Monday, October 10, 2011

Cats on Tuesday - Meet and Greet

I've discovered a delightful new blog party called Cats on Tuesday, so....of course, I had to join in the fun! This is our very first time linking to it, so we're calling it a "Meet and Greet" post!  When I say "we," I'm referring to me (Cindy) of course, and my 3 furry housemates - Buster, Sam and Rudy. 

This is Buster, the oldest cat in the household, and if you asked him, the most important of the group. He appeared on my doorstep one snowy, cold night in December and wouldn't leave. When no one else would claim know how it goes. That was almost 9 years ago. He really wishes he didn't have to share the house with 2 other cats, and when he thinks I'm not looking, he tries to bite their ears! Buster has personality with a capital P!


This is Buster meditating...which he does daily.

This is my sweet Sam (sometimes called Sammy.) Sam is a Maine Coon cat with a HUGE appetite! He loves his food more than anything in the world...eating and sleeping are his two favorite things. Sammy really is one of the sweetest cats I've ever known and he's very, very shy.

Sweet Sam

Sammy - sleepy after a big meal

Last, but not least, is my very handsome Rudy! He loves, loves, loves to be outdoors and would stay outside all the time - if I allowed him!  He's also the most vocal and lets me know when he's hungry, when he wants to go outside...when he wants me to wake up from a sound, cozy sleep (sigh!) Rudy is very affectionate - but shy around people, other than me.

Rudy reading his favorite book, "Diary of a Cat."

My handsome Rudy

I really should have named this blog, Art, Books, Tea and Cats!
For more cat stories, please visit Cats on Tuesday at My Cats and Funny Stories!


Elaine said...

A sweet cat .. It's so nice to find another lovers of cats and kittens.

Unknown said...

Hi Cindy ;) Sorry about my confusion with you and your name twin! I too have 3 cats...we had 2 for the longest time and then we saved Stormy from a storm drain a couple of months ago. No one claimed her either, so I definitely know how it goes ♥ Thank you for stopping by my blog and yes, I will be following yours. ~Alicia

Ingrid said...

Thanks for joining Cat on Tuesday ! Your cats are so sweet ! Rudy is a tuxi like Rosie, but she is not shy to other people and goes only outside when the weather is nice ! Buster is like Pookie she also would love to be an only cat, she only ignores the others.

Jackie said...

Your Rudi and my Rappy are both Tux cats, and they always have a large personality, though Rappy also is shy around strangers. We know 'how it goes' too, moat of our cats have found their way to our door, I think they have a secret code that they leave on the gatepost, like 'gentlemen of the road' here do, so others who follow know they will receive a favourable reception.
Buster, Sam and Rudi are beautiful boys.

Terri said...

Oh such a sweet post about your kitties! Each one is so gorgeous and the way you describe them makes me feel like I know them already!
I have two Yorkies and they too have their own little personalities.
Our fur babies are so special! Such kind companions!

We love LUNA said...

Hello dear friends,
Your blog is adorable and I'm enchanted by my cats friends there!Amazing pictures!
purrs and love for you all,and Happy Cats on Tuesday,

Johanna Gehrlein said...

Hello Cindy,
all your furry friends are adorable and interesting personalities. Rudy has really a different face, very masculine and serious, somehow humanlike. He reminds me to the faces from the musical Cats.
Thank you forsharing. Enjoy the fall season.
Best greetings, Johanna

Irishcoda said...

Hi Cindy, welcome to Cats on Tuesday! I'm glad you decided to join the fun and introduce us to your gang. What good lookers! Look forward to seeing you again!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Hi Cindy,
It's nice to see your beautiful cats. I have a special place in my heart for Maine Coon cats.
Sam is really gorgeous. I have heard that Maine Coons are referred to as the Gentle Giants of the cat world.

I had a cat who was part Maine Coon, he lived to be 21 years and 3 months. His name was Mr. Sunshine.

Buster has the cutest face! Rudy is certainly handsome. I adore black and white cats.

I love your blog and so happy I found you. Thank you for being my newest follower. I am now following you.

Happy Cats ON Tuesday
Iris AKA Boo-Bah

Brenda said...

Rudy really is a handsome guy. I love the photo with the book.

Al said...

Hello Buster, Sammy and Rudy! Welcome to COT!

Ellen Whyte said...

You've got such sweet cats. We forgot about COT but we also blog about cats: So nice to meet you!

Mr Puddy said...

Hello Cindy,
Thank you to visit my blogs and your cats, all are so sweet !!!! They should have cat's blog..Serious ! so I can get to know them : )
Happy Purrs

Connie in Hartwood said...

Hi, Cindy! It's great to get to know your cats. Your Buster is the perfect example of something I believe very strongly ... we cannot choose our pets, they choose us and we accept them. That's how all of ours came to be in our family.

Rudy has a very Siamese face. I wonder if that's where his vocal ability comes from?


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