Friday, August 17, 2012

Hollyhock Dolls ~ Pink Hollyhocks

I have fond memories of playing with my childhood friend, Leslie, and her Mom showing us how to make Hollyhock dolls. In my mind, I can still see the tall hollyhocks of pink, pale yellow and black, growing alongside their house. We made lots of the little hollyhock dolls and spent warm summer afternoons playing with them. If you'd like to try it with your little ones, here's a quick and easy tutorial, found HERE. You can also add little twigs for the arms, if you like. A pretty flower petal for a creative and have fun!

Hollyhock doll on a cupcake
Photo courtesy: One Determined Gardener

"I want to have a little house with sunlight on the floor,
A chimney with a rosy hearth, and lilacs by the door.
With windows looking east and west, and a crooked apple tree,
And room beside the garden fence for hollyhocks to be!"
Nancy Byrd Turner

Beautiful pink double hollyhocks. I once had some of these come up in my yard that grew over 7 feet tall! The exciting thing was - I hadn't planted them! My guess is that a bird dropped the seeds. All I know for sure is what a surprise it was to watch them grow!

Until next time, have a beautiful weekend!

Linking to the following blogs: Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound
                                                                           Passion Parade Friday Link Soiree at Petites Passions
                                                 Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper
                                                               Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
                                                      What's It Wednesday on Ivy and Elephants


  1. Stunning pictures and the story of the hollyhock dolls is so sweet! How wonderful it would be to have such pretty hollyhocks grow and bloom in my garden "as a surprise"!!! I had a cherry tomato do that in the middle of my driveway. It was TOO FUNNY! I scooped it up and put it in a big pot. Hmmmm, Birds are SO Generous to give us such presents!
    Thank you for sharing...
    Have a positively pink weekend,

  2. A very pretty hollyhock feature. I never heard of the dolls tho.

  3. Stunning pictures and the story of the hollyhock dolls is so sweet! How wonderful it would be to have such pretty hollyhocks grow and bloom in my garden "as a surprise"!!! I had a cherry tomato do that in the middle of my driveway. It was TOO FUNNY! I scooped it up and put it in a big pot. Hmmmm, Birds are SO Generous to give us such presents!
    Thank you for sharing...
    Have a positively pink weekend,

  4. Such beautiful photos! A lovely Friday afternoon treat!
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Always, Queenie

  5. A couple of years ago I too had hollyhocks come up in the middle of the garden I didn't disturb them hoping they would drop seeds but so far nothing but that was a cool summer usually it's to hot and humid for them here.

  6. OH NEAT!!!!

    I have never heard of a hollyhock doll. She is such a sweet lil beauty!

    Enjoy this perfect weather, Cindy!

  7. Hollyhock dolls, how sweet! Beautiful photos! Glad I had the chance to stop in!

  8. What beautiful hollyhocks! The doll is so sweet. Have a great weekend, Cindy!

  9. I adore these sweet little hollyhock dolls, and how generous of the birds to give you giant pink hollyhocks as a surprise gift.

  10. Cindy! This is such a great post. I love hollyhocks. In fact, one of the last memories of my grandma before she passed away was her showing me how to make a hollyhock doll. I think my mom has it saved in her jewelery box. I always think of her when I see them.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's been forever since I took the time to enjoy popping around my friends' blogs. I think I just go dormant in the summer but now that fall is almost here, I think I'll perk up again!

    Have a lovely weekend!
    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!
    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  11. Hi Cindy, I just love hollyhocks, I have tried to grow them, but it is just too hot where I live.
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  12. I love hollyhocks. they remind me of my mother. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures.

  13. We used to have pink hollyhocks growing behind the house where I grew up as a kid. I don't remember ever seeing dolls made from them, but those are really cute! I love the poem! Have a great weekend!

  14. That is so cool! There's a hollyhock plant near the train station. I see it every day, and I always wondered what it was. (Now I know ... thanks!)

  15. Always a delight to see these gorgeous pink! Catching up with Pink Saturday.

    My PINK
    Your comment is always a treat for me!
    Have a blessed weekend.

  16. The pink hollyhocks are beautiful and the doll is just too cute, I've never seen one before:@)

  17. I have heard of the Hollyhock dolls and love anything done in the old times. My mother used to make me a halo of flowers from the clover patch to wear on my head and for her granddaughter when she was little. She was from Poland so that is where she learned to braid the flowers into a halo. Thanks for posting the hollyhock doll. I love it!

  18. So beautiful Cindy!!! I love the Hollyhock doll! So creative! I have never seen one made before! So cute! I love hollyhocks. I have to admit, my mom doesn't like them? I don't know why? One of my friends gave me some seeds, so I am going to plant them on my side of the garden! LOL! Take Care my friend ;o)

  19. Gorgeous! My hollyhocks had their first bloom this year. There were a few blossoms. Hopefully next year they will be as lovely a yours. xo

  20. Lovely post, Cindy! The photos are beautiful, the hollyhocks bring back sweet memories of happy summer days!!!
    Thanks for sharing, Hugs, Maki

  21. I love that pink on flowers but prefer fuchsia for clothes.

  22. I love hollyhocks. Thanks for sharing the pretty photos ⚛

  23. Hi Cindy, Great post. The hollyhock doll is so cute. I love these flowers. Hope you're having a great week. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  24. What a gorgeous post, love the hollyhock dolls.

  25. Hi Cindy,
    Your hollyhocks are beautiful and the little doll is GORGEOUS ....I've never seen one before. Thanks for showing it!!
    Have a good week
    Barb from Australia


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