Monday, August 27, 2012

Cats on Tuesday - Rudy's Update

Hello Friends,
Rudy here. How is everybody? Guess what? I'm playing trick on Mom! I steal her glasses she left laying on sofa. MOL!  I hide them and she will look for them all over house. 

This is something I like to do sometimes. Is funny to watch Mom look for them. Then she say, "did one of you take my glasses?" When she look at me, here is what I will be doing - all innocent like.

Friends, please don't tell Mom what I do. Now, I will tell you what we been doing since last time, which is not much, but we are all good. Buster still doing he daily meditations every morning after he eat.
Ahhh...I feel so relaxed and centered. Now is time for nap!
I ask Buster to teach me meditations, but he say "I'm not a guru." I don't know what that means, but I think it means "no."
Sam has been eating and sleeping because....well, because that is what Sammy always do!
Sam sleeping
More of Sam sleeping
That is update from  me, friends.  Now, I'm going to go see if Mom find her glasses yet. MOL! Do you ever play tricks on your pawrents?
Until next time,


  1. So adorable. Thanks for the smiles. You're crew is purrfect.

  2. Ha! Very cute post! I think Rudy is a little bit ornery. :D

  3. Rudy you are a wild man!!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  4. Hee hee! That is a great trick you played on your mom, Rudy. ;)

    We think you are all gorgeous kittehs.

  5. Hi Rudy,
    Cute trick...moving Mum's glasses like that. You're a cheeky fellow!Say 'hello' to Buster and Sam for me...and I'll see you next time. xxx
    Barb from Australia

  6. Next time I am looking for my glasses (which will be very soon) I will glance at Arthur with a suspicious eye ! He is kind of kleptomane !

  7. Good trick Rudy! Love seeing you and the other cats ;o) Love you guys!

  8. Rudy, did you hide mom's glasses because you want her to play with you?
    We love that 'deep thought' look on Buster's face! Purrs!

  9. What little sweethearts! Target has a trick of taking knickers out of the laundry and showing them off to the cat sitter whenever we are away. humiliating!

  10. Hi dear friends!!!!!
    Have a nice week and a fun time!

  11. Hello Cindy,
    You have some sweet looking kitty Cats.


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