Monday, March 5, 2012

Cats on Tuesday ~ Rudy Interviews Sam

Hello friends,
Rudy here. Time for our special blogging day, Cats on Tuesday! Now, some of you who read our blog might be thinking - we hear from Buster and we hear from Rudy...but why we never hear from Sam? Why Sam not ever blog? Well, Sam is shy - so this week I am going to interview him for you!

Here I am getting ready to blog.

This is Sam...also known as Sammy.

Rudy: "Sam, why you so shy?"
Sam: "I am not shy...I am strong, silent type. No reason to speak if nothing impawtant to say"

Rudy: "What is your favorite thing to do?"
Sam: "I like to sleep, take cat naps, eat, watch birdies out window...then sleep more."

Rudy: "Sam, you have anything else to say to blogging friends?"
Sam: "No. Time for my nap."

Okay, friends, that is my interview with Sam! He is man-cat of few words. MOL! Hope you enjoy knowing him better. For more funny cat stories, visit Gattina's blog My Cat and Funny Stories!

Until next time,


  1. That's just so cute I can hardly stand it.

    So so CUTE!

  2. Rudy, you did a good job of interviewing Sam, man-cat of few words. :0)

  3. With a face like his and charming green eyes, he doesn't need many words! CUTE!

  4. Hi Rudy,
    How nice of you to interview Sam.
    Sam is definitely a guy of few words. Napping is very important you know. Gabby and Gizzy send kisses.


  5. Hi Cindy,
    Thank you for letting Rudy blog today.
    Hello Rudy,
    I think you did a wonderful interview with Sam. It was nice to get to know him a little better. Thank You.
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  6. Oh, I'm way hooked on Cat Tuesday! Sending regards from The Marmelade Gypsy!

  7. amo seus gatos
    são lindos..fofos!
    minha gata preta também fica assim comigo ao lado do computador!

  8. Dog gone it. My cats like to do the same thing. who knew!

  9. Sam you are one handsome cat! As far as not having much to say, I understand. You are just like my husband of almost 55 years1 :o)

  10. Sammy is a sexy boy!!! Cindy, you always make my week, when I read these posts ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  11. Sam is probably coming from the mountains and only meows important things ! He is not a chatterbox ! Only females are, he probably thinks before falling asleep again !

  12. Great job, Sam! Short, sweet, and to the point. :)

  13. Oh Sammy dear, mind if we take one of those naps you so love with you someday?

    Miss Cindy we give you pawhugs. We feel in our catbones that you are a sweet hooman.

    Emma and Buster

  14. Sam has a busy schedule! And a very sweet face. :-)

  15. Hi, I'm starting a new blog party for Mondays ... to help us start the week with merriment. Check it out and help me spread the word! Thanks.

  16. Great interview with Sam !
    Not everybody can be a cat with many words

  17. Oh Cindy Sweetie...
    This was a priceless interview. Loved hearing from Sam. He is my type of cat. A strong silent one, and one that loves to curl and nap. Rudy is just pretty darn cute himself. And of course, got to love Buster. You have a purrrrfect
    family dear one.

    Thank you for sharing. I tried to pick up your email but for some reason it won't connect for me. Something to do with my default settings, so I am unable to email you my address. Can you email me?

    Many thanks sweet friend. Have a glorious day. Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  18. TOO CUTE!!!! I opened the window this morning and Jynx was in it within 5 minutes. Does Mom open windows for you when the weather gets warm?
    Thanks for the interview!

  19. Sam has lovely green eyes. And he's furry handsome too! Lovely pics.

  20. Hi Sam & Rudy! We enjoyed your interview. Thanks for visiting us and enjoying our video.
    ; ) Katie & Glogirly


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