Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cats on Tuesday ~ Buster Lost & Found!

Hello friends,
Rudy here. Our Mom has been so bad lately - she not let us post for our special day, Cats on Tuesday, for long time. I had to get real bossy with her to get on computer because I has to tell you what Buster did!  When warm weather is outside, Buster go outside every day for little while and sit on swing on patio, or sometimes he sit on old chair in garage.

See...this is Buster on swing.

Well, one day Mom let Buster out and when she went to get him...she couldn't find him! She waited and waited and waited. No Buster. At first she not worried, because sometimes we go in field in back of house to look for juicy little mousies. But, many hours pass and still Buster not come home. Mom start to remember one other time when Buster got lost and was gone for whole month! She go outside and call his name, "Buster...Busssterrr!" Just like that. She call animal prison to see if anyone bring in a kitty look like Buster. They say no. Then our human Aunt come over and I hear Mom ask if she drive her over neighborhood to look for him. She say, "it's so hot outside today, I'm afraid he'll be overcome by the heat." So they leave. Pretty soon, they come back and Aunt goes home. Mom sit in chair looking all depressed like. Well, friends, you'll never guess what happened.  Lots of hours go by...and just when Mom start to go look for Buster again, he come walking up on patio!! He be gone like 11 or 12 hours!!

Mom is happy and scoop him up. Buster come inside and eat and drink water and then he go to sleep in chair. He not tell anyone where he been all day. I ask him...Mom ask him...even Sam ask him...but he not telling anyone!

Mom say he grounded now for scaring her! MOL!

That is update for now, everyone. If you like to read about kitties, be sure to visit Gattina's blog, My Cats and Funny Stories, which can be found HERE.

Until next time,



  1. Rudy, so good to hear from you! I have missed you guys on tuesday! I am glad you got bossy with mom! Buster is lucky he has such a good home! I don't know if I would be letting him outside anymore! I wonder if he has a girlfriend??? Hmmmmm....;o))

  2. Rudy, so good to hear from you! I have missed you guys on tuesday! I am glad you got bossy with mom! Buster is lucky he has such a good home! I don't know if I would be letting him outside anymore! I wonder if he has a girlfriend??? Hmmmmm....;o))

  3. Buster, yes, you would be grounded here too, no roaming!

    We're glad he's back safe and sound. :-)

  4. Buster is a wild child for sure!! Rudy, I know you would never scare your mama like that because you are such a good kitty.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  5. Awwww. Poor Buster was all knocked out from his adventure. Boys will be boys, you know, they don't like to share details like we girls do. Glad he is back home safe and sound. xo

  6. I have two cats who are permanent friends at my home and two dogs who visit from my children when they go travelling,they all talk and make up a big part of my life, love your blog.

  7. Ha! Naughty Buster! I'm glad to hear he's safe and back home again.

  8. I'm glad to hear you got Buster back safe & sound. I bet he returned all non-challantly with an attitude too! lol

  9. Great report, Rudy! We are glad to hear that Buster came home -- we can understand why your Mom was scared! We wonder where he was all that time?

  10. So happy Buster is home safe and sound!!!!

  11. Rudy, Thanks for letting us know Buster is back safe and sound.

  12. OMG ! how awful ! waiting for 12 h, happened once with Arthur who disappeared for 3 days and then showed up, not hungry not thirsty, but for 6 weeks he didn't put a paw outside, I think a kid kidnapped him and kept him in his room, until the parents discovered the "guest" that's the only explanation we found. But what terrible 3 days they were !

  13. Buster is extremely naughty for staying out all of that time!

  14. Hey Rudy!! Great to hear from you! Jynx is no longer allowed outside because we don't want anything to happen to her. I know she is upset with us for this decision, but we would be sad. Buster must have had a great adventure since he went to sleep right away. Have him and Mom made up?

  15. Buster is a real tease. Glad he's back and OK.

  16. Hi Rudy,
    Buster was probably checking out if there was another mouse hunting area for you to go to, and he didn't find one so.....he's not talking about it.
    Glad he is back safe
    Mummy can relax now
    Barb from Australia

  17. Bad Buster! Cats do enjoy giving their humans nervous breakdowns... I'm glad you aren't like that Rudy - and good to see you back :O)

  18. Cute post and I'm glad Mom can relax now! Thanks for your visit to my home in blogland and enjoy your weekend.


  19. I am so happy to know all is well and Buster is safe!

    the French Hutch

  20. great story and I am so happy it ended well. Just goes to show that cats are not domesticated. They just rent a room, well let me rephrase that.....they allow us to host them

  21. Oh, I am a cat Mommy and know just what that feels like. I'm so glad he arrived home safe and sound. My Peeka is now grounded for life!
    Thanks so much for the update Rudy.
    You're a good kitty!

  22. O my goodness, this is adorable. Rudy's expression is just demanding a big cuddle!

  23. What a scare Buster gave you all! I am glad he is home safe and sound. Such sweet photos your human took!

  24. So glad you came home, Buster. But you better be careful, or your pawrents won't let you out anymore. Your Mom is probably pricing fenced catios right now.

  25. very nice article. thank to share.. i love it.


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