Sunday, June 24, 2012

Anniversary Giveaway!

Hello Everyone,
Summer has arrived and June is my anniversary month - it's been one year since I started this blog! 
What a year it's been, too! A year of learning, making new friends and being inspired to try new things. I appreciate each and every one of you! So, to celebrate, and as a way to say "thank you," I'm having a giveaway!  You have 3 chances to win and my blog title gives a hint of the prizes! That's right -  you may win art, a book or a teacup!

I went to a Peace Fair in our town this weekend (I'll be posting more about that, with pics, later.) This is where the first prize comes from - this colorful, handcrafted  songbird comes from SERRV, which is a fair-trade, non-profit organization that works with low-income artisans all over the world. Their mission is to  eradicate poverty by marketing their arts, crafts and food, which helps them find solutions to their problems.

Mr. Bird comes all the way from India. He is carved from solid mango wood, covered with glitter, hand-painted, then varnished. As you can see, he's enjoying himself here in Ohio, but he would be right at home with you, too! He can be hung from a window, etc., or nestled on your desk, bookcase, or table.

I know I have a lot of followers who have beautiful flower gardens. My cousin sent me a copy of this book a few years ago and I loved it! So now I want to share it with you. "From the Ground Up" by Amy Stewart. Even if you're not a gardener, I think you'll enjoy this book.

This is from the inside jacket of the book: Amy Stewart had a simple dream: she wanted a garden. When she and her husband finished graduate school, they headed west to Santa Cruz, California. With little money in their pockets, they found a modest seaside cottage with a small backyard. "From the Ground Up" is Stewart's chronicle of the seedlings, weeds, cats and compost, worms and watering that transform a tiny plot of earth into a glorius garden.

And next, I'm giving away one of my vintage teacups! This Foley China teacup in the Glengarry Thistle pattern. 

I wrote about this cup in a previous post found HERE. It was made in England, and according to the backstamp, was manufactured sometime between 1930-1936. It's a beautiful pale blue color with pink flowers. So pretty!

So, there you have it - art, book(s), tea! To win, just become a follower of my blog (if you're not already) and leave a comment on this post to let me know which gift you'd prefer. I'll ship internationally, so all my friends can join in the fun! You have until next Sunday to enter, and I'll announce the winners next Monday, July 2nd. Good luck!

Until next time,

Linking to the following blogs:


  1. Happy 1st Blogaversary. You have done extremely well this first year. Lovely giveaway items, I am especially fond of the little bird made from mango wood. I had a parrot named Mango. xo

  2. I would love to win the bird. Even if I don't win it, I might try to buy one because it is truly gorgeous.

    Thank you for the awesome giveaway!!

  3. Congratulations on your first anniversary! All of your giveaway items are gorgeous, making it incredibly difficult to choose. I think I would choose the book though, as I always enjoy reading about, and looking at gardens.

  4. congrats on your first Anniversary, you have a beautiful blog!

    I'd love to win the book!

  5. Happy First Blogaversary! Valerie

  6. Hey Cindy ;o) Happy one year anniversary! What an amazing giveaway! Wow! I am a follower ;o) I think you know that ;o) LOL! I would be honored to win any one of your special prizes ;o) Have a great day! Hugs ;o)

  7. Happy one year anniversary!!

    Susan and Bentley

  8. Happy anniversary dear one. The give aways are charming so please enter me.

  9. Holy smokes what an awesome give-away, Cindy!'

    I am here to congratulate you on your year Bloggaversary and hope and wish you many more years - we en joy your thoughts and pics, and amazing recommendations very much!

    As for the giveaway, I have been lucky and need nothing, so count me out this time- but I am already happy for the lucky winners!

    Hugs to you!!

  10. happy blogaversary!
    Count me in for any of the lovely gifts. Thank you for the opportunity to enter. I hope you have entered my giveaway too xo P.S> I follow through gfc

  11. Happy blogversary...I love xoming over and reading your posts! How generous of you to have this giveaway...I love that bird...and the book...wonderful!

  12. Happy One Year Anniversary Cindy. You have done well this year. Great giveaways. I would love to win the book since I love to read and love flower gardens.
    Hugs, Barb

  13. Happy blogaversary!! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a note. That book sounds like a wonderful summer read!

  14. And Cindy I meant to add that with this cemetery visit I was just as intrigued with the gypsy burial as I was with all the history and beauty! There are so many untold stories...I'm still curious abou Bridget O'Hara!

  15. It is really hard to choose. All three of them are just great! I'd like the teacup because it would remind me of you, and I love blue!

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity and happy anniversary!!!!

    Wishing you more followers to come :)


  16. Congrats on the one year anniversary! All of your giveaway goodies are so wonderful and I would love to win any of the three! BUT...I'm going to do the right thing here. I have been very fortunate to have won many giveaways this year already, so please don't enter me in the drawing. I would love for someone else to have a chance.

  17. thanks for letting me know about your anniversary giveaway! June is my anniversary month as well but i am delaying my blog candy until July -- i'll let you know when its up. meanwhile, i am already your follower and would be delighted to win any of these prizes. thank you! xo

  18. How exciting!!!! Happy Blog-iversary!!!!! I would love a chance at that book!!! Thanks for the chance!!!!!

  19. Hi Cindy!

    Happy One Year Blog Anniversary! You have a very accomplished and beautful blog and I know you'll have much more to share with us in the coming years.
    Your give away gifts are all so wonderful! I am partial to pretty tea cups so I would be thrilled to win this one. I love the color and Scottish thistle design.

    I am your follower!

  20. How time flies! Congratulations! I would say you have done quite well in the first year!!! All of your items are lovely!!! Thanks for the chance and best wishes for the next year!!

  21. You have a great blog. I just became a follower. I found your blog a few days ago.
    I like all the gifts you are giving away. I like the beautiful tea cup, that is my first choice.

  22. Congratulations!! And, happy 1st Bloggy Birthday! Now how could I possible pick from such lovely lovelies... If I were to win, whatever is left would be most excellent indeed.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  23. Happy Blogoversary! All three prizes ring a bell with me. The bird from India, because my son is going to India in a few weeks. The book about a Santa Cruz garden, because I was just there this weekend. And the teacup, because I love them. I can't decide!

  24. Of course I'd choose the teacup! I am a follower already! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  25. Happy Anniversary, blogging is so much fun, I have just been doing it for three months. All your giveaways are great, the tea cup and saucer is so pretty. Thank you for sharing...

  26. Hi Cindy,
    What lovely giveaways you have.
    Happy Ist Blog-ervesary.... :)
    Looking forward to visiting in the coming year.
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  27. Congratulations on your first Blogiversary! It has been such a pleasure to share with you over these weeks and days! Lovely giveaway - so perfect! I would love to win and of course I am a happy follower - I appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  28. Happy first Blogiversary, Cindy! It has been lovely meeting you and getting to know you. And I have a lovely little rock from your home state that reminds me of you every time I look at it; thank you!
    I am a Follower and I would love to win the teacup, of course! Thank you for joining me for tea and have a delightful day.


  29. Happy anniversary--my first time to your blog, and a new follower. All the gifts are lovely--I would especially love the book were I to win!

  30. Happy Blogaversary! We love the bird. So unusual. Lovely.

  31. "Happy Anniversary to you"!!! I am your newest follower. I hope you will PEEK into My World of Blog and follow me too!
    I would LOVE to win that beautiful cup and saucer!!! It is GORGEOUS!
    Thank you and good luck to everyone!
    Big Hugs,

  32. I was browsing tablescapes on Pinterest tonight and came across something you had pinned. You know how it thing links to another and now I am a following you on Pinterest, and on your blog, which I have enjoyed reading in reverse order.
    Your giveaway items are lovely. I particularly love the teacup, but the book is intriguing too. I love gardening!
    Looking forward to reading more of your blog as time goes by.

  33. Happy Anniversary dear Cindy! Thank you for a year of fabulous posts and I look forward to the years to come. That Foley teacup is to die for...gorgeous. Congratulations my friend!


  34. Good morning,
    I just found you through Antiques and Teacups. Lovely postings. I love the hollyhocks from a past post and from June 4th, your INCREDIBLE buy of that Royal Stafford teacup. Not that it is just a great price but it is so darling. The shape is one I have never seen and precious.
    I love teacups and cannot stop looking, searching, buying and wishing for more so I would love to be entered for that please. Thank you.
    You are very generous and a very Happy Anniversary to you.
    Ruthie at :

  35. Happy Blogoversary, Cindy! We love your blog, and wish you many more years of blogging.

    We like the bird made of mango wood. :)

    Have a great day!

  36. Hi Cindy, saw you on Lady B's blog and recognize some of your followers here too! It's so cool the way blogging introduces us to such fun and interesting people! Congrats on your first anniversary...looks like you work hard at blogging.
    Love you give a ways.
    Linda Lou

  37. Cindy,
    Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Thanks for your comment the other day. Best wishes,

  38. ooh I love that teacup with the thistles,especially as my hubby is Scottish, but then as you know I have so many teacups. I know nothing like this one though. Lovely giveaways and thank you for visiting and for your nice comments about my teacup collection. xxoo

  39. Congratulations on your anniversary! I collect teacups and that would be a beautiful addition to my collection. Thank you!!

  40. Your teacups are georgous, and I love the door art in the post below. THank you for visiting.

  41. Happy anniversary, Cindy! What wonderful gifts you are giving away. Its hard to choose between the book and teacup, but I'm a tea girl so the teacup wins for me. I've never seen one like it before. Love the shape and colors! Have a great weekend.

  42. Happy Blogging Anniversary!! I can't believe I've been at it for four years! It's certainly a life changer!

    I am not picky....any of your sweet prizes would be wonderful! I am a crafter, so the bird would certainly by loved here. I love to read, so that book would be at home in my house AND I like there you go...any one would be fine!

    Have a great Pink Saturday and a safe and happy 4th!


  43. I would love to win your teacup!! I'm mad about tea cups and love your blog!

  44. Happy 1st blog anniversary!!! And love everything in the post--and the book looks so good!!!

  45. Congratulations Cindy! It's been awhile since I've visited! The tea cup and saucer are very pretty!


I appreciate your feedback and read each and every comment. Thanks so much for visiting!