Friday, May 4, 2012

Cats in Windows

My blogging friend, Myric, of Petites Passions, is launching her new link party "Passion Parade Friday Link Soiree."  The idea is to post about something you're passionate about and link it to her blog. As most of my followers know, I'm passionate about several things; art, books, tea, nature, travel...and cats! So, this Friday, I'm sharing photos of my cats (those furry critters just can't get enough of seeing themselves online!) I invite everyone to visit Myric's blog, if you aren't already a follower of hers, and join in the fun. She's also hosting a giveaway!

Rudy and Sam watching the rain, day before yesterday

Rainy day musings...

In the meantime, Sam retreated for a snooze. A nice day for a nap...but then, everyday is a good day to nap for a cat!

And here is our English kitty friend, Dolly. I introduced Dolly to you in an earlier post, which can be found HERE. 

Here are a few more photos of cats in windows that I found on Google Images from a website called

                                                     Photo by Raindog

                                               Photo by Mr. Beck

                                           Photo by Photo Knight

I think every window should have a cat!
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Until next time,


  1. Great photos, I very much miss cats and dogs living with me the past couple of years! Valerie

  2. Romeo sez he wants you to visit and that you take great pictures of wonderful cats.

    He sez you stalk cats but they like that so it is ok by him.

    He sez we need to go to that site now, meow, thank you.

  3. Your beautiful cats are experienced widow sitters and watchers... So cute.
    There is a big white cat that magestically sits in the upstairs window of the house across the street... sooo pretty.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Always, Queenie

  4. What a cute post Cindy! I agree, every window should have a cat ;o) Hugs ;o)

  5. What a great post, Cindy! I love seeing cats in windows. I often see a cat in the window of a house down the street; now I look every time I pass by to see if it's there. :)

    And I LOVE when we come home, and Moosey is waiting in the big picture window.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Hi! Visiting from Myric's linky party. I love kitties in the window too! I love when I pull in the driveway and see one of my furry felines in the window waiting for me. I agree with you. Every window looks better with a kitty in it!

  7. My grandma used to say a house looks more homey with a cat in the window. :D I love the stained glass cat picture you have hanging in the window too.

  8. your cats are sweeties Cindy! i'll swing by Myric soon. xo

  9. I am now following Myric -- I found her through your blog. Thanks! If I can ever figure out the whole link party thing, I'll try it one day, too. :)

    And, I have to say that I totally agree with you: every window needs a cat! :D

  10. Lovely pics. I'm inspired to start collecting cats on walls. Soon!

  11. Hi Cindy,
    LOVE cats and I get a real thrill of happiness when I see cats looking out of windows watching the world go by. Cats always seem to know secrets.
    Beautiful pictures.
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  12. Lovely cats in the windows... and a very cute tabby tummy shot!

  13. Lovely cats in the windows... and a very cute tabby tummy shot!

  14. I agree! My kitty has a window seat upstairs and down. I love to see her lying there.
    Have a great weekend!

  15. Hi Cindy Sweetie...
    Oh how I love seeing all the little kitty cat faces. They are absolutely priceless. I have always wondered what they are thinking as they peer out the window panes.

    Love your fur babies.

    If you get a chance, pop by my blog, and see what I created for Mother's Day for my Momma, and I also shared a few other items. You might even see something lavendar in color, that is coming your way next week. I have one more little surprise to complete. I wanted to send a little box of treasures for you. I hope you like the lavendar.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  16. Love your cats! I have 4. :)
    Thank you for joining my giveaway! Good Luck!

  17. Don't they just melt your heart? I wish I could keep cats in our place but hubs is allergic to them :( So I got something fluffy like a poodle!


  18. Wonderful pictures of beautiful cats!

  19. I grew up having kitties, and I love your photos!
    They are just so sweet...and there is something so cozy and romantic about a cat in the window :)...
    - Irina


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