Monday, April 16, 2012

Cats on Tuesday - Groundhog Visitor!

Hello friends,
Buster here.  I so sorry for not much blogging lately - it's Mom's fault!! She is on something called "spring break," but today I sneak on computer to blog for our special day - Cats on Tuesday. I have something very impawtant to tell you. We had a groundhog visit our house!! One day, big fat groundhog come up on patio, right up to our door! Sam was sitting there (not sleeping for once...hee hee hee) and he start to growl! I didn't know Sam could sound so mean! There was groundhog - looking inside!! He run around patio like he live there...then went in our garage and back out again!

Sam watching groundhog

Here is Rudy, asking Sam all about groundhog. He missed whole thing because he was taking nap!

So, friends, that was big excitement around here lately! I hope you have all been good and well. Now, I leave you with picture of cat reading book. Maybe you can explain why Mom laugh when she see this? Pawrents are so hard to understand sometimes!

Until next time,


  1. Buster, you are hilarious.

    Next time ask ur Mom to let you out "just fer a sec" and then you won't have big groundhogs anymore!

    My Mom hates when she sees me in the sink watching her yellow finches. She sez its cuz it is unsanitary bein in the kitchen sink with my furry awesomeness, but I think it is b/c I am ferocious and scare those finches she sez "REST" here. BAH!

    (Don't tell anyone but they actually kinda scare ME, I think I have been indoors too long!)

    Lotz of purrz,

    Romeo your fun furry Feline Friend

  2. Buster, I love you!! I miss you!!! That was one big groundhog! I hope he didn't break anything in the garage! Buster, tell mom I laughed too when I saw the picture ;o) Also tell her, I miss her and I hope she is doing well ;o)

  3. hahahaha my cat growls like crazy at the deer we have around here. She even stalks them!

    funny post!

  4. Cindy, go to the right on my blog, I am having a giveaway for earth day ;o)

  5. Buster, that was a great post. I can't believe that groundhog was so brave. They would never come on our porch here ... they run as soon as they even see people. :)

  6. Sounds like a paw-puss-full day for Buster! Valerie

  7. It looks like Sam takes guard duty very seriously indeed.

  8. awww,you are both so cute,I could just take you home to me. xx

  9. We don't have groundhogs here in England, but my cat Dolly wouldn't dare growl at any of the foxes that come into the garden!
    I wonder if Sam would have growled at the groundhog if there hadn't been that glass between them!
    Lovely post, Buster. Thanks for the smiles :)

  10. Poor kitty, I understand why you feel cheated. I spent a lot of time looking for the bird, too ;-(

  11. My cats would kill for a good Groundhog sighting. So would I!

  12. Wow ! you have strange animals in your yard ! I have never seen a groundhog or maybe in a zoo. My cats only have hedgehogs or mice as visitors ! and other cats of course !

  13. Heheh! You´re so funny Buster!

  14. Hi Buster. What did you think about that ground hog? A bit of excitement for you I am sure. Too bad Rudy missed out. You snooze you lose. Oh well. Give your mom some kisses today.


  15. Hi Buster, I am new on "Cats on Thuesday.
    Lovely the last picture
    Please apologize for my English
    Big Hug

  16. That was one big groundhog. I wonder what he eats. I hope not cats!!

    Our Mama has been taking Spring Break too. Only thing is, she takes it in Winter & Fall too.

  17. I've never seen a real live groundhog before.

  18. Buster you and Sam are very brave. You were within mere feet of that groundhog, yikes!!!
    Regarding understanding Pawrents... Sometimes there is no understanding them, its best to just purr and give your very best kitty look.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  19. buster and company, you had some excitement around your house. must have been quite a sight to see. we don't have groundhog, but sometimes a pesky raccoon came in the backyard, but mama's feral cats who come to eat in our backyard shoo him away. way to go feral cats.

    emma and buster

  20. That ground hog is huge! Wouldn't want a good kitty to tangle with that one. Good thing Buster, Rudy, and Sam were inside the house! Thanks for sharing that photo!
    Teresa in California
    We have lots of birds here!

  21. That's a big creature on your patio! We don't have groundhogs in the UK, I think our cats would have a nervous breakdown if they saw something like that outside the window. That kitty reading the book did make me LOL!

  22. Buster, we are in the same boat !
    My mommy is so lazy too ! May be more than yours ! Cause she done this any days ! But I'm a good kitty , I forgive her , one good thing about it...we spend more time together which is SWEET !
    Any way your outdoor intruder looks interesting guy, and mom said he has a cute butt ; )
    Have fun !

  23. Oh, your cats are adorable. I especially like the photo about To Kill A Mockingbird :)

  24. Buster! You're a wonderful storyteller. Thanks for fillling in while your pawrent is on spring break. I wonder, Buster, if you could relay a message to dear, sweet Cindy for me? Please tell her I'm back from my spring break and hope she is really enjoying her break. Mine was so refreshing! Thank goodness that she has you Buster to fill in for her while she's away.

  25. Buster is an absolute mess, I can tell! I love that pic of the cat reading TKAM -- I have that same pic! LOL Buster mentioned you were on spring break. Are you a teacher? I ask b/c I teach.

  26. i thoroughly enjoyed this darling post! happy week! xo

  27. Hi Cindy,

    Now that I look around your blog, I see that you are cat person too. I would tell Punkin your kind words, but it would go to his head. Happy to be following you! Dianne

  28. Buster,
    A groundhog lives at my house too! The Food Lady leaves a slice of apple for it but it still likes to come up on the back porch and eat Raggedy-ear Tiger Cat's dry food.
    Your Friend,
    (you can see my picture on the Food Lady's blog -


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