Monday, April 30, 2012

Garden Dreams

As is common for Ohio, our weather jumped from the 50s on Saturday to 81 today! My mind has turned to gardening after visiting our local nursery today. As I entered, the warm, earthy smell conjured up images of digging and planting, pruning and deadheading.  I live in a townhouse, with just a small area out front to plant, but I have a large patio, so I hope to do some container gardening this year. Here's part of what I saw today - seeing this makes me happy!

The beautiful Iris - one of my old-fashioned favorites. What are some of your favorite flowers?

And now, I had to share this fabulous cake with you that I found on the facebook page of Farmers Pal, which can be found HERE. My sister is going to try to make it (she's the cook in the family!) I'll post pictures when she does.

I hope everyone has a fabulous week!
Until next time,


  1. It is so nice to see such vibrant colored flowers! I can't wait until we can start our planting.

    That cake is so clever!

  2. One of the cutest cakes I have EVER seen!!!!

    Yes this weather is so WEIRD!

    Romeo sez hi. Meow.

  3. Seeing all those flowers makes me happy too! I love that cake. What a neat idea! :)

  4. Good Evening Cindy Sweetie...
    Oh my gosh, what beauty you saw today. I love going to the nurseries and browsing all the beauty that it holds.

    I love pansies, and petunias, roses and ferns (boston and aspargus) and I love snapdragons and geraniums. Oh heck, I love all the flowers. The colors, the scents. It just drags me in like a magnet.

    Thank you for taking me along. I can't wait to see what you bought and what pots you will put together for your townhouse. I know it will be beautiful. You are so talented sweet friend.

    Waiting on a slice of that cake. Could you ask your Sis to bake a little faster? I know it will be beautiful.

    Have a glorious evening dear friend and come see what is blooming at Country Wings in Phoenix. I am so thrilled. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  5. That cake looks so yummy.
    I like stopping in at the local nursery too. I did that one day last week to get my fix of some pretty flowers. It has been too cold here to plant anything yet. But it is supposed to get to 80 tomorrow. Don't know if that will last though as the weather has been so weird.
    Thanks for all your sweet comments on my posts.
    Hugs, Barb

  6. Beautiful photos!!! And that cake is AMAZING!!!

  7. Hi Cindy,
    Beautiful flowers...I love going to gets my imagination working overtime.
    I like all flowers evrn 'weeds'.
    The cake is fabulous.
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  8. We have a very small garden, but I try to cram as much as possible in there. I like irises too, those you showed are gorgeous. I like lilies and roses, and I like clematis as they add colour and interest on another level.
    That cake is amazing; off to check that out now!

  9. That is an impressive cake! I don't have green thumb but i could use some flowers in our balcony and invite those cute humming birds!
    See you at the party Cindy!

  10. Great pictures, love the cake, too! Valerie

  11. Your plant pictures are amazing!! You can get lost when going to garden centers! So much beauty to see ;o)My favorite flower? Hard to say! I love so many and that is the truth ;o) The cake is amazing! Wow, if your sister makes this cake, make sure to post pictures, please!! Hugs ;o)

  12. All of those flowers are so beautiful. And that cake is SO cool!!! Have a great day, Cindy. :)

  13. Beautiful Spring flowers!! I love all flowers but most especially roses, yum!
    That cake is sooo fun.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  14. Beautiful flowers, I just pinned that cake and now following you on Pinterest!

  15. Hi Cindy, The flowers are gorgeous and I remember how the weather would change when we lived in Ohio. I bet your garden is gorgeous. Love the pot of flowers cake. Just awesome. I bet your sister will have fun making it.
    Have a great evening.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  16. What amazing garden, speceally the last chocolate flower... nham nham !

  17. i was just enjoying these beautful flowers and then that last one blew me away. what an amazing cake! mastery! have a beautiful end of your week. xo

  18. There is nothing like walking into a greenhouse in the early spring and being surround by glorious blooms. Irises are one of my favorites, too. I had them in my wedding bouquet along with daisies, another favorite. I'm now following and look forward to seeing more of your lovely blog. :-) I would also love for you, Buster, Rudy, and Sam to join in the fun at our Rockin' Pet Linky Party next week! Have a great day.

  19. I love going to the nursery...such inspiration there! Our weather has been gloomy this week...we also go up and down...85 over the weekend...cold this week! That cake is amazing!! What talent!!

  20. Cindy,
    The flowers look so pretty there.
    wow what a neat cake. I had to look twice. Very realistic.

  21. Oh my, that cake is something else!! Looks so delicious. The nursery is so beautiful with all the blossoming flowers. I think you know my favorite flower, my friend...yes, the rose. I also love carnations. What a lovely post today.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


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