Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Visit to the Bluebell Woods

Hello everyone,
I want to introduce you to a special lady - Janice of the Bluebell Woods.  The pretty picture above is the banner from one of her blogs. Janice actually has 3 blogs, Bluebell Woods, English Spirit's Pretty Things and My Garden Journal. Janice lives in Michigan, but she's originally from England. On her blog profile, she says, "England will always be home to my heart, but I do love Michigan." I met her years ago on a now defunct social networking site for people over fifty called Eons. Janice was the manager of a group called "All Things British." Since I'm a confirmed Anglophile, I joined the group and she and I became online friends. Later, we also connected on facebook and through our blogs. I admire Janice very much. You see, a couple of years ago when her granddaughter was tragically killed in an automobile accident, Janice and her husband took in her young son to raise. At an age when most women are relaxing and settling into retirement,  Janice is dealing with potty training and preschool. So, she blogs about the joys and challenges of raising a toddler.  

This is Janice's adorable great-grandson, Tristen
She also blogs about nature and gardening...
...and her memories of growing up in England and all things British.

I would love it if you'd stop by Janice's blog and say hello, and she would greatly appreciate it, too! You can find it by clicking HERE or click on her bluebell woods banner above. I think you'll enjoy your visit! Thank you very much!
Until next time,
 All photos are from Janice's blog, Bluebell Woods
Janice is one example of a strong woman. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month and strong women everywhere, I'm linking this to Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Saturday on How Sweet the Sound.



  1. You are a good person, Cindy-
    thanks for the introduction- heading over there now.

  2. Thanks for introducing us to Janice. I'll go right over now.

  3. We'll go and visit now. Thank you for the introduction, Cindy!

  4. Cindy, bless your friend's heart! I will go over to say hi ;o) I just got home. I was away up north visiting some friends. I see you sold your owl painting! Yeppeee!! So happy for you! Big Hugs ;o)

  5. Hi Cindy, Thanks for your visit and comment. I cannot image having the energy to keep up with a little one on a daily basis. I'll hop over to say hello to Janice. Love your new paintings. I'll have to scroll down to read a few more of your posts too. I have not been visiting much lately. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  6. Thanks for the intro to another Brit blogger. We (my husband and my family) had blue bell woods close and are a favorite memory. Indeed that is a difficult role to fill...a grandparent raising their grandchild. Thanks for the introduction.

  7. What a good friend you are to spread the word about all the good things Janice is doing. What a tragedy to lose her granddaughter in an accident. Raising children isn't easy at any age, but even more difficult as we get older. Thanks for sharing this.

  8. You have been blessed with a special friend. I will check on her.

  9. I will take your advice and check her blog out.
    Joyce M

  10. Thanks for the good word about the storm, Cindy - we're in the palm of God's hand, come what may.

    Thanks for introducing us to Janice - you bet this fellow Anglophile will pay her a visit!!
    Cheerio & joy!

  11. thank´s for the tips.I will check it out.....
    and do not miss,,,,,,




    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  12. Come on Cindy, no way you are over fifty ! I have visited Janice before and marveled at her energy. We had our GRANDson when we were in our forties and that wore me out!

  13. When I was posting my link on Beverly's Pink Saturday last night (early morning) I saw your rose and caption - just had to come by and see what you had to say.
    What a blessing that Janice took her great-grandson in after the death of his mother. That's family. I'm so glad to hear this story. I'm interested in checking out her blog and will do so. Thanks for the mentioning of her in the thought of strong women. Just a blessing to hear about it.
    Great post - beautiful rose.
    Nice to meet you.
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  14. Hi Cindy,
    So nice to see you and thank you for your kind comment and visit. Love this post featuring such a dear lady. I met Janice awhile ago and admire her story and all that she does. She has grace and her loves just shines. You are such a dear to share this post and your friendship.
    The pics are beautiful.

    Have a wonderful week and blessings to you.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  15. I love Janice's blog! She was brought up very close to where I live now. So it is always extremely interesting when she post memories of this area. I love reading the posts about Tristen too, they have some great adventures together. She is a very special lady.

  16. Cindy,
    What a beautiful pink rose, and so nice of you to do a post about this. Your bloggy friend sounds very special, and I am off to check out her blog now. Have a great week.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


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