greenside from Suzanne of French Heart. The book is even signed by the author! From inside the cover, it reads "When Mark Greenside, a native New Yorker living in California doubting (not-as-trusting-as) Thomas, downwardly mobile, political lefty, writer and lifelong skeptic - is dragged by his girlfriend to a tiny Celtic village in Brittany, at the westernmost edge of France, in Finistere, the "end of the world," his life began to change. In a playful, headlong style, and with enormous affection for the Bretons, Greenside tells how he makes a life for himself in a country where he doesn't speak the language or know how things are done."
I can't wait to read it! I'll be writing a review after I've read it. Thanks, Suzanne! You can visit Suzanne's blog, French Heart HERE.
That's all for now, so until next time,

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Pumpkin Patch

Today was a perfect fall day to visit "the pumpkin patch," which is actually Rimelspach Farm in Fremont, Ohio. It was sunny, breezy and very cool - definitely sweater weather! I love, love, love autumn and this is one of my favorite places to visit each year. So, I twisted my sister's arm to go with me, not really - she loves fall as much as I do, so it wasn't too hard at all to talk her into a spur-of-the-moment drive! Rimelspach Farm is about a half-hour from where we live.

It's a little difficult to tell from my photos, but these pumpkins were huge! Ginormous!

Stacks of white pumpkins...
...and funny-shaped white gourds. From a distance, they look like popcorn!
The old wagons and wagon wheels make perfect props to display the pumpkins!

Back home, this is one of my little displays with a couple of the pumpkins I brought home with me. I'm really liking the white pumpkins more and more, although traditional orange will always be my favorite. 
So, it was a fun day! I hope you're all enjoying your weekend, too!
Until next time,
                                 Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer
                        What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
                    Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound