Friday, June 22, 2012

Door Art ~

I have a thing for doors ~ old doors, new doors, colorful doors, ornate doors. Well, doors, windows and those old wrought iron gates and fences.  I like to imagine what or who's behind the windows and doors, but I also just appreciate the art and architectural beauty of them. In honor of Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound, here's some pink doors I found online. Do you have a colorful front door? If not, what color would you like to paint your door? Would you ever consider painting it pink?

It looks like this door has shutters? I've never seen that before!

Until next time,
All photos courtesy: Google Images


  1. What pretty pink doors you found, Cindy!

    I ADORED all the rounded top colorful doors in Ireland - all primary colors and so delightful!

    I have a black door, was white and painted it a couple years ago and SO GLAD we did- made a huge difference.

    As for ever painting THIS door pink, never - doesn't work with the house - but if I owned a quaint cottage, garden shed-turned-tea room or a tea shop I would certainly do so if it looked right!

    Nifty post.

    Have a great weekend! Going to Catawba tomorrow morning for that family reunion! Hugs!

  2. What pretty pink doors! I think I would paint my door pink. Why not? (Although my hubby might not agree with it.) Our front door is blue.

  3. My house is pink so maybe a nice bright pink door ... but I'm leaning towards green.
    Happy PS !

  4. Cindy, I love these photos! I love bright fun colors! You know, it's funny, just this past week, I was telling my mom, we should go into making pink mulch! And, I thought, wouldn't it be cool to have purple and orange too! Image how nice and bright your yard would be?? I just have to find a way to dye the mulch, that it would be friendly to nature! I want some pink mulch! LOL! Have a great weekend ;o)

  5. Happy Pink Saturday, Cindy! I love the door with the shutters! I used to have a pink door and then I painted it yellow. Sometimes I miss the pink! Happy Summer and enjoy your weekend.


  6. We painted the inside of the garage pink when I was a 10 year-old. It's STILL pink, 40 years later!

  7. Those are some great pink doors! I love doors, too, and it's always neat to see ones that are painted in bold, bright colors.

    Have a great weekend, Cindy!

  8. I adore those pink doors but suspect some people (the ones who like things like football and have deep voices) around here wouldn't like a pink door very much.

  9. What cute pink doors! If I had the right house for a pink door I'd love to have one, although hubbie won't agree! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Doors are fun! I think a shed with a pink door at the back of a garden could be really cute! I like looking at doors. Thanks for sharing!!!

  11. I have just an ordinary white kinda nice door. Nothing fancy. A color door would not look too good on my house.

  12. Pink doors...who wouldn't smile seeing those? Hope you have a fun pink saturday.

  13. I love a pretty door too! I seem to like blue and red doors the most. I am not sure why. Pink is super fun though, you have to have a mind of your own to paint your door pink! Happy PS and have a great weekend!

  14. Ohhhhhhhhh I am IN LOVE with all the pink doors!!

  15. I like the door with the shutters very much. I am now thinking a pink gate would look good at our house. I'm not so sure my husband would agree!

  16. Love, love, did I say love? these great pink doors. Happy Pink Saturday! xo

  17. I too like doors and window
    When on trips I always take picture of the I have painted a few.
    Happy Pink Saturday

  18. Absolutely gorgeous! Happy pink Saturday.

    Come and see my PINK entry, when you get a chance, thanks!

  19. Beautiful doors even they're Pink:)

    Visiting for Pink Saturday- hope you can stop by..

  20. Love the rustic pink door and the awesome metal plate and knob! I have a reddish door - more on the orange side of red. Pink would clash with the orange/rust brick in our house I'm afraid. But, one awesome pink door in a garden out back surrounded by a butterfly garden ... now that's a dream! Happy Pink Saturday! Enjoyed my visit!

  21. That second door caused an ear splitting grin. It caught my eye and I wish I could visit the place it belongs to.

  22. wow! gorgeous doors. happy belated pink saturday and have a wonderful week. xo

  23. Absolutely love these doors! They would make great paintings!

    Thanks so much for dropping by and enjoying my sunset painting!

  24. The pink door is unique. Yes, I too have a passion for door, especially old antique doors. My front door is turquoise!

  25. Seldom I see pink doors like this one. Beautifully painted and unique comparable to Pantry Doors.


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