Thursday, March 8, 2012

Weather Ups and Downs

Yesterday was 69 degrees and sunny (although very windy) and tomorrow is suppose to be 35! Yikes!! Well, I can't complain too much because it's been such a mild winter overall. I'm within an easy walk of the St. Frances Spirituality Center, where I took these photos yesterday. It's so beautiful and peaceful there - and this is only a tiny sample of the grounds. I go there often to walk, so I'm sure I'll be sharing more photos with you later.

Snowdrops! A sure sign of Spring!

Love this little angel sitting on a bench!

I think these flowers are crocus, although I've never seen them so open like this before.

The nuns still use this old truck to ride around the campus. There are 400 acres in all, with a farm, walking paths, a gazebo, a grotto, a pond and a wetlands area.

The weekend is almost here. Have a great one, everyone, and for my American followers, don't forget to change your clocks this weekend!
Until next time,


  1. What an awesome truck!

    There's a cold chill wind here in Tucson AZ too. It was 35 today! Better take advantage of it before summer heat comes.



  2. We seem to be experiencing similar weather. Crazy!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. What a beautiful place. Spring is definitely in the air. Thanks for sharing your day:-)

  4. It is cold here the low 30's..but supposed to warm up tomorrow. LOVE that old truck! xo Diana

  5. I love the spring flowers. Very pretty! Looks like a lovely place to walk.

  6. What a wonderfully special place to walk!

  7. I can only imagine how beautiful the Spirituality Center is in the summer. Our weather is up and down too, but no flowers showing up yet.
    Stop by my post of March 6th as I have something for you.
    Have a good weekend.
    Hugs, Barb

  8. I think Bella Swan would totally approve of that truck, dont' you Cindy?

    Beautiful pics, thank you.

  9. If I had a place like that to walk I would be there every day. It seems weather around the world is a bit crazy. We are warm or cold, muggy or windy, hazy or clear, dusty or dreary. It changes from one day to the next. Our weekend has begun and that's always a good thing. Enjoy yours! Tammy

  10. I have the same weather here, I nearly got blown over a couple of days ago the wind was fierce. This place looks very relaxing, the spring flowers are a treat to see.

  11. It's always wonderful when the ground starts spilling forth the beautiful colorful flowers of early spring. What a lovely treat...and a great reminder that we've made it through another long winter.

    Have a wonderful day.


  12. The Nuns definitely have a sweet ride. Thanks for following!

  13. Cindy, beautiful post! 400 acres, wow! How precious! And, I love the truck ;o) Have a great weekend ;o) We turn our clocks ahead too ;o)

  14. Lovely angels They are my favorites!


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