Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Snowmen Paintings

Hello everyone,
I have two new snowmen paintings to share with you that I just listed in my Etsy shop today. They're both miniature paintings that measure approximately 4 1/2 inches by 5 1/2 inches. I painted them on "recycled" wood plaques from the thrift store. Both images are also available on coffee mugs, which you can purchase from my store HERE.

The first one I call "In the Meadow We Can Build a Snowman." It's a long title for a painting, I know, but that's what this trio of caroling snowmen is singing!

...and this one is titled "A Jolly, Happy Soul."
I'll be listing several new paintings and items in my Etsy shop in the next two weeks (the link is on my sidebar.) I really can hardly believe it's time to start thinking about snow and Christmas, but our trees are almost all bare and the color is gone. I usually don't think of decorating for the holidays until after Thanksgiving, but I must admit, I'm looking forward to the lights and pretty decorations to brighten up the grey days.
Speaking of brightening up my days...look who I found admiring himself in the mirror this morning!

He does this most mornings and it just cracks me up! I think it's his morning ritual - to admire his handsomeness in the mirror before he starts his day!
I hope you're having a good week so far...
Until next time,
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  1. Those paintings are BEAUTIFUL!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee them!!!!!

  2. Oh Cindy, what beautiful paintings! So cute! You are so talented!

  3. Cindy,

    Your paintings are AWESOME and so cherrfulm whimsical and adorable.

    Kitty vanity is just something one must live with, eh?

    Stop in for tea at the nest/blog when you get the chance.

  4. Your paintings are really cute, Cindy! That's really funny about Buster admiring himself. He sounds like a real character. I hope you are having a good week! :)

  5. Hi Cindy! Sorry I haven't been by lately, I've missed you and Buster!!

    What a cute photo, he is adorable!

    Love your new paintings, I have such a weakness for snowmen.

    Happy November!


  6. You snowmen are so cute! I like their hats and scarves.
    Buster is a handsome kitty, it's no wonder he admires himself every morning.

  7. Such cute paintings, Cindy! Your Buster is very handsome and I understand completely why he admires himself in the mirror. Have a lovely day.


  8. Your little snowman paintings are very sweet, I can relate to your cat stories they do talk and get upset with us sometimes when we don't act the way they think we should mine do, Kidney has been upset with the beer fairy for a couple of days now and all we can work out is we had had a visitor for a couple of days and he has been siting in her spot at night.

  9. Hey Cindy! Sorry I am late coming around to your blog! The internet was up and down for the past two days, so I am playing catch up! I love the two new paintings! Great that they are painted on recycled wood plaques!!! Big Hugs and I hope everything is well ;o)

  10. Lovely paintings, they look so jolly, I can almost hear them singing!
    I think Buster knows just how handsome he is, but it doesn't hurt to check every now and again!

  11. Winter is coming!

    So happy to have Seasonal Sundays up and running again - and to have you be a part of it!

    - The Tablescaper

  12. Love those paintings, Cindy! And we love that Buster, too. Can't say we blame him one bit for looking at his handsome self. :)

  13. Cindy of Ohio, love your little snowmen singing along. The cat Buster admiring himself in the mirror is just priceless!

  14. I love snowmen, your paintings are awesome!

  15. Snowmen sounds sooooo cold! We love Buster's pic so much we're featuring him (and you) on our Facebook page at on Friday. Meow from Au, Target and Guido.


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