Monday, April 30, 2012

Garden Dreams

As is common for Ohio, our weather jumped from the 50s on Saturday to 81 today! My mind has turned to gardening after visiting our local nursery today. As I entered, the warm, earthy smell conjured up images of digging and planting, pruning and deadheading.  I live in a townhouse, with just a small area out front to plant, but I have a large patio, so I hope to do some container gardening this year. Here's part of what I saw today - seeing this makes me happy!

The beautiful Iris - one of my old-fashioned favorites. What are some of your favorite flowers?

And now, I had to share this fabulous cake with you that I found on the facebook page of Farmers Pal, which can be found HERE. My sister is going to try to make it (she's the cook in the family!) I'll post pictures when she does.

I hope everyone has a fabulous week!
Until next time,

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Spring at Kingwood Center

Hello Everyone,
I want to share some photos with you that I took yesterday at Kingwood Center, which is a 47-acre public estate/gardens in Mansfield, Ohio. This was my third time visiting. I was there in the fall, and posted about it, which you can find HERE, and then again at Christmastime HERE. Each season is spectacular! Kingwood Center was once a private residence, built in 1926 by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelley King. Mr. and Mrs. King, who never had children, left their estate to a private foundation, and it was opened to the public in 1953. Mr. King made his fortune working with the Ohio Brass Company.

Until next time,

               Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper
                                Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer

Monday, April 16, 2012

Cats on Tuesday - Groundhog Visitor!

Hello friends,
Buster here.  I so sorry for not much blogging lately - it's Mom's fault!! She is on something called "spring break," but today I sneak on computer to blog for our special day - Cats on Tuesday. I have something very impawtant to tell you. We had a groundhog visit our house!! One day, big fat groundhog come up on patio, right up to our door! Sam was sitting there (not sleeping for once...hee hee hee) and he start to growl! I didn't know Sam could sound so mean! There was groundhog - looking inside!! He run around patio like he live there...then went in our garage and back out again!

Sam watching groundhog

Here is Rudy, asking Sam all about groundhog. He missed whole thing because he was taking nap!

So, friends, that was big excitement around here lately! I hope you have all been good and well. Now, I leave you with picture of cat reading book. Maybe you can explain why Mom laugh when she see this? Pawrents are so hard to understand sometimes!

Until next time,

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April Musings

Hello everyone,
Well, so far, April in northwest Ohio has been colder than March! I guess that's to be expected for spring in the midwest, but I do long for sunny days and warm breezes. As most of my regular followers know, I've been on a blogging break. Not a vacation (I wish!) In fact, I've been working and getting caught up on some things...and I'm also taking a step back from my blog to decide which direction I want to go with it in the future. I'm so grateful for my followers and the friendships I've made in the ten months since I started this venture! So, I wanted to drop in and say "hello" and share some photos I took on my daily walks this past week. There's a frost warning tonight, so I hope it doesn't harm any of the plants and flowers already blooming! I'll be back to full-time blogging soon and hopefully have a clear vision of what I hope to share with you! I hope everyone has been well - I try to visit as many of you as possible in my spare time. Hugs all around!

Until next time,

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Break

Hello everyone,
I'm taking a break from blogging for a couple of weeks, so the "staff" and I wish all of our blogging friends a very happy Easter holiday!

Until next time,
Cindy, Buster, Rudy and Sam