Friday, August 10, 2012

Amazing Cakes!

Hello everyone,
First - I apologize for being "absent" for almost two weeks. I sometimes get so busy with my "regular" job that I get behind in my blogging.

Today I'm sharing more incredible cakes made by some pretty amazingly talented people. I admire people who can create these works of art so much!  The first two cakes were made by someone I know very well - my sister! She got the cooking (and baking) genes in our family!

This is a Barbie cake my sister made for her granddaughter's 9th birthday.

This is a cheeseburger cake she made for her grandson's 12th birthday. Yes - that's really a cake!  Isn't it awesome?  Her grandson loved it - as you can see!

These "books" are really cakes! A friend of mine that works in a library sent this photo to me. They were made for a co-worker that was retiring. I would never have known they weren't real books!

The following cakes were made by Arty Cakes in Manchester, England. I think they're just incredible! All those flowers! That's a LOT of icing, but so beautiful! Arty Cakes website can be found HERE.

Bed Cake 
Photo courtesy 1,000 Pictures on facebook

This "flower box" is actually made from cupcakes!
Photo courtesy Noga Flowers dela Cruz

...and these are a few more fabulous cakes I found on Google images.

How about you? Are you a talented baker?

                        A Return to Loveliness on A Delightsome Life
                           Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House

Until next time,


  1. I can make beautiful cupcakes but that is about it at the moment. I love your sisters cakes the most. So vintage and love filled. Tell her so for me..will you?

  2. OH. MY. Word.

    I can't even frost a regular cake nicely, holey moley those are gorgeous and/or clever!

    Your sister is SO talented too- love her Barbie and burger cake. how CUTE!!!!

  3. When I saw the caption below your link, I said, "nah!"

    Those are some awesome cakes. My fave is the 2-layer cake of bright flowers. I took a cake decorating course years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. Made some interesting cakes and had a friend/neighbor who always bought cakes for her office. Made my brother's wedding cake too . . .sure wish I had photos of that one! (Never have been able to get him to give me a picture!) :(

    Enjoyed my visit!! Happy Pink Saturday to you!

  4. Awesome cakes!I still can't see the cakes in those books!! have a great weekend!!

  5. What wonderful cakes!! Happy Pink Saturday! Penny

  6. HPS!

    Wow! I love the flower pot and the pink set!
    Have to say that the burger is super cool.


  7. HPS!

    Wow! I love the flower pot and the pink set!
    Have to say that the burger is super cool.


  8. Amazing! I can only imagine the time that must go into these cakes.

  9. The last one is the winner for me. Visiting from Pink Saturday.

    Wedding Anniversary Pink, your comment will mean so much!

  10. Your kidding! Those books are really cakes. All these cakes are amazing. I don't even bake let alone decorate.

  11. Wowwwwwwwwwwww!! These are all amazing!!!!

  12. Oh my goodness how clever and beautiful. I so love them all,but the blue with the roses is I think a little teensy bit more my favourite,because I'm a sucker for anything roses. xx

  13. Happy Pink Saturday Cindy, WOW those are gorgeous cakes! How can you eat such amazing pieces of art? lol I agree with another comment that your sister's cakes are the winners. Besides being so creative they were made with love. The hamburger is awesome. Joyous wishes and hugs, Linda
    PS. My daughter just came home with six cupcakes from a local bakery. The owner was a winner on Cupcake Wars. They have simple decorations but each one is a unique flavor. They are in a Pink box. Need I say more?

  14. Wow those are gorgeous cakes but my favorite is the last one the pink cake...Visiting from PS!

  15. Hey Cindy ;o) Missed you my friend ;o) Great to hear from you! Your sister is very talented! Wow! And, these other cakes are amazing too! The hours to create these! I can't believe the cheeseburger, the books, the flowers, the bed, all of them! Take my breathe away! Hugs ;o)

  16. what fabulous cakes! The Barbie cake is so sweet, my mom made me a Cinderella cake when I was little, I'll always remember it!

  17. A cake burger, yum!

    Visiting from Pink Saturday- hope you can stop by..

  18. Hi Cindy, What lovely cakes! Your sister made some beauties and I thought the books were realy books too! My favorite of the rest is that fabulous bed. Thanks for your visit. Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  19. What gorgeous cakes. Someone posted a beautiful sewing box one on facebook the other day, i could not believe it wasn't actually real lol. maybe you could google that too. great post
    hugs June x

  20. Wow! Such amazing cakes! We can see why your sister's grandson loved that cake so much. We do, too! :)

  21. Hi Cindy,
    Amazing cakes.
    I always wanted to decorate cakes..but...I have a heavy hand and thick petals are not a good look.
    Thank you for showing these masterpieces.
    I particularly like your sister's hamburger cake.
    Have a good week
    Barb from Australia

  22. These are fantastic! I can't imagine the amount of time that must have gone into making them. Fun post! :)

  23. These are just amazing! I stayed at a B & B in North Georgia where the hostess also decorated cakes - hers were exquisite! What talent! Someday I hope to give this a try! I do appreciate you sharing your wonderful post with A Return to Loveliness,

  24. Those are some amazing cakes! Such artistry. Thank you for sharing. Visiting from A Return to Loveliness. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  25. Hi Cindy,
    Those cakes are really incredible! I am always amazed at the talent people have within them. I really enjoyed your post. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day.



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