Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snow Pictures and Billy Jacobs Art

Hello Everyone,
After several days of snow, ice and grey skies, the sun made an appearance this afternoon!  So, even though it was cold with a biting wind, I put on my coat, hat and gloves and took these photos around my neighborhood. The cute little barn and fence is at a church just down the road from me. Winter isn't my favorite season, I admit, but I do try to see the beauty of it all, and the snow certainly is beautiful on the evergreens and tree branches and everything.

I also want to share a few winter-themed paintings by one of my favorite artists, American Folk Artist, Billy Jacobs. Mr. Jacobs is a self-taught artist from Navarre, Ohio, where he has an art gallery/antiques shop. His paintings can also be found in galleries and specialty shops all over the country, as well as online. I think he captures the look and feeling of the midwest countryside better than any artist I've seen. He doesn't just paint winter scenes...but all seasons of the year! You can see more of his paintings at Summer Snow Gallery HERE or by visiting Billy Jacobs Art Gallery on facebook HERE. Enjoy! 

Wishing everyone a safe and happy New Year's Eve and best wishes for a healthy, prosperous 2013 filled with joy!
Until next time,
 This weekend over on How Sweet the Sound, Beverly is hosting her weekly Pink Saturday with posts featuring snow and snowmen. So, even though I'm late posting, I want to share these on her blog and also at The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays.



  1. Awesome post and pics, cindy. I am going to head over and check out the rest of his art, he is amazing - captures a mood perfectly, as you did with your amazing photos.

    Have a blessed new year - we will meet in person this year, I know it.


    Oh Romeo sez meow to your staff.

  2. Loving your photos and love love love his paintings! GORGEOUS!!!

  3. I am not a snow person either. I think it is pretty as long as I do have to get out in it. I love and enjoy your work as well as all the others. May you and family have a very blessed and healthy New Year.

  4. The painter you feature is very talented, and I like your photos of snow too.

  5. Billy Jacobs art is amazing! Love his paintings! And, I love your photos! I think you have more snow then I do! Beautiful! I want to wish you and your fur babies a blessed New Year! Much happiness for 2013 ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  6. I live in Australia and we never get snow in Sydney but I like the look of it and it's very good in paintings. The thing I don't like is the feel of snow it's too too cold.

  7. Hi Cindy, thanks for stopping by my blog to visit. Your snow pictures are so lovely, I love the wreath on the fence covered with snow. My pictures were from a few years ago, it only snows in south Alabama once every few years! Of course, we are always excited when it does snow here, and wish it snowed every year!
    Happy New Year,

  8. Those are beautiful captures Cindy! I am catching up with the PINK entries this week before the year ends! Hope to see you too!

    My PINK
    Happy New Year!

  9. Lovely photos, Cindy, and I enjoyed seeing the artwork too. We can't escape the snow here, so we might as well try to find the beauty in it. Wishing you and yours a happy new year! :-)

  10. Hi Cindy,
    What gorgeous winter photos from your area. They look like magazine covers or gorgeous postcards. Love the work from a very talented artist. Thank you for sharing.
    Wishing you a blessed new year filled with many joys.
    Hugs, CM

  11. Love the Billy Jacobs prints and your photos too! Happy, wonderful New Year!

  12. We love Billy Jacobs' paintings, and we love your pictures, too.

    Happy New Year to you, Cindy! We are so happy that you are our friend. :)

  13. Love your photos and the painter's work. Happy 2013! :)

  14. Hi, and HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HAPPY PINK SATURDAY! Loved your entry and the photos are so nostalgic...I'm with you about winter but I do like walking in the snow when the sun is shining ad glistening off the snow on the ground. You captured that feeling very well. Smiles, Maria from Seattle...

  15. These are so pretty, Cindy! You are blessed to have snow...we're STILL waiting!!

    Hope you had a great Christmas and are enjoying your new year!


  16. Breathtaking snow shots! Happy New year, Cindy!...Christine


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