Thursday, November 29, 2012


Hello everyone,
Today I'm sharing an oil painting I did several years ago called "Daydreamer." This is not a self-portrait, but I DO enjoy daydreaming. I always have since I was a young girl. I can sit for hours looking out the window at the sky, clouds, trees and birds

This image is available on mugs and note cards in my Zazzle store, and today only,  all mugs are 40 percent off! Everything else on is 15 percent off. My recent snowmen paintings are also available on mugs, as are several of my other paintings.
It's bright and sunny...but chilly, here in northwest Ohio. I've put out a few Christmas decorations, but am not "fully" in the holiday mood yet. How are your decorations and plans coming along? Or, do you wait until later in the month to decorate? For me, I don't do as much as I used to, but usually get more in the mood the closer it gets. For now, it's time to get back to work...although I'd rather just sit and look out the window and daydream. :)
Until next time,
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  1. Loving your beautiful painting Cindy, it has such a terrific atmosphere about it. Hugs Annette x

  2. Just looking at the painting make me start daydreaming. It does have a very calm feel to it.

  3. I love to look out the window too! Lovely thoughtful image.

  4. She does look like she is lost in a daydream, not a bad way to pass the time.

  5. I'm a daydreamer, too. I think we all have a little bit of that girl in us. But that's what stirs the creative spirit. She's a beauty!

  6. Beautiful painting!! And we have been decorated since week before Thanksgiving! lol!

  7. I love to daydream too Cindy! It's funny, because I was actually thinking about this the other day, of how much I do daydream and then you write about this, spooky! LOL! Mom has got the house decorated ;o) We don't decorate as much as we use to before, either. (Just to let you know, I am having a giveaway. Knowing you, you will win again! LOL!)Hugs ;o)

  8. Hi Cindy,
    Your painting is beautiful. I think everyone daydreams at times, I know I do.
    We are halfway with our decorations..will finish this weekend.
    Have a good day
    Barb from Australia

  9. It is still hot and dry in Texas. You are so talented. I have several nice oil paintings and water color. The artist that did them has now passed away and they have taken on a different meaning. Nothing wrong with dreaming even in the day.

  10. What a beautiful painting, Cindy! You are so talented!

    We are all decorated for Christmas here. Sammy and Moosey are happy about that, because they LOVE sleeping under the tree. :)

  11. The painting is lovely, Cindy. I haven't done any decorating yet, but I don't usually do it for a while. We don't have a lot of room for decorations. I hope you have a nice weekend!

  12. Beautiful! I'm a daydreamer too, love to just sit and get lost in thought.

  13. Lovely painting, sweet concept! Happy PPF!

  14. This is beautiful. I love the softness of the colors.

    <3 Melissa

  15. I love how that soft violet of the hat is just barely there in the sky!

    Happy PPF! (late ;)

  16. A nice calm and serene portrait. I love it.


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