Monday, October 31, 2011

Cats on Tuesday ~ Meet Dolly

We have a guest on our blog today because our human mom didn't get any cute pictures of us for our special day, Cats on Tuesday. So, instead, we're showing everyone pictures of our friend, Dolly, who lives in Hertfordshire, England. We love this picture of Dolly and think she's so smart to sit on the bird table in the garden! MOL!! 

Here's another one of Dolly enjoying a cuppa!

...and here is Dolly showing off for camera!

We hope you've enjoyed meeting our friend! She'll probably get a big head now for having her picture on the internet. For more cute cat photos and cat stories, visit Gattina's blog, My Cats and Funny Stories by clicking HERE, or click on the orange cat photo. Happy Tuesday!

Buster, Rudy, Sam and Cindy


Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

How cute is that! Love the photo in the bird feeder! Good way to get a little snack! Greetings to your staff from mine...hugs...Debbie

smalltownme said...

Hello, Dolly!

I love her delightful roll in the sunshine.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Dolly's so cute on the bird feeder. She probably is wanting a little bird snack. I love the picture with her paw in the cup. I use to have a cat who loved doing that!

Barbara said...

Lovely kitty, not sure how many birds will be fooled by her disguise though :O)

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! Dolly found the right place to wait for birdies !! What a cute picture, the others too !

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Dolly is a fun kitty for sure. I wonder how she managed to squeeze into the birdhouse. Love "MOL" Meowing out Loud!!! LOL!


Ann said...

Good morning, Cindy. I have awarded you the Liebster Blog Award. You can find details here:

Have a great day! -- Ann

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

The photo on Dolly laying in the bird table is just to funny *MOL*
I must try that when my mom put our birdfeader up !!

In My Wild Eden said...

Hello Cindy. It is nice to meet you! Thanks for following my blog. Very cute pictures of Molly. Hope you are having a beautiful day!

Brenda said...

Cats are so funny and entertaining. They're one of my favorite simple things in life. Great pictures.

Irishcoda said...

Dolly is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing pictures of her!

Geneva said...

It was quite fun meeting Dolly! What a smart kitty!

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Dolly squeezed in that feeder is hilarious!! I have a feeling a few birdies were laughing off their tail feathers at her :)
Thanks for the visit :)
xo, misha

Johanna Gehrlein said...

Dolly is such a cute cat. Love her adventures.
Best greetings, Johanna

Shannon@Cozy Home Scenes said...

Dolly is very cute and obviously very smart. I once had 4 cats but now I have 3 dogs. One of my cats lived to be 22 yrs. old and was so very sweet. Your cat is probably loads of fun to watch and be around. Very cute photos.------ Shannon

Jackie said...

Mama has a photo of me (Rappy) sunbathing in our bird table, it is perfectly placed for sunbathing, the birds get cross though. We cats know a good thing when we see it. Tell your friend Dolly she is a cutie.

Christie said...

Dolly is so cute and funny too Cindy...that picture of her in the bird feeder cracks me up :) Thanks for sharing these pics....
Big hugs,


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