Monday, December 10, 2012

All Aboard the Birthday Cake!

I've been neglecting my blog lately. I have no good excuse, other than being busy with work and family, and the holiday season, of course. But, we're all busy this time of year, and, honestly, I don't have it nearly as bad as some. So, I promise to try to do better in the future, and I'm looking forward to getting caught up on all your blogs and seeing what you've been up to lately!

 Now, I want to share this awesome train cake, made by my sister, Paula, for her grandson Jaxson's 2nd birthday. I've shared some of her cakes in the past...and I think this is one of her best! Everyone loved it, especially Jaxson!

And here is the birthday boy himself, my great-nephew, Jaxson Lee! He is absolutely adorable!!

I bought an early Christmas present for myself - a new sketch pad, colored pencils and oil pastels. I've been in the mood to sketch and draw, rather than paint. As many of you know, drawing is entirely different from painting, and I haven't done a lot of it...not since I was a teenager, so we'll see where this takes me.

I truly hope you've all been well and enjoying your December so far.
Until next time,

Linking to the following blog parties:
Passion Parade at Petites Passions


  1. That's a wonderful cake! So creative and just perfect for that smiling little boy.

  2. An adorable cake to match adorable little boy!!

  3. What a wonderful birthday cake. Jaxson is so cute. He must love trains as he even has one on his vest.
    Have fun drawing and sketching.

  4. Oh Cindy that cake your sister made is AMAZING!!!!

    I can't believe it is EDIBLE! She did a fabulous job of it, wow.

    As for that adorable lil bday boy, oh isn't he something? And he's wearing a train sweater, how cute is THAT??

    SO so so danged cute!

    Glad you are doing some sketching and drawing. Both my daughters are very artistic, but not me, nope nope nope can't draw a THING.


  5. What a fantastic cake. I bet Jaxson was thrilled with it. I can see there is a train passion going on by his sweater in the pics. He is a gorgeous young man.

  6. That cake is amazing! It must have taken quite a while to make that. Jaxson is cute as can be! Good luck with your sketching. I hope you share some of what you draw here. :)

  7. That's an adorable cake for a sweet birthday boy!

  8. Never have I seen a cake like that. How talented and unique is that. That little fellow should have really liked it. He is so adorable. Best wishes for a great holiday season.

  9. That cake is awesome and he is adorable!!! Thanks so much for stopping by and have fun with those new supplies!!! I think we sometimes get too wrapped in the blog world to fully enjoy our lives!! You enjoy the family and the memory making!!

  10. If I lived near my grandsons, I'd make that cake too. Your nephew is so cute. Why do they have to grow up?

  11. Cindy, that train cake is amazing!! Wow!! Your sister is talented!! Jaxson Lee is too adorable! I want to give him a hug ;o) Have fun drawing!! You will do great! Big Hugs and be well ;o)

  12. Jaxson is just adorable! And that cake is terrific. We have no doubt that he loved it! :)


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