Monday, August 27, 2012

Cats on Tuesday - Rudy's Update

Hello Friends,
Rudy here. How is everybody? Guess what? I'm playing trick on Mom! I steal her glasses she left laying on sofa. MOL!  I hide them and she will look for them all over house. 

This is something I like to do sometimes. Is funny to watch Mom look for them. Then she say, "did one of you take my glasses?" When she look at me, here is what I will be doing - all innocent like.

Friends, please don't tell Mom what I do. Now, I will tell you what we been doing since last time, which is not much, but we are all good. Buster still doing he daily meditations every morning after he eat.
Ahhh...I feel so relaxed and centered. Now is time for nap!
I ask Buster to teach me meditations, but he say "I'm not a guru." I don't know what that means, but I think it means "no."
Sam has been eating and sleeping because....well, because that is what Sammy always do!
Sam sleeping
More of Sam sleeping
That is update from  me, friends.  Now, I'm going to go see if Mom find her glasses yet. MOL! Do you ever play tricks on your pawrents?
Until next time,

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Owl Painting and Gourd Art ~

Hello everyone,
I want to share a new painting I just finished a week ago (and sold already!) and also a piece of gourd art I'm working on. It's almost done - I just have to finish the butterflies and spray with a protective coating. I hope everyone is enjoying these last days of summer. August flew by for me! I can't believe it's almost September - but I am looking forward to fall...mild days and crisp, cool nights, pumpkins, the changing of the leaves, sweaters, mums and that indescribable feeling in the air!

I thought it would be fun to share the gourd painting process with you, start to finish. Here's what I started with...a plain hardshell gourd. First it was scrubbed clean, then I cut off the top and cleaned and finished the inside.
Next, a base coat of ivory paint and black rim, butterflies sketched in... 
A second rim of orange added...
Begin painting the butterflies...
Finished...there are four butterflies around the gourd. This will eventually be going in my Etsy shop.
Have a wonderful week, everyone. I've not been able to post as often lately as I've been so busy with work and art projects. I appreciate each and every one of my followers, though! Thanks so much to those who visit and those who leave comments.  
Until next time,
                                   Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
                        What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
                           Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home


Friday, August 17, 2012

Hollyhock Dolls ~ Pink Hollyhocks

I have fond memories of playing with my childhood friend, Leslie, and her Mom showing us how to make Hollyhock dolls. In my mind, I can still see the tall hollyhocks of pink, pale yellow and black, growing alongside their house. We made lots of the little hollyhock dolls and spent warm summer afternoons playing with them. If you'd like to try it with your little ones, here's a quick and easy tutorial, found HERE. You can also add little twigs for the arms, if you like. A pretty flower petal for a creative and have fun!

Hollyhock doll on a cupcake
Photo courtesy: One Determined Gardener

"I want to have a little house with sunlight on the floor,
A chimney with a rosy hearth, and lilacs by the door.
With windows looking east and west, and a crooked apple tree,
And room beside the garden fence for hollyhocks to be!"
Nancy Byrd Turner

Beautiful pink double hollyhocks. I once had some of these come up in my yard that grew over 7 feet tall! The exciting thing was - I hadn't planted them! My guess is that a bird dropped the seeds. All I know for sure is what a surprise it was to watch them grow!

Until next time, have a beautiful weekend!

Linking to the following blogs: Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound
                                                                           Passion Parade Friday Link Soiree at Petites Passions
                                                 Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper
                                                               Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
                                                      What's It Wednesday on Ivy and Elephants

Monday, August 13, 2012

Biking in the Ohio Countryside

Hello everyone,
I got a new bicycle about a week ago! I hadn't even been on a bike for many years, but had been thinking about it for a while, so finally started looking for one. I wanted just a regular, old-fashioned bike...nothing fancy...just one speed...the kind of bike I rode as a child. Well, I found exactly what I wanted at Wal Mart! I love the aqua and white color, which looks very "retro" to me. The wicker basket didn't come with it - I bought that on ebay.

The weather was perfect yesterday, so I took a long ride. It's so much fun (although my back and thighs are sore today from riding too far!) It's a good thing it's very "flat" where I live, as I don't think I'd make it up any steep hills!

The open road

A sign at the rest stop along the trail
See the Beauty!

Until next time,

Friday, August 10, 2012

Amazing Cakes!

Hello everyone,
First - I apologize for being "absent" for almost two weeks. I sometimes get so busy with my "regular" job that I get behind in my blogging.

Today I'm sharing more incredible cakes made by some pretty amazingly talented people. I admire people who can create these works of art so much!  The first two cakes were made by someone I know very well - my sister! She got the cooking (and baking) genes in our family!

This is a Barbie cake my sister made for her granddaughter's 9th birthday.

This is a cheeseburger cake she made for her grandson's 12th birthday. Yes - that's really a cake!  Isn't it awesome?  Her grandson loved it - as you can see!

These "books" are really cakes! A friend of mine that works in a library sent this photo to me. They were made for a co-worker that was retiring. I would never have known they weren't real books!

The following cakes were made by Arty Cakes in Manchester, England. I think they're just incredible! All those flowers! That's a LOT of icing, but so beautiful! Arty Cakes website can be found HERE.

Bed Cake 
Photo courtesy 1,000 Pictures on facebook

This "flower box" is actually made from cupcakes!
Photo courtesy Noga Flowers dela Cruz

...and these are a few more fabulous cakes I found on Google images.

How about you? Are you a talented baker?

                        A Return to Loveliness on A Delightsome Life
                           Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House

Until next time,