Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Crow and the Owl

Hello everyone,
I'm updating this post that I'd previously done, so that I can enter it in the Artist's Play Room at Just Add Water, Silly. This wonderful blog belongs to Jennifer Mcclean and I've just recently discovered it. I'm loving her weekly theme artist challenges! This week's theme is Thanksgiving. Neither of these paintings are really "Thanksgiving" themed...more so autumn. So, instead of a turkey - I have a crow and an owl!

 Most of my paintings have a nature/animals theme, and some are more whimsical than others. This first one is "Crow at Sunset" on an 8x10 canvas board using acrylics. Jennifer had a sunset theme a couple of weeks ago and this would have been perfect - however that was before I discovered her blog, so she kindly said I could add it to a current challenge to share with everyone.

...and this is "Baby Owl with Pumpkin," painted with acrylics on a 10x10 board. I'm having so much fun painting owls lately! This one just landed in a pumpkin patch. I hope he finds his way back home! :)  

 Next, I'll be painting a more appropriate "Thanksgiving" painting to add to the challenge. This keeps me on my toes and helps keep the creativity flowing.
So, until next time, everyone have a good Sunday!
Linking to the following blog parties:


  1. Cindy, your paintings are incredible!

    Do you sell them or just tease us?

    Can't believe this weather either - was in the garden this morning, but right now at 1:30am it is starting to sprinkle.

    Poor Romeo, and poor husband trying to give him pills and goo for the eye and liquid antiobiotics, what an ordeal.

    when we resuced him he had that same eye pretty bad and it never really recovered his sight well but he's been healthy up till scratching this - how we have NO idea he stays inside at all times - but it looks to me like he is more blind in it now, if that makes sense - used to be a little white but it is white now.

    It could also be the eye goo he has in it but I just don't know and don't like the looks of it.

    Poor boy!

    Tell Buster and the gang how much he appreciates their concerns.

    Meow and kitty hugs.

  2. Cindy, all such sweet paintings. Lovely owl ! Can see the stunning fall views. Changing color of nature is pretty from green to gold to falling.

  3. I'm glad you mentioned about your email, I thought I did something wrong!

    Your paintings are beautiful. You've done such a great job. That owl is too cute!

  4. You should be able to go into your blogger dashboard and see what email address is there and change it if need be ... there might be an old inactive one there ....

    I love love love your paintings!! They are gorgeous!!!!!!! And those photos... just wow!!!!

  5. Oh, that baby-owl is so cute! Love it!

  6. Cindy!!!! I am just about to leave the house! I am going away for a day, will be back tomorrow, thursday! I wanted to say, these paintings are amazing! You go girl! Are you selling them? Are they gifts? Big Hugs ;o)

  7. Love the owl Cindy. Our weather has been fairly warm, but foggy and drizzly. It is supposed to turn really cold in the next couple of days. Fall colors are done here.

  8. Your paintings are awesome!! And I agree, painting (or drawing for me) owls is super fun!!!
    PS Thanks for your help with my pumpkin!!!

  9. Smashing paintings Cindy, loving the owl especially, but then I love owls. I would love some of your warm weather as its horrible here at the moment. Enjoy your week, hugs Annette x

  10. Lovely paintings and the photos are gorgeous too!

  11. Your paintings are cute, Cindy! The fall leaves have been so pretty this year, haven't they? Ours are coming down really fast though. The rain we had the last couple of days has knocked a lot of the leaves to the ground.

  12. I do like your owl he is very sweet, I think your crow is well painted but I don't like crows when you see them around here all the other birds are not to be seen.

  13. Oooh Cindy I love the owl. I really should get into some painting. I dont try too often as I dont see so well. I also didn't have an outlet for it but since I thought about Etsy, I might just have a go,

  14. Cindy, I just love your baby owl he or she is so cute. Hugs, Linda

  15. Congrats on the sale. Your paintings are lovely. Happy PPF

  16. wow, you sold a painting at etsy? i have just closed my shop. haven't had much luck there. lovely work. wishing you well, alpha shanahan #28

  17. Cindy, the baby owl and pumpkin are adorable! And I love the bird painting. The background with the graduated colors is so beautiful. I notice a lot of us are showing the fall leaves in photos on our blogs. I love the colors of fall.

  18. Love the blue-black color of your crow at sunset!
    Congratulations on selling your baby owl painting, too!!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  19. Awesome Fall Photography and Bravo for selling your adorable owl ~ also your crow is stunning work ~ Carol (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  20. congrats on the sale, and sure these will fly out of your shop as well... and those Autumnal shots are simply fabulous... we just don't get leaf fall like that here as we stay arm most of the year....one day I want to visit somewhere during a real autumn...xx

  21. beautiful paintings-your owl is too adorable!! Happy PPF!

  22. Your work has character and personality. Saludos

  23. Visiting from the APR - wonderful paintings - your owl is very cute :0) Mo

  24. Such a sweet owl, you captured the large eyes beautifully. But then I like your crow too, my aunt is a fabulous artist and she has done a series of clay crows that are to die for. your crow reminds me of those. Love the background color too!

  25. Wow! You know I love crows and I love yours with the sunset. The owls eyes with all the white coming out is great, love him. Thank you for your comments on my last two posts! Have a good week...I guess I had better figure out a Thanksgiving theme!

  26. I love your gorgeous autumn colours and crows. That owl is so cute and the pumpkin really makes it perfect for the theme.
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    Von (APR)

  27. What a cute owl Cindy...his eyes just draw you in! ;D
    The crow and sunset are fantastic too.
    I'm usually late posting to the Playroom so I better get a wiggle on...I'm thinking a little out of the box this week.

    Happy Thanksgiving
    Neesie (APR)

  28. Lovely and inspired, Cindy!! The owl eyes are spectaculicious!!

    EnJOY and BE Well. Tis my pleasure to "meet" you here in APR!!

  29. What a sweet face on the baby owl! Great eyes. :)


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