Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Christmas to All!

Hello everyone,
Winter has arrived in Northwest Ohio - not only officially on the calendar, but it's cold and blowing and was even snowing sideways for a while! I have a few photos to share with you. Last Saturday was our annual "Girls Christmas Party," hosted by my niece, Lola. (Except this year, we "allowed" the husbands to come also, if they wanted :)  Had a great time...enjoyed so much yummy food and lots of laughs over our White Elephant gifts! My sister, Paula, and I made this cupcake wreath for the party - a collaborative effort! The hardest part ended up being transporting it there, as my niece lives about an hour away. We learned something - next time we need to come up with something to stick to the bottoms of the cupcake "cups" to hold them in place!

Lola's home is always decorated so beautifully for the holidays! Her theme colors were blue and silver this year. Here's a photo of her tree.
I loved her use of these old canning jars for decorating. Notice the frame behind them filled with old black and white family photos. Such a great idea! I want to do this, too.

The next day, I helped Paula decorate her Christmas tree. It was done in traditional gold and red, which I think are my all time favorite colors for a tree.

I confess, I haven't done a lot of decorating in my own home. My only tree this year is a vintage ceramic one I recently found at Goodwill for $5.00! I'd been wanting one for a while and couldn't belive when I walked in and there it stood - in perfect condition, except for a few missing lights. My Mom had one of these back in the 70s when they were so popular. I did a little research on ebay and Etsy after I bought it, and some of them are going for between $70 and $100!! I had no idea! So, I got quite a deal on it!

However you may celebrate, I hope you have happy holidays! From my heart to yours, I truly wish you all the peace and love that this season represents.
Until next time,
Buster, Rudy and Sam, too!
I'm linking to the following blog parties:


  1. I love your Christmas tree selection!

    My PINK
    Happy Holidays!

  2. I love those ceramic trees! How wonderful that you scored one, that's great! Both of the other trees are lovely and the cup cake wreath is fabooo, yummy!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  3. Loving this Ohio snow, too, Cindy! But it's not going to last - hubs says it is supposed to get warmer and turn to rain tomorrow. Dang.

    My Mom and my Auntie each made one of those trees in the early 70s too. I wonder what ever happened to ours - ? Hope my sister has it.

    Have an idea on the cupcakes - you're talking holding the OUTSIDE down? Well I have this clear gunky stuff I use to keep my dollhouse stuff from moving around - one dab works wonders, but doesn't permanently stick- it's clean offable, if that is a word - just a thought.

    You may also wish to make a water/powdered sugar "glue." One dab will do ya and is totally food safe. Won't take much.


    ALSO- try and find some time to come down and visit. Would love to have you for tea! I am not that far here in North C-bus!!

  4. The blue and silver tree is lovely, the ceramic tree is very unusual I don't remember seeing them before, a cupcake wreath I would have eaten a least one maybe two before I got there the wreath would have been slightly smaller and me bigger.
    Merry christmas-from Merle........

  5. The cupcake wreath is a cute idea! Let me know if you figure out a way to hold the cupcakes from slipping.
    My favorite colors for the Christmas tree is the red and god too. I didn't use those this year though.
    Wishing you, Rudy, Buster, and Sam a Very Merry Christmas!

  6. Beautiful Cindy! I loved everything so much! The decorations are breathe taking! I love the ceramic Christmas tree. Sometimes I think the vintage decorations are the best! That cupcake wreath was so cute!!! I would have ate one, being an hour drive! LOL! Merry Christmas my friend ;o) Many blessings to you and your loved ones, including your fur babies ;o)

  7. Your niece has lovely decorations! I like the ceramic tree too. I remember when those were popular.

  8. Loving the photos and that cupcake wreath is AWESOME!!!!!

  9. SO beautiful! Wishing you and your loved ones a most blessed Christmas, Cindy. We are so thankful for you!

  10. beautiful seasonal photos! Merry Chrismas and a Happy New Year Cindy!

  11. Cindy, thank you for allowing me to enjoy this festive occasion with you and friends. Some people have such creatives minds, can take nothing and make something lovely from it. Best wishes to you ans family for a wonderful holiday and healthy, blessed New Year.

  12. The trees are so pretty and I love the idea of a cupcake wreath. Merry Christmas!

  13. Hi Cindy,

    I love your niece's Christmas tree and other Christmas decor. Your sister's tree is gorgeous, too. You got such a deal on your ceramic Christmas tree; my mom made one for me about 27 years ago, and I have it in our kitchen this year. I wouldn't take anything for it!

    Best wishes to you for a Joyous Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  14. Mom wish she can have your chocolate..tee...heh
    Merry Christmas !!!
    I wish you and your kitties have the Best Best time.
    Lots of love
    Puddy Boy ; )

  15. OMG! So beautiful pictures!
    Have a great Wednesday!

  16. Such gorgeous décor! I love that idea of the photos in the frame, too, I'll have to try that one.
    Hope you have a happy and blessed new year.

  17. Hello Cindi....
    Sorry I'm so late in commenting on this post.....It's beautiful.
    I love the ceramic tree you bought, and the cupcake wreath is very cute. Last year my daughter in law made a flat, green christmas tree cake.
    I hope you had a fantastic Christmas and I wish you all the best for the New Year..........
    Give some cuddles and pats to Buster, Rudy and Sam from me, please.
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia


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