Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving...and the Winner Is!

Hello everyone,
I've chosen the winner of my snowman painting the old-fashioned, random way - by writing everyone's name who entered on a piece of paper and drawing one out of a bowl. The winner is...drum roll please...

LV of "Thoughts From Meme's Corner!"
Congratulations, LV! Thanks to all who entered and for the sweet and kind comments about my painting...and thanks to those newbies who signed up to follow my blog. I really do appreciate it and hope you'll enjoy your visits here.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my American followers. I'm spending the holiday with one of my nieces's and her family (at her home) this year and I'm really looking forward to it.  I sometimes hear people say "life isn't a Norman Rockwell painting," and of course, that's true. Life can be very difficult sometimes. I don't think anyone would argue with that. But, I believe when Thanksgiving rolls around, it's the ideals of family, faith, community and love...sharing a meal and the simple things of life that Mr. Rockwell's paintings depict that everyone holds so dear. These are the very things that keep us going during those rough times. So, enjoy these Norman Rockwell paintings, and as we count our blessings, everyone have a safe and happy weekend.
Thanksgiving, The Saturday Evening Post, 1935

Freedom From Want, 1943

Thanksgiving, Mother and Son Peeling Potatoes, 1945
 Until next time,


  1. Thanks ever so much. This is the best thing I have had happen in a long time. What a thrill to win this lovely piece of art. I sent you an email, and it looked like it went through If not let me know, and I will try again. A wonderful win for this senior.

  2. Congrats to LV- yay!

    Such a nifty painting, and a very lucky lady to win it!

    Cin- have a great Thanksgiving, my friend. Big hugs.

  3. Congratulations to LV!
    I love the Norman Rockwell paintings; I'm going to go and read up some more about these.
    Have a very Happy Thanksgiving, Cindy xo.

  4. Norman Rockwell paintings are the best! As I was typing my post this morning you came across my mind and I wanted to be sure to stop over and say Happy Thanksgiving to you and the fur babies!!!

  5. I didn't win??? Well, ok, next time ;o) LOL! Congrats to LV ;o) I hope you are having a great Thanksgiving ;o) As long as you are with people you love, that's a blessing and a Norman Rockwell painting to me ;o) Hugs ;o)

  6. Yay for LV! Happy Thanksgiving, Cindy. :)

  7. Congrats to LV, and I like the paintings. They are classics.

  8. Hi Cindy,
    I like the Norman Rockwell paintings.
    Congrats to LV on her lovely win.
    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and please give your babies a hug and pat from me...
    Have a good day
    Barb from Australia

  9. congrats to the lucky winner and love those posters... they are stunning aren't they... thanks for sharing them and hosting such a generous give away...xx

  10. Concats to LV. We're not much for turkey but we love chicken! And cranberry sauce. And stuffing!
    Happy Belated Thanksgiving.


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