Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Week

Hello everyone,
 I first want to tell all my friends and fellow bloggers who live in the path of Hurricane Sandy that I'm praying for your safety. I hope and pray it's not as bad as predicted, but the pictures I'm seeing on television look very scary. Here in Ohio, we're already having very strong winds, although nothing like the east coast, of course. Stay safe and well, everyone.

On another note, it's Halloween week and I want to share these appropriately spooky images I found online. What are your plans? Do you celebrate Halloween, and if so, how?  I used to have a lot of fun when I worked outside my home...usually everyone in our office would dress up. One year I was a kitty cat (big surprise there, I know!) and another year I was a....lady of the night. :) Somewhere I have photos and I should dig them out and post for you to see! These days, I tend to decorate more for autumn than Halloween. That way, I can keep the decorations out until Thanksgiving. I live in a semi-rural area and never get trick-or-treaters at my door either. I sort of miss that - seeing all the children in their costumes. So, please share what you do for the holiday.

I love this fence!

Until next time,
Linking to Seasonal Sundays on The Tablescaper. Click on the link to see an amazing display from the "Rise of the Jack O'Lanterns" at Westbury Gardens.  


  1. We have been seeing pictures on our news of Hurricane Sandy, I do hope people manage to stay safe.
    I like the Halloween images, that house looks like somewhere to avoid on a dark night!

  2. Great images! They are so spooky!

    Sandy is just about here. The winds are so strong, and are supposed to get even stronger. YIKES!

  3. I LOVE that fence and the picture of the house behind the tree! I don't like Halloween. No way, no how. My granddaughters dressed up yesterday and will again on Wednesday ad Doc McStuffin and Lambie! :) They're adorable!

  4. I have friends and family in NYC and NJ and been trying to keep in touch with them all day... crazy storm! I loveeeee all the Halloween pics!!!!!

  5. Hey Cindy ;o) I made it through the storm on our end! We didn't get it as bad as some other people did. We had very high winds, but the rain held off. I love the images you put on your blog!!! Fantastic! I have to admit, we decorate for Halloween on the outside of your house in the back yard, for the animals. The pumpkins are getting eaten by the squirrels. We put up homemade peanut butter pine cones ornaments and the birds and animals love them too! It's great fun! Lots of entertainment! LOL! Happy Halloween!

  6. Wonderful spooky photos ~ you said you got snow ~ what state are living? ~ Happy Halloween or Samhain ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  7. Beautiful works. I love the fence/gate. Did you know there is another Cindy Adkins online in blogdom. She lives in New Orleans.

  8. Very spooky images indeed! Happy Halloween, Cindy!


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