Monday, August 13, 2012

Biking in the Ohio Countryside

Hello everyone,
I got a new bicycle about a week ago! I hadn't even been on a bike for many years, but had been thinking about it for a while, so finally started looking for one. I wanted just a regular, old-fashioned bike...nothing fancy...just one speed...the kind of bike I rode as a child. Well, I found exactly what I wanted at Wal Mart! I love the aqua and white color, which looks very "retro" to me. The wicker basket didn't come with it - I bought that on ebay.

The weather was perfect yesterday, so I took a long ride. It's so much fun (although my back and thighs are sore today from riding too far!) It's a good thing it's very "flat" where I live, as I don't think I'd make it up any steep hills!

The open road

A sign at the rest stop along the trail
See the Beauty!

Until next time,


  1. I ADORE your new "retro" bike- it's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Loveeeeeeeeee the photos and love love love your bike!!!

  3. That's a beautiful place for a bike ride.

  4. Good for you getting out for a bike ride. I have a bike like yours but I haven't even ridden it this year. I better get the tires pumped up and get going.

  5. Good for you! I think it's great that you're riding a bike, and it's such a pretty bike too. Have fun!

  6. What a lovely bike ride, thanks for sharing your photos!

  7. Love your new bike with its comfy saddle, so important to be comfy. x

  8. A most excellent new bike!! And some beautiful Ohio country side to bicycle through.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  9. I love your bike. You've got a lovely place to ride too. I've been riding my bike through our local park a lot lately. I've been loving the weather the last few days.

  10. Cindy, I love your bike! So cute! You live in a beautiful area!! Love the photos ;o) Hugs ;o)

  11. Wow! Love your new bike with the wicker basket ~ and your photography is fantastic ~ love the sign you saw too ~ (A Creative Harbor)

    So glad to have you 'visit' do come again ~ ^_^

  12. I love your bike, Cindy. I had the same idea last year and had my son fix up my bike - it's great exercise and makes you feel like a kid again, eh? Love your new basket too! And what pretty country you live in. Looks like a fun time.
    Lynn at Cottage and Creek

  13. How lovely! So that's where Captain Kirk is from :-)

  14. What a beautiful place you live. I would love biking on the flat roads. We have nothing but hills here. Cool bike. Do you prune your hydrangea? If so, don't, and see if it will bloom. Good luck.

  15. Love the new bike, Cindy! I'm glad you had such a great ride, too. :)

  16. What a great way to ride the open road. Love your bike!

    Jocelyn @


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