Monday, June 18, 2012

Author Lisa Unger

New York Times Bestselling Author Lisa Unger
Photo by Jeff Unger

Do you enjoy reading "can't put this book down," thrilling, suspense novels? Then I have the author for you! Lisa Unger has become one of my all-time favorite writers. Her characters are complex, yet believable...people you find yourself thinking about long after you've finished the book. I first discovered Lisa's books several years ago when I read her earlier books, "Beautiful Lies" and its' sequel, "Sliver of Truth" (which are also very good, by the way.) Then, although I've always been an avid reader and profound book lover, I found myself going through a reading "dry spell" due to work, blogging, and other things that occupied my mind. I just didn't seem to have the time to read as much as I used to. But, a few weeks ago I got in the mood once again to escape into a good book, so I picked up "Fragile," (which had been on my bookshelf for quite a while.) I literally had a hard time putting it down, and in fact, stayed up until 5:00am to finish it! I hadn't done that in years!

Synopsis for Fragile:
Everybody knows everybody in The Hollows, a quaint, charming town outside of New York City. It’s a place where neighbors keep an eye on each other’s kids, where people say hello in the grocery store, and where high school cliques and antics are never quite forgotten. As a kid, Maggie found the microscope of small town life stifling. But as a wife and mother, she’s happily returned to The Hollows’ insular embrace. As a psychologist, her knowledge of family histories provides powerful insights into her patients’ lives. So when the girlfriend of her teenage son Rick disappears, Maggie’s intuitive gift proves useful to the case – and also dangerous.
Eerie parallels soon emerge between Charlene’s disappearance and the abduction of another local girl that shook the community when Maggie was a teenager. The investigation has her husband, Jones, the lead detective on the case, acting strangely. Rick, already a brooding teenager, becomes even more withdrawn. In a town where the past is always present, nobody is above suspicion, not even a son in the eyes of his father.

As soon as I finished reading "Fragile," I started on its' sequel, "Darkness My Old Friend." I just finished it yesterday. I get so excited when I discover a good book, and want to share it with my friends! So, if you enjoy fiction, and you're looking for a book to take on vacation, to the beach, or to read while you relax in the hammock or on the deck...I highly recommend either of these (although, I'd suggest reading Fragile first, since many of the same characters are also in Darkness My Old Friend.)

Synopsis for Darkness, My Old Friend:
After giving up his post at The Hollows Police Department, Jones Cooper is at loose ends. He is having trouble facing a horrible event from the past, and finding a second act. He’s in therapy. Then, on a brisk October morning, he has a visitor. Eloise Montgomery, the psychic who plays a key role in FRAGILE, comes to him with predictions about his future, some of them dire.
Michael Holt, a young man who grew up in The Hollows, has returned looking for answers about his mother who went missing many years earlier. He has hired local PI Ray Muldune and psychic Eloise Montgomery to help him solve the mystery that has haunted him. What he finds might be his undoing.
Fifteen year old Willow Graves is exiled to The Hollows from Manhattan when six months earlier she moved to the quiet town with her novelist mother after a bitter divorce. Willow is acting out, spending time with kids that bring out the worst in her. And when things get hard, she has a tendency to run away – a predilection that might lead her to dark places.
Set in The Hollows, the backdrop for Fragile, this is the riveting story of lives set on a collision course with devastating consequences.

To order either of these books, just click on the links below. They're also available in ebook format. To visit Lisa Unger's website, click HERE. I'd love to hear what you think of these books, or if you're already a fan of Unger's, please let me know!

Happy Reading!


  1. These books sound like great summer reads!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  2. I haven't heard of these, but they sound good. Thanks for the tip. I'll have to watch for them. :)

  3. Both sound riveting...I'll have to read. Thanks for the tip.

    Love your new FB header/photo!

  4. Wow!! These both sound good!! Will have to check her out!!

  5. Just when my reading list was getting to be too long....I read another great book review! Oh well, I'll get to it, eventually.

  6. OOOOhhhhhhh sounds awesome! May I borrow yours? (JK)

    TYSM for the recommendations!

  7. Another one to add to my reading list. I always enjoy the books you recommend, so I know I will love this.

  8. Lisa Unger is a great author! I've read a couple of her books, and have enjoyed them very much. :)

  9. These sound fantastic! Thanks Cindy ;o) Hugs ;o)

  10. Love to read and have a stack about 1foot high right now:) I've added the titles to my wish list.


  11. Glad you stopped over to Quirky Vistas to check out my map project and my room redo and to leave me such kind words of encouragement. Woohoo! So sweet! Thanks for following. I'm following you too!

  12. These sound like good reads. Thanks for sharing. Thanks so much for visiting me and thanks for the sweet comment.

  13. I love a good book review just about as much as a good book. Now if we could just figure out a way to add another 10 hours to every day. Thanks for sharing, they both sound wonderful.


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