Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April Musings

Hello everyone,
Well, so far, April in northwest Ohio has been colder than March! I guess that's to be expected for spring in the midwest, but I do long for sunny days and warm breezes. As most of my regular followers know, I've been on a blogging break. Not a vacation (I wish!) In fact, I've been working and getting caught up on some things...and I'm also taking a step back from my blog to decide which direction I want to go with it in the future. I'm so grateful for my followers and the friendships I've made in the ten months since I started this venture! So, I wanted to drop in and say "hello" and share some photos I took on my daily walks this past week. There's a frost warning tonight, so I hope it doesn't harm any of the plants and flowers already blooming! I'll be back to full-time blogging soon and hopefully have a clear vision of what I hope to share with you! I hope everyone has been well - I try to visit as many of you as possible in my spare time. Hugs all around!

Until next time,


  1. Hey Cindy! Nice to have some news of you. Spring is just gearing up here. crocuses are blooming!!!

    Pretty soon I'll be working and playing outside, far from my computer - so I know what you mean about being busy and needing a break.

    Hope you're actually taking some time to chill as well.


  2. Your photos are lovely. We are having rain and threat of thunderstorms and snow in the next few days. This is our just looks and feels like Winter! Your buster is adorable. Creative bliss...

  3. Happy to hear from you Cindy ;o) We are having a cold spell here too! Some blossoms didn't make it, but nothing has died! I hope you don't leave us! I would miss you! I love the pictures, thank you for sharing! Big Hugs ;o)

  4. Hey Cindy-

    I posted my Pay it Forward today and mentioned you, darlin!

    Go check and see how purdy that birdhouse looks!!


  5. Such beautiful pictures. We hope you've had an enjoyable and restful break, Cindy. See you soon! :)

  6. lovely pics,beautiful neighbourhood you live in. xx

  7. So pretty! thanks for sharing :) If you have time to visit please stop over at

  8. Glad to hear from you! I loveeeee the photos!

  9. That first photo with the lilacs could be a painting. I adore lilacs. Spring is here in a tentative way, in California. I planted a big Bleeding Heart plant today.

  10. Everything is blooming and the birds are singing! Beautiful photos, thank you for sharing!

  11. Lovely dreamy blooms. Great captures!

  12. Beautiful photos! Enjoy your break we will still be here when you are ready to come back. We had a few snow flurries in northern Michigan last night. You are right March was warmer. Thanks for stopping by, Laura

  13. Beautiful blossoms and I do love lilacs! Hope you're back soon! (Our Spring has been all over the place, hasn't it, cold in the 20s tonight!)

  14. Pretty pictures. The blossom always looks so lovely, it is a pity it is so short lived.
    Your weather sounds similar to ours. April turned chilly again and I have to keep checking on frost tender plants.
    I hope you manage to catch up with all the things that need doing. I know how that feels!

  15. The frost was heavy here last night. My fingers hurt by the time I was done uncovering all the plants! Enjoy the break and the sunny days, even if they aren't warm yet.

  16. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos Cindy. Am sure your brain is a bit frazzled after all your latest ventures. Take some time out my friend and allow the thoughts to settle down. Hugs Annette x

  17. Hi Cindy! I understand that. I myself has been quite away from blogging lately because like you, I am thinking my future direction will be. It is kinda tough because I love blogging, but I am in process in writing a story and been looking for jobs, because I'd like to earn to fly to see my family in the Philippines.

    The pictures are beautiful especially the pink flowers. They are seriously gorgeous!


  18. Those are beautiful pictures Cindy. Let us know what you decide.

  19. Our spring has been unusally warm then turned cold 2 nights ago. Your pictures are beauitiful. Have a great outdoor week. Blessings, Debbie

  20. Such lovely delicate colours! I do miss spring sometimes...

  21. the picture of the sun shining through the tree branches is lovely :)

  22. Oh look at that beauty!!
    We are having this issue here in MN, the apple growers are nervous.
    Love those gorgeous lilacs...ours are just on the cusp of blooming, can't wait until the aroma fills the air!
    - Irina

  23. Happy Spring, Cindy!!!
    Such gorgeous pictures!!!

  24. Saw you at Pink Saturday and here I am. And your photos are just gorgeous. But then I also came from Micheles blog and Play it forward challenge. What a charming birdhouse you gave her. And I'm now going to play it forward from Micheles blog to others. Thanks for doing such a wondeful thing. I am now following you!!


  25. Lovely Spring where you are !
    I am heading to Winter !!! But I still have lovely sunshine : )
    I keep you a company, I'm off line so often too..tee..heh
    Have a good break, Cindy
    Many hugs from me

  26. Hi Cindy, Your photos are beautiful and so are your surroundings. Happy Pink Saturday. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  27. I'm going around visiting everyone on today's PINK SATURDAY list.....with my hot cup of coffee, of course! Just wanted to let you know that I was here! Have yourself a great weekend, and stop by my place if you've the time!

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  28. Oh how I know those cold Ohio days till end of April. Once we had snow in April while my apple trees were blooming! I dont miss the cold but I do miss the lake. I lived in Bay Village. Hope you are enjoying spring.

  29. Hi Cindy,
    The weather in my part of the world in a bit unusual too.
    Your lilacs and photos are beautiful.
    We do need to take a break and reassess at times.
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  30. Hi Cindy,
    Relax and enjoy the beauty that's all around.(Great photos!) Come back all refreshed and wow us with more of you flair for the divine!
    Big hugs,

  31. gorgeous photos. those trees make me happy. hope you are well; have a fabulous week! xo


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