Friday, October 19, 2012

Sweet October

"The sweet calm sunshine of October, now
Warms the low spot; upon its grassy mold
The purple oak-leaf falls; the birchen bough
drops its bright spoil like arrow-heads of gold."

- William Cullen Bryant
It seems like the fall colors this year are more vibrant than ever! Or, is it as my sister says - one just forgets how beautiful it is until it comes around again? These photos were taken on a walk at one of our local nature preserves earlier this week. Perfect weather...perfect day.

I've also been having fun with pumpkins this year and tried some things I saw on Pinterest.
The glitter pumpkin is easy peasy. Just spread Elmers glue or Pod Modge on the top portion of the pumpkin, then sprinkle on the glitter. I used copper-colored glitter because that's what I had on hand, but orange or black would look awesome, too! If it's a tiny pumpkin, you might want to glitter the whole thing. For the other one, I painted the entire pumpkin black with acrylic paint. Let dry...then scrape it off to make the stripes. This is a little bit more difficult than it sounds - only because it's time consuming to get the stripes straight! I really like the result, though.

But...this is my favorite! I painted the tree and crow on the white pumpkin, using black acrylic paint. Then, I collected branches from the yard for the pitcher. I love the overall look! It's simple and doesn't scream "Halloween" so I can leave it up until Thanksgiving.

Would you believe I've found all of these white pitchers over the past year at my local Goodwill? The best part - they were just one dollar each! I love them!
I hope you're having an enjoyable October so far, too!
Until next time,
                           Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
               Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper
                              Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer


  1. Hi Cindy,

    Oh I ADORE your raven pumpkin - it's awesome!

    Guess what? Poor Romeo scratched his eye and it got bad and now he is on FOUR kinds of meds and wearing the "cone of shame!"

    I think he was feeling such empathy for poor Buster than he did this on purpose.

    All kidding aside, he is miserable and so are we trying to get him to swallow pills - a CAT? forcing a pill on a cat? Come ON people, no waaaaaay this kitty is going for that.

    Sigh. Gonna be a very long week I'm afraid.

  2. Beautiful photos and loveeeeeeee the pumpkins!!

  3. Love your painted pumpkins! Beautiful fall colors too. It's been windy and rainy here for 2 days and out color is done for this year.

  4. Fall has the best colors out of all the seasons. Love your painted pumpkins. And such a good deal on your pitchers at only $1 each!

  5. Cindy,they all look really nice. You are clever to paint the crow scene. I like glitter on pumpkins. x

  6. Thanks for such a nice and enjoyable post.

  7. Hi Cindy,

    I love your autumn photos and Halloween decorations! Your white pumpkin with the crow is 'spooktacular'. Have a lovely day.

  8. Cindy thanks for the link at the top of the blog... I have thrown some extra entries in for you... and it is hugely appreciated...
    on a side note I have to say I did a painting a while ago now that could be the sister of the photo on the Share your cup Thursday.... mine is much brighter but it is almost the same composition, and my bottom cup had a gold handle...amazing...if you send me your address I will send you a copy of the card... my email is
    have a great week and fingers crossed for the draw
    T xx

  9. Those are all beautiful Cindy!

    Healthy Pink Snacks
    Have an enjoyable Pink Saturday!

  10. I have never seen a white pumpkin your is very striking with the crow and trees painted on it.

  11. What lovely colours! Do keep warm though; it looks COLD.

  12. Pretty fall colors and decorations! It is such a lovely month. Happy Sunday to you!

  13. Love October. And here in California, it FINALLY is cooling off and looking like fall (as much as we get here) is coming.

  14. Cindy,!!!! I love this post!!! I love the pictures from your nature walk! Stunning! And, I love everything you made!! Well, you know which one is my favorite ;o) LOL! Everything looks amazing! $1.00 for those white jugs?? You scored girl!! Big Hugs ;o)
    ( can't wait to see your crow painting you did, or did you mean the one on the pumpkin? )

  15. Beautiful pictures! I love your painted pumpkin and I am so doing glitter on my pumpkins when I get home from vacation!!

  16. Fantastic photography ~ very beautiful fall and inside decor ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^


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