Saturday, March 10, 2012

Awards and Hugs

Hello Everyone,
My friend, Barb, of Grandma Barb's This and That surprised me with 3 awards last week! Barb posts lovely photos of old barns and lighthouses and other interesting places she visits. Her other interests include gardening, decorating, visiting thrift stores and art. To visit Barb's blog, click HERE. The first award is called the Sunshine Award. In order to accept it, I must answer a few questions about myself. So here goes!

Favorite color: Green
Favorite animal:  Cats

Favorite number: 7
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Tea (of course!)
Prefer Facebook or Twitter?  Facebook. I have a Twitter account, but don't tweet much.
My passion:  Nature
Prefer getting or giving presents: I must be honest and say - both!
Favorite pattern: Polka dots...I love round shapes.
Favorite day of the week:  Sunday
Favorite flower:  Tulips (very hard to choose, though - I love all flowers!)

The second award from Barb is the Genuine Blogger Award. There are no stipulations attached to this award and I am proud to accept it.

The third award is this HUG AWARD, which you can read about HERE.  Who doesn't love hugs? We never know what a person might be going through...and hugs (like smiles) have the power to change lives. So...I dedicate and pass along this virtual HUG to all who read this post!!

I'm passing all 3 of these awards along to my lovely friend, Myric of Petites Passions. Myric posts recipes, her beautiful arts and crafts and repurposed items. She just recently refinished her dining room table and chairs. Take a look HERE!

Until next time,


  1. Congrats!

    You deserve those awards and more, Cindy!

    And how sweet you continued to show the love and passed it on....

    Going now to visit those blogs, thank you for the heads up!

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. How fun learning those things about you. I am a "green" freak as well. It is just a smidge behind pink as my favorite color. Put pink and green together and I'm in love!!

    I also love or a teacup or a glass. I just love tea.

    Well, your favorite day of the week will soon be here. Enjoy!!


  3. Concats to You, Cindy !!!
    and how lucky of your friend ! 3 awards in one hit !
    She must be thrilled !
    Have a wonderful day Cindy

  4. Congrats on the awards and loved reading more about you!!

  5. Congratulations on all three of your well deserved awards!!

  6. And congratulations to you for winning the award as well. IT was fun reading those facts about you. I have to say, I like giving and receiving too!
    Wow! Who wouldn't want hugs and awards from you!? I am so touched Cindy. Thank you very much!
    We went to a book fair today. Wish you were there :D You would love it!


  7. Congrats on receiving those awards. That is so sweet to pass them on! Green is one of my favorite colors too and one of my favorite flowers of spring are tulips.

    I'll go check out the blogs you mentioned. Hugs are always appreciated.

    Hugs to you,


  8. Congrats on receiving those awards. That is so sweet to pass them on! Green is one of my favorite colors too and one of my favorite flowers of spring are tulips.

    I'll go check out the blogs you mentioned. Hugs are always appreciated.

    Hugs to you,


  9. These are always fun to read, especially when discovering a new blogger! We share much in common!

    Enjoy your fabulous Sunday -- I suspect in Ohio you are having the same sunny and predicted-60 weather we are up here in Lansing!

  10. Congrats Cindy!! You deserve all the awards ;o) Have a great day my friend ;o)


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