Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center

Yesterday I visited the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center in Fremont, Ohio, which is only about a 20-minute drive from where I live. Ohio is called the “Mother of Presidents” because eight men who served as President of the U.S. were born here (more than any other state.) Hayes, who was a Civil War General and the nation's 19th President (1877-1881,) inherited the 25-acre estate (called Spiegel Grove) from his maternal uncle, Sardis Brichard. This is where he retired and lived until his death in 1893.   

The 31-room mansion was constructed in 1859.

Spiegel is the German word for "mirror." Hayes' Uncle Sardis named his estate this due to the puddles of rainwater that collected underneath the large trees on the property, creating "mirror-like" reflecting pools. Luckily, it had rained just prior to my visit and I was able to capture a little bit of this beauty.

Sardis Brichard is also to have said that the trees and thick underbrush reminded him of the German fairy tales from his youth. As I walked the grounds, I detected a bit of this magic myself!


President Hayes and his wife, Lucy Webb Hayes are buried at Spiegel Grove. Hayes' horse, "Old Whitey" who served with him during the Civil War is also buried on the grounds.

Some very interesting facts:
President Hayes was the first President to have a telephone in the White House.
Lucy Webb Hayes was the first wife of a U.S. President to be called "First Lady."
Lucy Webb Hayes was the first wife of a President to have graduated from college.
President Hayes began the tradition of the "Easter Egg Roll" on the White House Lawn in 1878, which continues today.

For more information, visit the R.B. Hayes House website HERE.

Linking to Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper
                  Outdoor Wednesday on A Southern Daydreamer
                 Time Travel Thursday on The Brambleberry Cottage


Ivy and Elephants said...

Thanks for sharing such an informative post. I love the name and your pictures capture that just perfectly!

Anonymous said...

Love your tree photos here! Oh! The colors of this fall season - they were lovely today - just reaching peak! However, difficult to see while on the road because of all the nasty rain and wind! Tomorrow it shall be sunny. Perhaps a fall drive is in order - though we've no President's estate so close as you have. Loved all the trivia and photos here!


Michele said...

really impressive place! your photos are great. thanks for stopping by my blog today. and you reminded me to come back and grab your blog button which i am doing right now....
have a wonderful weekend. xo

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Thank you for the info on President Hayes and your great pictures. I love the reflecting pool one.

Patti said...

I love to visit places like that. History is one of my major loves, so I always enjoy stepping back in time, visiting old homes, and learning a bit more about those that came before me.

With 8 presidents hailing from Ohio, you have several great locations to visit, don't you.


Brenda said...

Ohio has some beautiful places. Are you sure you want to go back to CA.

Snap said...

Lovely post. I would like to visit all the Presidential homes ... lots of history. Beautiful autumn shots!

Scrumplescrunch said...

Well Hello Cindy.
Sue aka scrumplescrunch here, thank you so very much for visiting me and leaving me such kind words, I have been overwhelmed with wonderful comments since Cindy (is she No1 or No2, thanks for explaining) posted me up on her blog I have made some new friends and it is wonderful I am enjoying every moment visiting each blog, your post here is very interesting,it looks beautiful.

Rebecca said...

Loved the history lesson! Great pictures too!

Ingrid said...

Very interesting post ! 8 Presidents ! not bad !

Cindy Adkins said...

Wow, this is so interesting AND gorgeous! You won't believe it--my family is from Ohio and my grandmother's last name was Webb...I wonder if they were related--wouldn't that be something?

Happy Halloween!!!

meowmeowmans said...

Thank you for the informative and interesting post! Love your pictures, too. The one of the reflecting puddle and leaves is just gorgeous! :)

Anonymous said...

I wander in and hover around your wonderful blog and today I felt I had to finally comment. What a wonderful post.

One of my "bucket list" items is to visit every presidential home and library. I've a long way to go, but, have visited the John Adams home and library, which also represents John Quincy Adams and really was humbled by it. Living in the Land of Lincoln, I invite all to Springfield to visit the new library there. It is wonderful.

I will hope to visit Hayes' home someday and appreciate not only your pictures, but, your added bits of information. Thank you.

Ellen Whyte said...

Gosh, I wonder if ambitious mummies rush over there to give birth? Interesting post and lovely pics.

Unknown said...

I do enjoy that I live only minutes from the PA/OH border and the places you feature are places we can get to easily. Thanks for sharing!!!

Light and Voices said...

Enjoyed the tour of President Hayes house.
Joyce M

Linda said...

Great post! I enjoyed the facts at the end about a not very well known President...what a beautiful estate...the pictures you took were wonderful!!

genie said...

I think it is so nice when presidents and their wives are buried at their home places. That is so special. I have never been here, but I would love to make the trip. I just love history and my husband is a walking encyclopedia of facts. Take care...lovely post. genie

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

I love your history tours, Cindy. It's almost like being there in person...almost. ;)

Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday again this week.

Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

Hope said...

Great post. I so much enjoy visiting historical sites of our presidents. I did not realize Ohio had so many. Lovely grounds and setting. Those are some wonderful pictures.


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