Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Owl Painting

This is my latest painting - "Barn Owl on a Snowy Branch" painted with acrylics on an approximate 8x10-inch wooden plaque. I painted this for a niece of mine, who loves animals as I do and collects owls. This is the second owl I've painted, and I seem drawn to them lately (yes, I know they're everywhere this year, especially this fall decorating!) I've decided to do a whole series of owls. 

This is the first one I painted. It's quite a bit more "whimsical" than the barn owl.
 These mysterious creatures have represented many things in myths and legends. Everything from wisdom and protectors and bringers of prophecy, to omens of death, depending on the culture and the time in history. The Native American Hopi Tribe believed owls to be sacred, and the Burrowing Owl was a protector of all the plants and things that grow on the earth.  In parts of England, it's considered good luck to see an owl. Over the years, there have been lots of superstitions surrounding the birds, but since the beginning of the 20th century, owls have mostly become a symbol of wisdom.
"A wise old owl lived in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?"
For me - I just think they're beautiful creatures and make fascinating subjects to paint!
I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. It's a rainy, cool, very fall-like day in northwest Ohio. I sure wish I had a fireplace on days like this! Candles will have to do. :)
Until next time,
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  1. I like your painting of owls, they are rare here sometimes you may see them in the country but I've never seen the in Sydney.

  2. Cindy, your painting are delightful. I especially like the whimsical one. ;-) I'm intrigued by owls, and last year my husband gave me an owl house at Christmas. Not occupied as yet, but I'm hopeful that a couple will find it and move in this year.

  3. Hi Cindy, I don't know which painting I like more as I love both of them.

  4. Such wonderful paintings!! And I love the poem, too! I design/make/sell fabric items for local shows. . .they're seasonal creations such as witches, scarecrows, santas, etc. One of my best sellers this fall was a little wool owl (actually it wasn't my pattern). I made them in fallish colors of oranges and browns and dk greens. I'm going to attempt to make some for Christmas in ivory/tan tones of wool. . .and will add a bit of Christmasy cheer to them . . . maybe some greenery or rusty bells. I don't know. Anyway. . .I remember (way back in the 70s ) that owls were very popular to decorate with. My mom had a huge collection (mainly given to over time as gifts from friends and family).

    Hope you've had a great weekend!!


  5. Very nice paintings, Cindy. The whimsical one would be a cute one in a children's picture book!

  6. Cindy, I love both these paintings! You know I love my crows, but I love owls too! Hope your weekend is going well ;o) It's wet and warm here today! On saturday we had frost! Big warm hugs ;o)

  7. Delightful creations with just a touch of whimsy.

  8. Beautiful paintings and color combos! Love to paint owls too.
    Once, a little owl even entered my home... it was such a surreal moment! You can see it on my blog here:
    Thanks for stopping by!

  9. That is such a beautiful painting of the owl!

  10. these are wonderful... I am pretty sure we don't get these owls here in Queensland, but I sure wish we did... to see them in the wild would be wonderful... in the mean time I will have to be satisfied with your lovely work...xx

  11. Really cute and adorable owls, both favourites.
    Love to paint owls too besides spiders
    m^..^m Annabelle

  12. Loving your owls. Especially the snowy. Happy PPF!

  13. Loving your beautiful owl on a plate and your branches are fab. Happy PPF, Annette x

  14. Love your owls, they are beautiful, mysterious creatures!

  15. Different styles but I love them both!

  16. Oh Cindy that is awesome, wow, hope you paint more owls I love owls!

    Well done, my friend!


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