Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I'm Having a Giveaway!

Hello faithful followers,
I've decided to host a giveaway...just because I feel like it and because I love you all! So, to kick off the holiday season, I'm giving away my "Jolly, Happy Soul" painting:

This miniature painting meaures approximately 5 1/2" by 4 1/2" and is painted with acrylics on a wood plaque, ready to hang or sit on a decorative easel. It's signed and dated on the back. To enter the giveaway, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post. If you aren't already a follower of my blog, I'd really appreciate it if you'd also sign up to follow me. I'll announce the winner next Wednesday - the day before Thanksgiving.
Speaking of giveaways, I also want to share a couple of things I won recently! First, this wonderful painting by Tracey Fletcher King. You all know how much I love my tea, so this was perfect for me! I'm going to frame and hang it in my kitchen. To see more of Tracey's artwork, visit her blog HERE.

If you visit her blog, you'll see why I adore her work! She paints lots of tea cups and tea related items. Here's another example of one of her watercolors...need I say more?
Her work is fabulous.  Again, Tracey Fletcher King's blog can be accessed HERE
I also won this necklace from a website called "Whatever Is Lovely". 

I discovered "Whatever Is Lovely" on facebook, where I entered the giveaway. If you love antique and vintage items, you'll really enjoy browsing this shop. They have very unique jewelry, handbags, hats, home decor and more. Their online shop can be found HERE. The following photo is from their website, and it gives you an idea of some of the lovely things you'll find there.
Photo courtesy of: Whatever Is Lovely
Don't forget to leave a comment for a chance to win my snowman painting!
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your week!
Until next time,
Linking to the following blogs:


  1. So glad it got there safe and sound and so quickly... and that you like it... thanks for the shouts outs... it is much appreciated... and love that necklace as well... great win there... as to the snow man painting... he is simply wonderful ... that rabbit looking up at him makes me smile...xx

  2. I love that painting so much! I collect snow man items.

  3. I'd love to win your beautiful snowman painting!

  4. This is such a sweet giveaway. I am a happy follower on GFC, so please count me in. xo

  5. Love the fabulous snowman! Thanks for such an amazing give away, that is just perfect for the season. Count me in!

  6. Aww, I love the bunny in your piece! Please do enter me as well :). Congrats on your winnings, they are beautiful.

  7. Hi Cindy!

    OOHH I love love love your recent win - isn't that just the cutest?

    Thanks for the giveaway of your very awesome painting - because I was "paid forward" with your lovely birdhouse crafty art I won't sign up for this, but I wanted to show my support.


  8. Such a sweet snowman piece. Love the rabbit. And congrats on winning things. How wonderful for you. Thanks for visiting on my blog today.

  9. congratulations on winning a prize. I love the snowman picture. Was coming over to visit today. I felt it was time. I enjoy your blog. By the way the picture of the tea cups,the blue one is great too.
    Congrats on your win.

  10. Such a pretty little painting - thanks for the chance to enter!
    Peggy @ The Painted Pear

  11. He is a jolly looking fellow,I'd love to win him.
    I love the necklace you won it's so pretty. I've won a few things of late too;. I must have a give away one day to pay back the pleasure blogging gives me.

  12. Great giveaway. It will be a wonderful addition to someone's Christmas decorating.

  13. Hi Cindy, so glad you found The Artist's Play room, we're very glad to have you join the fray. Sorry the sunset challenge is closed already, if you want to add it to the Christmas one I know we'd all love to see it.

    Your snowman looks so festive and you are a luck magnet to have won two things!!

    Strangely, your email that I replied to with the comment you sent didn't work, I got my email to you back, if you can email me with your correct email address I can add it to my computer so I can respond when you comment.

    Look forward to hearing from you!

  14. Congrats on your many wins! Your snowman painting is adorable! I like the little cardinal on his hat.

  15. Oh, such a CUTE painting! I am decorating my kitchen/dining room as a winter wonderland...this would be so perfect! Thank you for the chance to win and I really enjoy your blog!

  16. Such a sweet painting! Congrats on all your lovely wins!

  17. Yepee! Great giveaway Cindy ;o) This painting has to be mine, you know why? Because I haven't won any of your giveaways yet, and also because I see a crow in it ;o) LOL! Congrats on the other wins!! Great items lucky girl ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  18. awesome giveaway. You are a really talented painter. Hope to get it.

  19. Great winter painting. I am tossing my hat in the drawing, we don't get snow here by the Bay so I need something snowy to look at.


  20. Very cute painting, Cindy. Congratulations on winning the drawings! Have a nice weekend!

  21. HPS. . .and I would love to win your darling painting!!!


  22. No means am I as lucky as you. You really received some very nice gifts. I would dearly love having this little snowman. I love all art work no matter the size. I joined all your other friends as a follower.

  23. This is in fact a lovely idea to make the cute snowman available as a giveaway. Looking at this picture and the colors and the snowman's friendly smile makes me feel happy.

  24. Hi Cindy..that tea cup is just precious and so is the painted snowman!
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Pink Saturday too.
    xo Tami

  25. you have had a lucky week, winner! :-)

    i love your snowman... the little bunny and the bird on the hat are wonderful touches!

  26. Oh, what a beautiful giveaway. Already a follower.

  27. Cindy, your snowman painting is delightful. I'd be thrilled to have this little piece of art should I be the lucky one.
    I'm your newest follower. Happy to find you! ~ Sarah

  28. Thank you for your visit! I am your newest follower. What a generous giveaway. I would love to win it!

  29. Hi Cindy, what a great giveaway. I'm already a follower and would love to win your darling snowman.

  30. Please enter me in your fun Christmas giveaway. I am new to your web page , found you through TableScapes. I collect snowmen. I liked you on facebook. I would enjoy having the picture to put on my formal lv. wall. thank you

  31. Congratulations on your wins, Cindy! What great prizes! We'd love to win that wonderful, whimsical painting of yours. :)

  32. It's lovely! But don't put us on the list; we live too far away.

  33. I love your paintings too.
    The one I have is ready to be put out with my Christmas decorations next week.


I appreciate your feedback and read each and every comment. Thanks so much for visiting!