Monday, December 31, 2012


Happy New Year!!!

May Peace and Joy Reign in 2013!


With Love and Purrs for a Pawsome New Year from

Sam, Buster, Rudy and Mom Cindy


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snow Pictures and Billy Jacobs Art

Hello Everyone,
After several days of snow, ice and grey skies, the sun made an appearance this afternoon!  So, even though it was cold with a biting wind, I put on my coat, hat and gloves and took these photos around my neighborhood. The cute little barn and fence is at a church just down the road from me. Winter isn't my favorite season, I admit, but I do try to see the beauty of it all, and the snow certainly is beautiful on the evergreens and tree branches and everything.

I also want to share a few winter-themed paintings by one of my favorite artists, American Folk Artist, Billy Jacobs. Mr. Jacobs is a self-taught artist from Navarre, Ohio, where he has an art gallery/antiques shop. His paintings can also be found in galleries and specialty shops all over the country, as well as online. I think he captures the look and feeling of the midwest countryside better than any artist I've seen. He doesn't just paint winter scenes...but all seasons of the year! You can see more of his paintings at Summer Snow Gallery HERE or by visiting Billy Jacobs Art Gallery on facebook HERE. Enjoy! 

Wishing everyone a safe and happy New Year's Eve and best wishes for a healthy, prosperous 2013 filled with joy!
Until next time,
 This weekend over on How Sweet the Sound, Beverly is hosting her weekly Pink Saturday with posts featuring snow and snowmen. So, even though I'm late posting, I want to share these on her blog and also at The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays.


Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Christmas to All!

Hello everyone,
Winter has arrived in Northwest Ohio - not only officially on the calendar, but it's cold and blowing and was even snowing sideways for a while! I have a few photos to share with you. Last Saturday was our annual "Girls Christmas Party," hosted by my niece, Lola. (Except this year, we "allowed" the husbands to come also, if they wanted :)  Had a great time...enjoyed so much yummy food and lots of laughs over our White Elephant gifts! My sister, Paula, and I made this cupcake wreath for the party - a collaborative effort! The hardest part ended up being transporting it there, as my niece lives about an hour away. We learned something - next time we need to come up with something to stick to the bottoms of the cupcake "cups" to hold them in place!

Lola's home is always decorated so beautifully for the holidays! Her theme colors were blue and silver this year. Here's a photo of her tree.
I loved her use of these old canning jars for decorating. Notice the frame behind them filled with old black and white family photos. Such a great idea! I want to do this, too.

The next day, I helped Paula decorate her Christmas tree. It was done in traditional gold and red, which I think are my all time favorite colors for a tree.

I confess, I haven't done a lot of decorating in my own home. My only tree this year is a vintage ceramic one I recently found at Goodwill for $5.00! I'd been wanting one for a while and couldn't belive when I walked in and there it stood - in perfect condition, except for a few missing lights. My Mom had one of these back in the 70s when they were so popular. I did a little research on ebay and Etsy after I bought it, and some of them are going for between $70 and $100!! I had no idea! So, I got quite a deal on it!

However you may celebrate, I hope you have happy holidays! From my heart to yours, I truly wish you all the peace and love that this season represents.
Until next time,
Buster, Rudy and Sam, too!
I'm linking to the following blog parties:

Sunday, December 16, 2012

In Memoriam

Sandy Hook Elementary
Newtown, Connecticut
December 14, 2012
"The only way to end a culture of violence is to proactively create a culture of peace."
Marianne Williamson

Monday, December 10, 2012

All Aboard the Birthday Cake!

I've been neglecting my blog lately. I have no good excuse, other than being busy with work and family, and the holiday season, of course. But, we're all busy this time of year, and, honestly, I don't have it nearly as bad as some. So, I promise to try to do better in the future, and I'm looking forward to getting caught up on all your blogs and seeing what you've been up to lately!

 Now, I want to share this awesome train cake, made by my sister, Paula, for her grandson Jaxson's 2nd birthday. I've shared some of her cakes in the past...and I think this is one of her best! Everyone loved it, especially Jaxson!

And here is the birthday boy himself, my great-nephew, Jaxson Lee! He is absolutely adorable!!

I bought an early Christmas present for myself - a new sketch pad, colored pencils and oil pastels. I've been in the mood to sketch and draw, rather than paint. As many of you know, drawing is entirely different from painting, and I haven't done a lot of it...not since I was a teenager, so we'll see where this takes me.

I truly hope you've all been well and enjoying your December so far.
Until next time,

Linking to the following blog parties:
Passion Parade at Petites Passions