Monday, October 15, 2012

Cats on Tuesday - Buster Goes to Doctor!

Hello friends,
Buster here. You will not believe what happened to me last week. OMC!! It was horrible time...but I need to start at beginning of story. I was not feeling so good and Mom start to worry about me. You see, I did not want to cuddle with her and when she try to pet me, I growl at her. I hide in closet and wouldn't come out. Then she notice I am drooling from my mouth (I'm sorry for gory details, but it is the truth!) So, next day she call the doctor and they say to bring me right in!!! Here I am in car getting ready to go to hospital.


We arrive at animal doctor. This is outside of building painted with woofies and kitties. Don't let those cute pictures fool you! They do evil things here!!!

Here we are waiting for my turn.

Looks like no one is here to me...I think we should go back home!!
Finally...we go back to little room to wait for doctor. Agony!!! I see the door...this is my time for escape! But, door is shut tight. I am trapped!
Next, doctor come in and examine me from head to tail. He listen to my heart and lungs. He check to see if I have fever...and I don't need to tell you how he do that, friends. It was so humiliating!!! Then he prick me and take my BLOOD! OMC! Can this get any worse? He try to look at my teeth, but I clamp my mouth shut.
 Then, you'll never guess what happened - Mom leaves and not take me with her!! Doctor take me in another room and next thing I know I'm out like a light. Well, guess what? I had bad tooth and while I was asleep, they took it out of my head!! After awhile, Mom come pick me up, and she all sweet and nice and say "oh, my Buster, I'm so glad you're okay." Stuff like that. Then, she give them some money and we finally leave.
This is me...right after we got home and I am free again.
It was horrible experience. Mom want to take my picture, but I would not look at her.
Between me and you, my mouth feel much better, but Mom should not leave me like that!! I was not happy with her, but don't worry - I will forgive her. So, friends, that was my horrible week. I hope yours' was much better than mine!
Until next time,
Linking to the following blogs:



  1. Dear Buster,

    OMC! I heard of that happening. Mom tells about a kitty she had - a weird thing called Lilac Point Siamezzeses named Tojo....he was very very old and he lost many of his teeths too, ouch. So far I still have all mine, I hope I do not have to go through that like you did.

    I am thinking good healing kitty thoughts for you. I hope you are chewing your fun kitty toys again soon.

    Don't forget to floss! Meow!

    Your friend,


  2. That last picture is just precious. I love it!

  3. Aw, poor Buster. That must have been hurting. Glad to hear he's better now. Love that last picture. haha!

  4. Oh Buster, you are good to forgive your mommy, she did what was best for you, honest. I am glad you got that nasty tooth removed and you are back home.

  5. Awwwwwwwww poor baby!! I am so sorry you went thru that ... but I am glad you are better now!!

  6. Oh, Buster, you have our sympathies! Nicki had 8 extractions in November 2009 and another dental this past summer (just a cleaning) and Derry had 9 teeth out in June 2010! So we feel for you, man, and are sending healing purrs!

    -Nicki and Derry

    P.S. Twist the guilt screws so you get lots of treats and canned food and cuddles!

  7. Poor you ! what a horrible day you went through ! Now that you are rid of this bad tooth, you will feel well again !

  8. Ahhh pooooor Buster. You have had one heck of a week, yikes! Be assured little furry man, all this sadness will be a distant memory before you know it.
    Take care.
    Always, Queenie

  9. Buster, I love you! You are lucky you have such a good mom! Cindy, I love the last picture ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  10. Hope your mouth is better now Buster, I do feel sorry for you I don't like going to the doctor and my cats hate the vet. Buster is a good looking tabby, my favourite cat.

  11. Buster, we are sorry you had a bad week. But you are such a good boy to forgive your mom like that. We bet you will feel all better now that your hurty toof is gone.

    Big hugs, sweet boy.

  12. Thanks for sharing he is really cute!

  13. Thanks for sharing he is really cute!

  14. Dear Buster, The tooth-ache is SO-o-o-o awful!!! Going to the Dr. is very scary, now that's over and you'll be feeling all better!
    Sebastian is sending you many mews
    and get well thoughts! He has to go get his teeth cleaned soon and sure doesn't look forward to it. ugh!
    Hugs from both of us.

  15. OH BUSTER!!!! What a week. I hope you know that Mom didn't want to leave you alone!!! You definitely did not look happy about going to the doctor! Jynx hopes you feel better!! Say hi to Mom from Jen and give her a hug too!

  16. These pictures are so wonderful! You are talented, Cindy!


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